Serving time for an illegal protest is probably a sacrifice they are willing to take and that’s another sign or evidence that this cause is not selfish but selfless.They should ALL serve time for violating the law. At least 30 days. What if you thought they were going to pull you out of your car and beat you? Would you stop. If I was Jewish, I would not.
As for running over protestors, out of fear and self defense, that is a valid argument Rusty, but probably an over reaction. The protesters feel compelled to do something to bring awareness around an injustice and they understand the risks, again, a Selfless Action !
Philosophically / constitutionally speaking, we have peaceful protesters and responsible gun owners and we also have violent protesters and irresponsible gun owners. How about we improve upon both, by certifying both. Police randomly stop one from each group and check their validated certificates. This could minimize and mitigate against potential individuals who fail to meet certification requirements to be a protestor or gun owner. The NRA could be the certifier for guns and The MLK association for peaceful protesters