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I'm offended that it was melted down.
Ok ! Let’s try this to possibly break through the brain barrier of offensiveness
…..We all have them, ( barriers) these make or break moments, causing us to dig our heals in.


Remember but don’t constantly remind me ! 👍 …..Picture this silly scenario, your wife constantly nags you the night before trash day and she’s been doing this for years 😡 even though you have the situation under control. Now in this scenario let’s trade the nagging wife into the Robert E Lee Statue, in the center of town. Ever time you drive by or walk through the square, white, or black and say good morning or good evening to your neighbors, you feel this heavy nagging from the past. You really do have your life under control, and you could continue to do so, but it would really be nice to stop the unnecessary weight of nagging…… We may miss trash day a few times each year because of it, but for the most part, we really do have this issue managed and under control by now…..AND if we need extra reminders, we can always go to the Civil War Museums to get it….. I just don’t see this as a dig your heals in moment, maybe save that for something else. Or compromise by removing the one at the square and keeping the one at the Moose or SOTC Lodge at the end of town.


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I guess they do that in middle Eastern countries. Hundreds of years old shrines and temple are meaningless...... Destroying them is ok, because we know they once existed.
When Google and the media stop talking about our history, it won't be remembered by anyone.
I understand people who don't like some of our founders or notable people in our history. Some owned slaves. Ok, not a good trait, but without those people creating our country, what would we look like today?
Some view what was acceptable back then through wat is acceptable today. We have to view history as it was. We learned, we changed and for the better. I'm trying to understand why some people, some groups, feel such intensity to destroy these statues. They have the option to not go view them. They don't want me to view them. I draw the line there.
Imagine the time it took the artist to carve the statue, the cost and time it took to cast, finish, transport make a location site and install it.
............a hundred or more years later, some group gets their panties in a wad and now it's gone.
Why can't they simply not go and see it. Those groups have agendas. They want their vision of reality pushed on everyone. That's just wrong.
If you don't like brussel sprouts, don't eat them.
..... don't form groups that set out to remove them from the face of the earth.
When the Talban would take over a country, first thing they did was destroy religious artifacts.
When the Talban would take over a country, first thing they did was destroy religious artifacts.
associating the Taliban with the Radical Liberal left is IMHO not warranted or necessary. Imho it’s an exaggeration that if we choose to constantly feed and swallow, could cause a segment of the population to become violently sick 🤢

I understand the concern, I’m concerned, but let’s bring it down to its proper perspective.
Rusty is still correct. In out country, people have the right to be wrong.
It's no different than a person clocked at 105 telling the cop that he's a good driver at those speeds because he races every weekend.
Ok, in his own mind, his own reality he's a fantastic driver.
He is probably correct and he actually is a good driver at those speeds.
Ok, if that's true, he's still wrong because other drivers aren't aware, expect, or look out for people driving 105 mph on a curvy highway.
One mans "never" in my scenario says he man is 100% wrong. His reality is wrong.
This guy has his own version of reality and safety.
He's going to jail and his car is getting impounded.
Society is made up of rules.
There is right and wrong.
Destroying statues that have stood for a centuries is wrong. I give zero leeway and never will. Statues tell us where we came from. We need to be reminded of that.
Very interesting 🧐 and I’m Serious.
Society needs rules and regulations for function 👍 Absolutely True ! But when it comes to personal private expression, the Absolutes ! IMHO could be chosen to be looked upon as Limitation, rather than Rules or Right and Wrong.

In your scenario, if I’m remembering correctly. The guy was driving 105 mph
through town and he needs to be locked up 👍 Absolutely True ! ….. However, if he goes to the local speedway, then he’s meeting the Societal limitations and going 105 mph is no longer wrong, but actually right…….. This is why I keep saying there are no rights and wrongs . I’m talking about how freedom of expression, with all the necessary and appropriate limitations, all be it sometimes disturbing, is actually mandated by the founding fathers and cannot be ruled as wrong…… Taking away the cross dressing, means taking away the guns, plain and simple….. How about we Limit the guns appropriately and then we could probably limit the cross dressing appropriately too…… If we are not in constant respectful negotiations with the opposition all the time, then what is the alternative ? Don’t you think Lee and Grant would have wanted that instead ?
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associating the Taliban with the Radical Liberal left is IMHO not warranted or necessary. Imho it’s an exaggeration that if we choose to constantly feed and swallow, could cause a segment of the population to become violently sick 🤢

I understand the concern, I’m concerned, but let’s bring it down to its proper perspective.
Both are trying to alter history to suit themselves. Not much difference.
If someone who was important to me is not important to you, does that give you the right to destroy their history? That is fascism. What if someone does not like Washington, I mean he had slaves, do you destroy all record of him? What gives you that right? I did not like Obama, I want him removed from history books. Where is the difference?
Both are trying to alter history to suit themselves. Not much difference.
If someone who was important to me is not important to you, does that give you the right to destroy their history? That is fascism. What if someone does not like Washington, I mean he had slaves, do you destroy all record of him? What gives you that right? I did not like Obama, I want him removed from history books. Where is the difference?
Understanding the opposition’s important reason is the key to labeling it Fascism or Altruism.
They hate anything they cannot control.
And if that is true or close to being true, what can we do about it to help create function in our personal and societal life?

