I saw what you did and I know who you are and

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Uh huh, your flip phone can easily be tracked from cell towers if someone say the NSA wanted to figure out where you were even if your phone is turned off.
Taking out the battery is your best bet.
So next time you go to rob a bank leave your cell phone at home. lol
Personally i could hardly keep up with clients without my smartphone that does texting, messaging, email syncing, sending and receiving pics. Communication with clients from across the entire country is so easy and fast. I can send quotes and invoices from my phone and retrieve them in a second if need be.
The younger clients and even many older folks like me are really on top of this and if your on a flip phone its hard to compete.
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If you have clients from across the country, your corporation is bigger than mine. :D It would be a toy for me and for occasionally looking at wrinkles on an upcoming out of town restretch.
I haven't done a job more than 50 miles from home in 15 years............ and probably only a half dozen trips to that local. Aside from that, 25 to 30 miles is max. Towns are 25 miles apart here on the coast. Most of what I do are single rooms, restretches and repairs. Off hand the largest carpet job I recall is an R&R in one entire home in the past 5 years. That job nearly did me in working by myself. Heavy weight stuff.
I need a phone that will take me 40 years back in time so I can become a longshoreman instead of a floor layer...... got one of them? :p
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My smartphone is a camera and phonebook for me. Also GPS when I get lost (and I get lost easily). I can use it to look up products in stores to check reviews and compare prices too.

Aside from that, I play a word scramble game when waiting in doctor's offices. LOL.
These people are coming to Tucson from all over the states, not traveling myself. Tucson real estate is getting hot.
Went to look at a Coach outlet where the entire engineered floor is having a delam problem. I cant even begin to take care of it for some nationwide retail maintenance company. I told them to just file a claim. The store is like one year old. some idiot spec'd some junk hardwood. Not my problem, won't touch it. Too busy.

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