OK, yur all off the hook. I'm saving the dollar for myself.

I've never tried to clean up an old damaged image that has been laying in wet gravel and run over by a car a few times. The slide has pin holes and dents in it, plus the obvious dirt and grime.
I put the slide on my scanner to see if it was as bad as I thought................ it is.
I then decided to give this slide a go and test my patience. I've cleaned up a small portion of the sky and concentrated most of my efforts on the easier parts like the long rock the lighthouse is on, and the rocks and waves below.
...the rest of the sky and the lighthouse is the hardest part and I am not sure if I really want go permanently cross eyed trying to complete the rest of this experiment. The water and rocks were monotonous, but not really all that hard to pull off. I was just curious if a slide this bad had any value.
What I don't know is when the image was taken, what brand of film this is, nor who took it, or how it ended up in a parking lot behind a carpet store. I have photos taken from this same vantage point, but the trees have been totally bare for more than a decade.
To the left and right of the lighthouse, there are other buildings................ this photo is really old. I don't ever recall other buildings next to this lighthouse and I've lived here all my life.