help with gross carpeted kitchen!

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New Member
Oct 19, 2014
My wife and I are about to have a baby boy. We live in a rental and have thethe good graces from our landlord to do a few things to make it easier to keep clean and sanitary. The area is about 150 sq ft. We're looking for cheap and easy to install. As bad as it sounds we won't be here long and anything is better than what it is now. I'm doing it myself and will do it right and we want it to last relatively long for us and our landlord s benefit. We plan on installing Allure flooring from home depot.

PROBLEM: carpet in the kitchen!!! :eek: the thin carpet that's in there has a thin rubber padding over existing linoleum and is damaged and glued everywhere to the linoleum. Impossible to scrape or clean off the linoleum.

QUESTION: is there a thin layer of something I can lay over the
Pad or very thin carpet to even out the floor and apply the allure flooring to?? Any advice is MUCH appreciated.


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Is the lino underneath the carpet glued down? If not just take a utility knife and cut it into strips and take it up with the carpet.
If it is glued then the only thing you can do it pull the carpet up then get a wallpaper scraper and go to work scraping it up. My guess is it will come up pretty easily. Wear gloves to avoid a blister if not used to manual labor.
Good Luck!!

If its a timber floor I would bury it with an underlayment. The thicker the underlayment the better as it wouldn't follow every imperfection
If you would like a free hand give me a shout as vinyl work is very patchy here at the moment
PS Send a couple of airline tickets
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what you have there is a classic glued down rubberback---the simple answer to your question is ----no----you cant put plywood over padding----the answer to your problem is removal----if you cant get the padding up----which is unlikey----then remove the vinyl-----if that is impossible---take up the plywood----faced with these options the impossible task of padding removal will seem more and more possible----hint---this is not a strength issue as much as a sharp issue----razor scrapers or putty knives held at various angles will be your battle plan---good luck to you
I would still go as I mentioned but I maybe should have added I would clean up as much as the padding as I could, then lay the underlayment. We do this type of prep when laying vinyl as one doesn't have to get the floor "perfect" for doing full spread type vinyls
So the area is the kitchen and short hallway. Where the kitchen meets the hallway the linoleum stops and it abutts what appears to be ply wood.That transition is even.this is all underneath the thin carpet and thin padding. I've attempted to scrape some of the thin, glued padding and it is a pain. It scrapes up in kindve a gritty way, not in strips or chunks. Im willing to scrape it up if that's what I need to do but it seems like there would be something for me to lay over it.I will post pictures that show what I up in the air with what I'm going to do at this point and our kids is due in 5 weeks!!:eek:



I'd have no problem using that short, leftover padding remnant under a click lock vinyl floor, similar to my install last summer.

:eek: I would not take that advice.
The carpet and rubber backing has to be removed.

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