In Remembrance

How many gun safety organizations put more money towards teaching gun safety (especially for kids), than the NRA?As a percentage, the NRA spends far less money than other lobbying groups in the US. This link
demonstrates that pretty clearly. Oftentimes the NRA is made out to be some all-powerful, government-swaying group of evil-doers, when they fall quite far down the list in contributions. Here is another link that shows gun lobbying groups donated a mere $3.1 million in 2012.
Hardly the campaign donation juggernaut so many on the left claim them to be.
Let's look at some other donations. Financial/Insurance donations: $157,000,000. Yes. One hundred and fifty seven million dollars. Lawyers and Lobbyists donated $57,000,000. Labor groups, $32.4 million. And here comes the NRA in 2016 with its massive contribution total of......$4,100,000.
Ya got that backwards don't ya?NRA don't lobby for members , they lobby for the gun manufactures..
They have personal goals and agendas and don't like to listen to their constituents, but the morons keep getting elected over and over. Oregon's Merkley is as close to Moonbeam as a person can get. He plans for Oregon to be 100% renewable by 2050 Cars, electric power etc. He has no handle on reality. If he was elected king, we'd be driving horses.Let the state reps do the Lobbying..
Greening the Grid—Phase-out fossil fuel electricity by 2050 and replace it with clean and renewable energy, through a mandatory fossil fuel phase-out
They have personal goals and agendas and don't like to listen to their constituents, but the morons keep getting elected over and over. Oregon's Merkley is as close to Moonbeam as a person can get. He plans for Oregon to be 100% renewable by 2050 Cars, electric power etc. He has no handle on reality. If he was elected king, we'd be driving horses and living in mud huy.Let the state reps do the Lobbying..