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I need to write our wonderful Senator Ron Wyden and ask why he didn't stand and why he got up and left early.
It’s called Democracy, and He felt over powered, so he resisted and now Loyalty defends ( not me for him, but you for maga ) we can do better, but only if someone starts the process. If not, the current process continues to back you, I and Zelinski into a corner where choices get narrowed down and the only way to save face is to continue humanity’s oldest game…. The Game of Opposites, or what some people like to call ‘ Zero Sum Game ‘ ….. Over powering doesn’t stop wars, it perpetuates them. IMHO ….. We need to sober up and break free from intoxicating lores of ‘ Power Playing’
It’s influencing us into trusting him over our own eyes and start to understand how when we give it away to them, them will always disappoint by taking but call it giving ( the game of opposites continues. ) and they are counting on that holding power of the intoxicating tangled web that keeps us in place 🤷🏻‍♂️ …… I hope that humble analysis in less correct than more, AND ! we have one very unpredictable natural force that never leaves the game and that’s called fate. Come on fate, pitch it in there real fast and I don’t even mind if he takes the credit.

Ps > Imho : All the examples, Biden, Trump, and in between are Power Plays, not genuine acts “ of the people, by the people, for the people “ IMHO 🤷🏻‍♂️ when it shows up we will recognize it immediately.

When choices are narrowed, one group tastes medicine, and the other tastes poison. Let’s empower him to do better, for all the people, I still have hope.
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Abortion is causing stress to religious people, but that's ok?
Ban the prayer outside the clinics, but also ban the clinics that induced the prayer.
......pretty simple.
More examples of power playing 😢 by both sides. Once we accept that the human race is a work in progress, then we can give understanding to it all.

That’s why they came up with the separation of church and state. So the state can conduct its business in a functional way. Nothing personal against the man praying, I hope someday he begins to understand that he is honoring himself, as he should, and so is the state, as they should.

Also ! Sometimes devilish acts are committed by Angles 🤷🏻‍♂️ and some Angels could be Devilish, and we don’t always know for sure who is who, that’s why we need the flexibility of Forgivness and understanding so we don’t condemn each other into oblivion forever, and ever.
Amen 🙏
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Reread my last two posts we are all a work in progress Republicans Democrats no one is perfect. Are you willing to forgive and understand? The tide will turn and the power may fall into the Democrats hands someday wouldn’t it be nice if someone stopped the eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.🤔 I’ll do some research on that Bible quote soon and will report back with my awareness, because I don’t think we are understanding that quote properly , over and out ….. Let’s get more voices on the subject, please 🙏
Start off slow 😉
And yet Derek Chauvin is in jail for a long time. He is a political prisoner.
As a cop you not only need eyes on the back of your head, but awareness about potential political persecution 😢 and how the heck are you supposed to do that out in the field? It’s too much to ask for from a human being, so mistakes are going to happen to criminals and public servants. Sometimes on purpose and sometimes by accident and we don’t always know which because we can’t get inside someone’s head. 😢…. SO ! unfortunately fate picked the wrong Criminal, at the wrong time and place, to choose Teaching the rookies The choke out technique taught in the Academy. 🤷🏻‍♂️ AND ! He got swallowed up in the big ocean of “ we don’t always understand the deeper context of Police work. BUT ! Here’s the kicker, and read this slowly and digest this message.

If we start to teach understanding in school to children, and direct the appropriate adults to after work classes, 😜 we, as a society may actually be able to handle complex situations like this, and get it more correctly more of the time, rather than less correctly, most of the time. And have to rely on the emergency escape valve of anger and protests…. WHY ! Do we need the Understanding class again? Because most of us, including the judicial system, are under the influence of some type of intoxication. 🤔
How do we find time to teach a child "understanding", when the left is trying to teach them that their male parts are removable, and if they want to be a furry, a girl, a car, a lesbian, a girl trapped in a boys body, anything goes?

Common sense is not that common these days.
How do we find time to teach a child "understanding", when the left is trying to teach them that their male parts are removable, and if they want to be a furry, a girl, a car, a lesbian, a girl trapped in a boys body, anything goes?

Common sense is not that common these days.
Moral ideals are good, but intoxication of said morals works against the action required to understand understanding 🤔😉
I did some research on 👁️ 4 an 👁️ but I’m tooo tired to share my mumbo jumbo
Intoxicated advice, and by the way, yes ! I’m just as intoxicated as ( figuratively and maybe literally 😉) everyone else and that’s the point on why we need education and mentorship about understanding.

If both opposing parties remain loyal to their respective sides, with no olive branch applauds of understanding when a young child is acknowledged at the State of the Union address, then we will continue living in ‘ Resist / Defend’ and Eye for an Eye😢 …. Check this out !

It’s called Democracy, and He felt over powered, so he resisted and now Loyalty defends ( not me for him, but you for maga ) we can do better, but only if someone starts the process. If not, the current process continues to back you, I and Zelinski into a corner where choices get narrowed down and the only way to save face is to continue humanity’s oldest game…. The Game of Opposites, or what some people like to call ‘ Zero Sum Game ‘ ….. Over powering doesn’t stop wars, it perpetuates them. IMHO ….. We need to sober up and break free from intoxicating lores of ‘ Power Playing’
It’s influencing us into trusting him over our own eyes and start to understand how when we give it away to them, them will always disappoint by taking but call it giving ( the game of opposites continues. ) and they are counting on that holding power of the intoxicating tangled web that keeps us in place 🤷🏻‍♂️ …… I hope that humble analysis in less correct than more, AND ! we have one very unpredictable natural force that never leaves the game and that’s called fate. Come on fate, pitch it in there real fast and I don’t even mind if he takes the credit.

Ps > Imho : All the examples, Biden, Trump, and in between are Power Plays, not genuine acts “ of the people, by the people, for the people “ IMHO 🤷🏻‍♂️ when it shows up we will recognize it immediately.

When choices are narrowed, one group tastes medicine, and the other tastes poison. Let’s empower him to do better, for all the people, I still have hope.
Wyden and the Democrats can't start the process by respecting the parents and siblings of Jocelyn and Lakin by AT LEAST acknowledging their existence?
That was absolutely disgusting. Imagine how they felt being given the cold shoulder by half of the body in the chamber.

Wyden, Schumer feeling overpowered?
Really? I have a feeling the mid terms will damage the Democrats even more if they continue to behave this way. (they will, they've dug too deep to stop digging)

Those cute little signs on ping pong paddles..... juvenile
Walking out.... juvenile

The healing begins with them acknowledging the open border was a mistake...... you know that's not going to happen.
I guess I'm just hypersensitive lately. Every form of media is griping, complaining, name calling, all from the lefties. Ya know, the last 4 years we had it worse, when they tried indoctrinating our kids, giving lazy illegals meds and treatments, but we had to pay out of pocket, talk of forgiving student loans, free phones, free housing, etc, but we had no say. This didn't stop us from taking the high road.
I guess I'm just hypersensitive lately. Every form of media is griping, complaining, name calling, all from the lefties. Ya know, the last 4 years we had it worse, when they tried indoctrinating our kids, giving lazy illegals meds and treatments, but we had to pay out of pocket, talk of forgiving student loans, free phones, free housing, etc, but we had no say. This didn't stop us from taking the high road.
You aren't hyper sensitive one tiny bit. They can hate Trump all they want, but not the people Trump invited to this address.


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