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As a percentage, the NRA spends far less money than other lobbying groups in the US. This link https://www.opensecrets.org/industries/mems.php
demonstrates that pretty clearly. Oftentimes the NRA is made out to be some all-powerful, government-swaying group of evil-doers, when they fall quite far down the list in contributions. Here is another link that shows gun lobbying groups donated a mere $3.1 million in 2012. https://www.propublica.org/article/b...ol-interest-gr
Hardly the campaign donation juggernaut so many on the left claim them to be.

Let's look at some other donations. Financial/Insurance donations: $157,000,000. Yes. One hundred and fifty seven million dollars. Lawyers and Lobbyists donated $57,000,000. Labor groups, $32.4 million. And here comes the NRA in 2016 with its massive contribution total of......$4,100,000.
As a percentage, the NRA spends far less money than other lobbying groups in the US. This link https://www.opensecrets.org/industries/mems.php
demonstrates that pretty clearly. Oftentimes the NRA is made out to be some all-powerful, government-swaying group of evil-doers, when they fall quite far down the list in contributions. Here is another link that shows gun lobbying groups donated a mere $3.1 million in 2012. https://www.propublica.org/article/b...ol-interest-gr
Hardly the campaign donation juggernaut so many on the left claim them to be.

Let's look at some other donations. Financial/Insurance donations: $157,000,000. Yes. One hundred and fifty seven million dollars. Lawyers and Lobbyists donated $57,000,000. Labor groups, $32.4 million. And here comes the NRA in 2016 with its massive contribution total of......$4,100,000.
How many gun safety organizations put more money towards teaching gun safety (especially for kids), than the NRA?
I watched 6 segments of the American music awards tonight. Dianna Ross was given the life time achievement award. Aside from her performance, I listened to crap every time I flipped over to that channel to see if the program was improving.......... it didn't improve. They should have skipped all the other awards, cut to the chase and let Dianna do her stuff. I'd forgotten all the good songs that she had done over the years. Pretty good ending to the show.......... including a cutie little grand child picking her nose on stage. :D
NRA don't lobby for members , they lobby for the gun manufactures..
Ya got that backwards don't ya?:D NRA is what keeps us from only being allowed shotguns to use solely for obtaining food. Shooting is a family sport, being hunting or putting the most rounds in a bulls-eye at 50 yards in 5 seconds. It's a compeditive sport, but deranged people use the tool to do their dirty deeds............... just like using moving trucks to mow down people strolling on a nice summer day. Laws and rules won't stop the people with agendas or mental illness......... they will find a way........ or simply disobey the laws that everyone else abides by.
I bet with a gallon or two of gasoline and with a minuscule amount of knowledge of physics, a person could outdo what that guy in Vegas did. Location, location, location. Ya can't stop evil by regulations. They are dreamers. They will find a way. You just have to be aware and ready to act when something bad happens.
I see guys at the grocery stores regularly now with open carry. It was unnerving initially, but it makes me feel safer now that I' used to seeing the weapons displayed. When the cops arrive it's often a bit too late.
What's a "safe" number for clips.........9, 12, 15, 20, 30? Pistol clips can be refreshed faster than you can speak the word "refreshed" So a guy with two pistols and 20 clips could be pumping out rounds at a very high pace for a sustained period. Very unfortunate, but a can't stop the crazy people.
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This comes from 2 math teachers with a combined total of 70 yrs. experience.

It has an indisputable mathematical logic.

It also made me Laugh Out Loud.

This is a strictly ..... mathematical viewpoint... and it goes like this:

What Makes 100%?

What does it mean to give MORE than 100%?

Ever wonder about those people who say they are giving more than 100%? We have all been to those meetings where someone wants you to give over 100%.

How about achieving 103%?

What makes up 100% in life?

Here's a little mathematical formula that might help you answer these questions:


Is represented as:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26.


8+1+18+4+23+15+18+11 = 98%


11+14+15+23+12+5+4+7+5 = 96%

But ,

1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5 = 100%


2+21+12+12+19+8+9+20 = 103%

AND, look how far a** kissing will take you.

1+19+19+11+9+19+19+9+14+7 =118%

So, one can conclude with mathematical certainty, that while Hardwork and Knowledge will get you close, and

Attitude will get you there. It's the bullsh** and

a** Kissing that will put you over the top.

Now you know why Politicians are where they are!

I've never seen a better explanation than this formula. how true it is.
It's my opinion that members of the house and senate (both parties) should not be able to be bribed by lobbyists. I propose some changes to how laws are passed.
1. No legislation may be written by lobbyists and handed over to legislators to be passed.
2. All proposed legislation shall be read in full out loud during bipartisan session. This will encourage shorter legislation and also make it harder for unrelated rules/changes to be slipped in.
3. All legislators must read the legislation before they are allowed to vote.
4. Any legislator who skips the readings does not get to vote. If they can not be there physically, they can be present by skype.
5. Legislators may not exclude members of the opposite party from being present during the creation/discussion of legislation. They must work together as a team.
6. Legislators may not pass legislation that is widely opposed by their constituents even if it is being pushed by lobbyists.
7. Lobbying where money is given in exchange for specific legislation to be passed shall be considered bribery and be forbidden. Any legislators caught exchanging legislation/favors for $ shall be fined. Any lobbyists who bribe legislators shall be fined.
8. Legislation that greatly impacts large portions of the population should be decided by referendum. This includes modifications to taxes and healthcare.
9. Congress shall make no law that gives special benefits or exemptions that are not afforded to the average citizens.
10. Any sexual harassment lawsuits/settlements paid for by taxpayer dollars shall be repaid to the government by the alleged offender in full with interest.

