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I thi
Trump appointed Musk to drain that huge swamp. Do you realize how much wasteful spending is going on? See, now Trump keeps his hands clean when he zaps wasteful spending, and Musk has enough money that he could buy his own country, so he could care less if feelings get hurt.
Musk is just exposing the swamp. He wasn't granted any actual power to drain it. He can just point fingers and make recommendations.
He needs a website called Daily DOGE.
He could post or expose every discovery of waste.... or apparent waste of money.

He could include a couple of real time calculators.
Actual dollars saved per day and it could also include a weekly program count, showing programs or projects that were being eliminated.
I wouldn't argue with this.
You may become collateral damage since you live in California 🤷🏻‍♂️
This one?
With a 51 or 52 % 🤷🏻‍♂️ majority in both houses, loyalists in the cabinet and appx. the same with our population,( who in my humble opinion could perhaps be wearing blinders,) that far-fetched idea may not be too far fetching after all…..AND ! that gives DOG-E a new acronym, meaning, where we sit, stay, fetch, and play nice 🙇‍♀️ with the trusted Alpha masters, believing that we will be better off in the end. He is playing on our expectations, that’s why we want to live life as a process with no expectations about the results. When we force the results onto ourselves, we bastardized the process in my humble opinion, it’s only human nature he’s not the devil he’s just utilizing his skills. And fooling himself with his personal expectations and results. 😜🤷🏻‍♂️….IS ANYONE GOING TO LISTEN TO THE DEMOCRATS AT THIS POINT WITH THEIR Blah blah blah warnings ? Probably not and that my friends is called divide, and then conquer, a campaign that’s been planned out for years. I wouldn’t be surprised if divide and conquer is one of the chapters, in that book ‘ the art of the deal ‘ 🏴‍☠️ ( steal ) 🏴‍☠️ 😳🤷🏻‍♂️ …. I hope i’m incorrect with that assessment.
You may become collateral damage since you live in California 🤷🏻‍♂️

With a 51 or 52 % 🤷🏻‍♂️ majority in both houses, loyalists in the cabinet and appx. the same with our population,( who in my humble opinion could perhaps be wearing blinders,) that far-fetched idea may not be too far fetching after all…..AND ! that gives DOG-E a new acronym, meaning, where we sit, stay, fetch, and play nice 🙇‍♀️ with the trusted Alpha masters, believing that we will be better off in the end. He is playing on our expectations, that’s why we want to live life as a process with no expectations about the results. When we force the results onto ourselves, we bastardized the process in my humble opinion, it’s only human nature he’s not the devil he’s just utilizing his skills. And fooling himself with his personal expectations and results. 😜🤷🏻‍♂️….IS ANYONE GOING TO LISTEN TO THE DEMOCRATS AT THIS POINT WITH THEIR Blah blah blah warnings ? Probably not and that my friends is called divide, and then conquer, a campaign that’s been planned out for years. I wouldn’t be surprised if divide and conquer is one of the chapters, in that book ‘ the art of the deal ‘ 🏴‍☠️ ( steal ) 🏴‍☠️ 😳🤷🏻‍♂️ …. I hope i’m incorrect with that assessment.
I think that some Democrats are going to vote with the Repubs on some of the stuff. They want to be reelected.
Maybe 🤔…. I hope a few repubs vote with the Democrats, that is if they get the chance. 😜

Hey! Did you know Elon and Greta Thurnberg, both have Asperger syndrome ? Interesting 🧐
So does my youngest son. He has an IQ over 150. He taught himself to read and write Japanese and to code computers. Right now, he is working as a ghost writer.
Maybe 🤔…. I hope a few repubs vote with the Democrats, that is if they get the chance. 😜

Hey! Did you know Elon and Greta Thurnberg, both have Asperger syndrome ? Interesting 🧐
This is not very scientific, but what does your son think about doge and all the work Elon Musk is doing right now with the government ? ….Also, separate from that what does your son think about Greta, Thunberg and the work that she’s attempting to do, bringing awareness about possible climate change ?
This is not very scientific, but what does your son think about doge and all the work Elon Musk is doing right now with the government ? ….Also, separate from that what does your son think about Greta, Thunberg and the work that she’s attempting to do, bringing awareness about possible climate change ?
He doesn't really follow politics much.
I'm just curious about this climate change BS. When I was 8 years old, my folks has a house in Laguna Beach, CA. We would walk the tide pools, looking for cool shells.

