Linksys Wireless-N Router

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Jun 25, 2011
, AZ
The thing keeps shutting down and it's not all that old, maybe a couple years old. Wondering if anyone knows what the problem is. I have to keep unplugging it, I guess you could say rebooting it.
There never seems to be any updates for the thing either.
Thanks Nick! I was thinking the same thing last night as it sits on top of my tower. Felt pretty warm.
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Welcome . Let me know how you make out . they are a good company .
You can try moving the router , or put a little fan next to it .
Is this since or prior to the windows update?

Thats an unknown since it has been doing it for weeks. It's a first generation N so there's much more powerful ones out there plus the new ac routers so I am on the fence about which one to get.
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Two years old is ancient in the computer world. Lol.
Seriously though mine was doing the same thing, bought a new one problem solved.
Ok, so I broke down and got a NetGear wireless gigabit N router. Set it up in the middle of the house so we got great wi-fi now.
Ernesto said:
Ok, so I broke down and got a NetGear wireless gigabit N router. Set it up in the middle of the house so we got great wi-fi now.

Did you get the 600? What's your speed test on the wifi?
I have not clocked the speed on my old PC. But the speed on the kids super computer he built more than doubled. Yes, I this the 600. I figured a 900 would be a waste. Hell, I can get WiFi out by the pool now.
Well my phone just clocked 1086kbps download and 17780kbps upload. Is that good? I am not at full signal strength in this room though.
ernie said:
Well my phone just clocked 1086kbps download and 17780kbps upload. Is that good? I am not at full signal strength in this room though.

Depended on where your ip provider has set your governor.
To get the wifi centered in the house my kid set it up with his computer so now my old pc is not directly connected to the cable/modem. sigh...... But seems to work just as well as before.....SLOW! LOL

On the bright side we can get wifi in the kitchen now and the kids self built super computers speed is more than twice as fast as before. dang geeky little gamers.
My wifi is basically centered in the house also. No problems with the exception I have my old computer hooked up in the basement. Wireless didn't work so good down there so I hardwired it to the router. Works like a dream but a little slower than my newer computer.


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