Pretty sure they'd never go for it-- particularly bc the lobbyists would be pissed off and bc they wouldn't want to lose their $.
Probably better off limiting congressmen and women so they can never personally profit by being employed after office by someone or some business directly related to any of the legislation they passed or promoted. Maybe that and revising the rules for paid lobbying and corporate lobbying. Maybe limiting or stopping large corporations from donating to political campaigns.
Banning lobbyists would include banning people and organizations who lobby for better schools, clean air, clean water, free health care etc.
An example may illustrate. The company Tyco had learned that there had been discussion about a possible new tax provision that might have cost it $4 billion overall.[54] So the firm hired Jack Abramoff and paid him a retainer of $100,000 a month.[54] He assembled dozens of lobbyists with connections to key congressional committees with the ultimate objective being to influence powerful Senator Charles Grassley.[54] Abramoff began with a fundraising effort to round up "every check" possible.[54] He sought funds from his other lobbying clients:

I had my clients understand that just as other clients who had nothing to do with them, would step up and give contributions to congressmen they needed to have some sway with, so similarly they needed to do the same. I went to every client I could, and rounded up every check we could for him.
— Lobbyist Jack Abramoff in 2011[54]

Lobbying as a career[edit]

While national-level lobbyists working in Washington have the highest salaries, many lobbyists operating at the state level can earn substantial salaries. The table shows the top lobbyists in one state—Maryland—in 2011.
Top Maryland lobbyists (2011) Lobbyist Income
Gerard E. Evans $1,232,000
Timothy A. Perry $1,217,793
Joel D. Rozner $1,215,161
Robin F. Shaivitz $1,156,368
Gregory S. Proctor Jr. $1,107,144
John R. Stierhoff $1,059,766
Michael V. Johansen $1,050,234
Nicholas G. Manis $1,016,250
D. Robert Enten $863,193
Lisa Harris Jones $857,000
State Ethics

Top power-brokers such as Gerald Cassidy have made fortunes from lobbying:

Cassidy's reaction to his own wealth has been complicated. He lives large, riding around town in his chauffeured car, spending thousands on custom-made clothes, investing big money in, for example, the Charlie Palmer Steak restaurant at the foot of Capitol Hill just for the fun of it. He has fashioned a wine cellar of more than 7,000 bottles. He loves to go to England and live like a gentleman of the kind his Irish antecedents would have considered an anathema.
— journalist Robert G. Kaiser in 2007 in the Washington Post[36]
I agree that there should be some emoluments clause for legislators. If LEOs are not allowed to accept gifts from people who could be trying to garner favor, neither should legislators. It's bribery-- and right now the lobbyists are using blackmail. The legislators should not be so dependent on those funds that they would push through a bill that has hand-scribbled notes and not everyone has had a chance to read and discuss because they fear losing lobbyist funding.

I also agree that career lobbying should be illegal.

I also think that Legislators should not be immune from arrest/indictment until they are impeached. Even the president doesn't have that luxury.
Let the state reps do the Lobbying..
They have personal goals and agendas and don't like to listen to their constituents, but the morons keep getting elected over and over. Oregon's Merkley is as close to Moonbeam as a person can get. He plans for Oregon to be 100% renewable by 2050 Cars, electric power etc. He has no handle on reality. If he was elected king, we'd be driving horses.
Their agenda:
Greening the Grid—Phase-out fossil fuel electricity by 2050 and replace it with clean and renewable energy, through a mandatory fossil fuel phase-out


I wonder how much an all electric van will cost and also how much a gasoline powered van will cost three years prior to the deadline? Hey you, wanna buy a three year old $150,000 G20 Chevy van real cheap?
The market will do the electric conversion just fine as it becomes affordable...... not mandated by the communist regime.
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Let the state reps do the Lobbying..
They have personal goals and agendas and don't like to listen to their constituents, but the morons keep getting elected over and over. Oregon's Merkley is as close to Moonbeam as a person can get. He plans for Oregon to be 100% renewable by 2050 Cars, electric power etc. He has no handle on reality. If he was elected king, we'd be driving horses and living in mud huy.
The use of firearms in self-defense is prevalent. According to the National Self Defense Survey conducted by criminologists from Florida State University, Americans use guns in self-defense an estimated 2.2 to 2.5 million times a year, or every 13 seconds. This same study found that, in general, simply brandishing a gun or firing a warning shot is sufficient to defend against an attacker in most cases of self-defense involving a firearm. Only 24 percent of people surveyed reported firing a gun in self-defense, and just eight percent reported wounding an assailant with a gun.

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