Thanks for being brave enough to share it that way Randy because if us American humans are going to learn anything from these protests, we must choose the proper or close to proper interpretation and that takes back and forth debate to find it. So here we go, or is that hear
The chant is a battle cry for the Palestinian people who both live in Israel, West Bank , and Gaza Strip to live in Peace, not to eliminate all the Jews. That endeavor was already tried and failed big time. They have No delusions of grandeur, but what they do have is a misunderstanding about some of their listeners and some of their listeners have a misunderstanding about them……. The middle ground can only be found if we choose to Stop, Look, and Listen for it.
These students are all jacked up on Peaceful Mountain Dew And what is the go to Mantra of most humans for peace ? Peace through Power and Strength, so they chant the best strength song in their repertoire, and it is up to US to see through the sometimes negative message, and to interpret and understand their true Intentions as close to proper as possible….. When it feels like there is no middle ground, that’s the time to question the interpretation for accuracy.