How many years in the trade?

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My dad used me in his flooring store advertsing when I was a baby, so I guess I could claim 40 years.....
Well, I started in 1997, so 14 years here. Tommy started in 1978, so 33 years on his side.

Tia & Tommy
How many years, to many 27 years and still going, my father has detailed records going back to the birth of Lino in the 1800's when my great great great grandfather and his brothers entered the industry. Many drawings and pictures going back along way he won't let me have access to his library of info I keep trying to persued him to get it all onto disc in some sort of portfolio to be veiwed online, but he gaurds it like a rabbid dog and starts barking if I try to open the door to his hide away. One day it will be mine he says as its being left to me in his will, for now though he just lets me have little snipets of info.
Started in '75 the day after graduating from Yale............. :eek:
OK, OK, it was high school. :cool:
I helped gramps now and then for a few summers before that, and once I recall during the summer after 7th grade.
He hired me full time the morning after graduation........... darn, I wanted one last summer vacation. :mad:
Gramps retired in late '77 and I worked with my brother till '87 when I went on my own.
I'm beginning the summer vacation I always wanted and not really likin it much, because unlike '75, I have bills now. My fault tho because I would probably be swamped with work if I had ads on the internet.