60 years later, those same tide pools are at the same level, and kids today are still looking at the tide pools I did as a kid.

Doesn't fact override fiction?
I'm just curious about this climate change BS. When I was 8 years old, my folks has a house in Laguna Beach, CA. We would walk the tide pools, looking for cool shells.

60 years later, those same tide pools are at the same level, and kids today are still looking at the tide pools I did as a kid.

Doesn't fact override fiction?
Saw a video a while back. Some guy has owned ferries around the world for years. He said the water level has not changed anywhere.
I'm just curious about this climate change BS. When I was 8 years old, my folks has a house in Laguna Beach, CA. We would walk the tide pools, looking for cool shells.

60 years later, those same tide pools are at the same level, and kids today are still looking at the tide pools I did as a kid.

Doesn't fact override fiction?
Our 70 to 80 years of life expectancy is probably equal to earth time of maybe 10 seconds 🤷🏻‍♂️…. So when you say this climate change BS, that is absolutely correct, because how the heck can we accurately monitor the facts with that limited time frame. That’s why we have to use our imagination. Our fiction to project hypotheses. Hopefully that makes sense.

As a sidenote, if Elon musk has Asperger with 150 IQ and we trust him. Maybe we can trust Greta Thunberg with her 150 IQ and her special hypothesis, or awareness that climate change is real….. The evidence is very subtle and moves real slow that the average 70 to 80 year old human being is not capable of notice it. 🤷🏻‍♂️ So don’t feel bad about it, because us humans get more things wrong than we get things right, and that’s why working the process of life will provide more function than forcing a particular result just to claim about being right, or bragging about a win.
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Our 70 to 80 years of life expectancy is probably equal to earth time of maybe 10 seconds 🤷🏻‍♂️…. So when you say this climate change BS, that is absolutely correct, because how the heck can we accurately monitor the facts with that limited time frame. That’s why we have to use our imagination. Our fiction to project hypotheses. Hopefully that makes sense.

As a sidenote, if Elon musk has Asperger with 150 IQ and we trust him. Maybe we can trust Greta Thunberg with her 150 IQ and her special hypothesis, and and awareness, that climate change is real, but the evidence is very subtle and moves real slow that the average 70 to 80 year old human being is not capable to notice it. 🤷🏻‍♂️
Problem is, the lies they told. Yes the climate on Earth is changing, it always has. They use 1880 as the starting point for "man-made" climate change. The Little Ice Age was from about 1350 to 1850. During that time, the Earth's average temp dropped 2 degrees. From 1880 to now, the average temp has raised 2 degrees. Hmmm!
Not one thing in Al Gore's movie has come true. Remember the supposed demise of the polar bears. There are more now than at any time they ever counted them. I don't think New York is under water either. The sensors they use were put out in grassy fields 40-50 years ago. Now they are surrounded by concrete and asphalt. So, of course they read hotter. When I was in high school in the 60s, they warned us of a coming ice age. It was on the cover of scientific magazines and the New York Times. The people pushing all this crap is the UN. Same people who are pushing for a one world government.
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Problem is, the lies they told. Yes the climate on Earth is changing, it always has. They use 1880 as the starting point for "man-made" climate change. The Little Ice Age was from about 1350 to 1850. During that time, the Earth's average temp dropped 2 degrees. From 1880 to now, the average temp has raised 2 degrees. Hmmm!
What’s your IQ ? is it more than Greta’s
Maybe she’s onto something here, just like Elon 🤷🏻‍♂️
I think Greta is being manipulated. Listen to her talk. She does not sound very bright.
Every time I listen to 45 I say the same thing 🤪 Even though he has lots of results under his belt, it’s my humble opinion, the process used is flawed and destructive in the long term. I believe the process Is more telling about someone’s character, than that person’s results. 🤷🏻‍♂️
Just give him California.
That would be really good. He could finish the train to knowhere in 6 months for 20 million. It was supposed to cost 33 billion and approaching 135 billion, and is 1/3 complete.

How does a 33 billion dollar project become a trillion dollar project, completed 40 years past he scheduled completion date? Vote Democrat 👍
I53 BILLION DOLLARS spent so far. They have just 53 miles completed. 😳
There is another 120 miles left to complete. 😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳 Vote Democrat 👍

He could then stop the special California only gasoline blend, crank up a nuclear power planning and end pies in the skies.
Everyone hates pies in the skies.