Picture an out of control, control freak who has the freedom to express control when ever and where ever they want. Now picture them in your house, spinning around and around in the LR while you’re trying to watch Marty Stouffer’s ‘ Wild America ‘ program. You ask them to STOP but they refuse, then you threaten them with violence and they refuse. You get your gun, but you just put new carpet down 😜 So you decide to grab them, manhandle until they stop, but who knew, Free Will is so gosh darn amazingly strong, 😡 so now you’re getting dizzy, applying more and more force, but it’s not working 😡 ……. Question ! Ask yourself, Who’s in Control and Who’s out of Control now ?…… You are out of control ! ! LET GO AND STOP SPINNING 😎 The more you try to control free will in others, is when all the others free will controls you. 🧐

Turn that 😡 face and attitude around into an OMFG 😱 awareness moment. Then, rather than tallying up all the dirt on others
and how much they need to be controlled. We tally up and negotiate logical limitations, or choices, that address everyone’s needs and wants. Needs and Wants are not going away and Fascism cannot beat Fascism 🤔

The fact that the Lee Sculpture is gone is not necessarily the Left’s fault, but in fact could be the unwillingness of the Right to not negotiate a compromise that addresses all parties needs.

Every life concern and flooring concern has a solution. Read the uncontrollable conditions wisely and then carefully carry out the appropriate course of mitigation for improvement.
You vote out the control freak Democrats. Someday you will have to take a position on something.
At age 11, my granddaughter qualified for the national gymnastics championships competing against girls to age 18. . Right after that they started allowing boys to compete against girls and she quit. She might be in the Olympics if not for the insane decision. Do you want men using a locker room or bathroom with your daughters/granddaughters? Sometime you will have to take a stand or admit that you are too weak to do so.
The Democrats don't even like the word pedophile. They use MAP (minor attracted person) They want pedophilia to be accepted as a natural sexual choice along with heterosexual and homosexual.
Sometime you will have to take a stand or admit that you are too weak to do so.
Well if those are my two choices, and it was my granddaughter, I would have to take a stand for her and try my best to Direct, negotiate, or debate changes, not allowing boys against girls…..In the end, we may have had to quit ….and I trust that was probably what happened, but I would not call the quitting week , I would actually call it ‘ Strong ‘ The only way out, if the Democrats win is through and the only way through is to negotiate in good faith, even if the opposition is not, because in the end, the long game will always outperform the short 4 year term game.
The Democrats don't even like the word pedophile. They use MAP (minor attracted person) They want pedophilia to be accepted as a natural sexual choice along with heterosexual and homosexual.
That would be a perfect question to ask Kamala at the debate. If she says yes, I’ll take the brave stand 😜
All of the girls from the local gymnastics school quit and so did many others across the country.
Each circumstance is different, so Cut and run may have been, at the time a wise choice, however if we are stuffing unfinished business in our communities or States and are banking on the Roulette Federal Government to help us, that’s IMHO UNWISE ….. There are other ways to address local conflicts with out aggression or passivity. Accepting what is rather than how you want it to be is called an Expectation ! Do we really want to live in fight or flight judgment mode constantly? …. Let that sinks in , like Highup’s white Vinegar over night, to remove stubborn crud 😜 ….. Sorry ! I thought I was ready to cut and run from here, but I’m not. I just hope that I don’t have an expectation to change thoughts, but to just be the ‘ Tool ‘ sharing conduit 🤞 ….. 🤷🏻‍♂️
Each circumstance is different, so Cut and run may have been, at the time a wise choice, however if we are stuffing unfinished business in our communities or States and are banking on the Roulette Federal Government to help us, that’s IMHO UNWISE ….. There are other ways to address local conflicts with out aggression or passivity. Accepting what is rather than how you want it to be is called an Expectation ! Do we really want to live in fight or flight judgment mode constantly? …. Let that sinks in , like Highup’s white Vinegar over night, to remove stubborn crud 😜 ….. Sorry ! I thought I was ready to cut and run from here, but I’m not. I just hope that I don’t have an expectation to change thoughts, but to just be the ‘ Tool ‘ sharing conduit 🤞 ….. 🤷🏻‍♂️
They were only given two choices. Compete against boys which is unfair or quit. So they quit. It was their way of protesting.
Look at what happened in Olympic boxing. A young woman had worked her whole life to be the best woman boxer. A man beat her in 46 seconds. And he is still physically a man. Totally unfair.
r. A man beat her in 46 seconds. And he is still physically a man. Totally unfair.
I agree ! Thanks for reiterating the obvious to most of us humans. Now all we have to do is be brave enough to trust the boxing federation to do the right thing. They are doing it in other sports, now we just need to be patient until the governing body catches up with the sneaky cheaters.

I haven’t read a darn thing about your granddaughters or other gymnastics teams issues, but I bet you dollars to donuts the main reason for boys against girls, at the amateur levels, is STAFF AND RESOURCES. The day the programs grow to a healthy economic level…..,When there is enough supply of boys and girls, that’s the day they will be segregated…… There will always be a few rouge people and parents, but imho this issue is blown out of proportion, nothing some good old understanding can’t handle.
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Look at what happened in Olympic boxing. A young woman had worked her whole life to be the best woman boxer. A man beat her in 46 seconds. And he is still physically a man. Totally unfair.

Last I heard was they both failed the chromosome test?? Kinda makes it a non issue since now It’s just one dude fighting another dude.

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