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A ship was loading logs last week. Photo and light were boring............ The Pacific Logger needed some spice, so I did some baking. A little too much eye of newt? :D

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Pacific Logger ship curves top and bottom complete_filtered 700.jpg
You wanna paint our house???
I can send you a photo
Would it last????:D
If I can paint a boat, then I can paint a house. You wouldn't need to spend so much time describing it to first time visitors. Just tell 'em "you'll know it when you see it"
..........Wahooooo! :D

DSC00852 Wahoo curves saturation_filtered crop 700.jpg
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77 here today, down to 30 tonight, light snow and strong winds. And my furnace quit last night. Time to break out the space heaters. Back to 60 by Thursday.
77 here today, down to 30 tonight, light snow and strong winds. And my furnace quit last night. Time to break out the space heaters. Back to 60 by Thursday.

Hopefully, your furnace just declared that it's Spring. :confused: I can think of a worse time of year for a furnace to quit, but the way things have been hitting you guys, it's still a bit scary to hear that.
Here we go, rain turning to ice, then another 6"-10" of snow. I'll be having sausage gravy tomorrow, while not going to work. So long as the ice doesn't last too long, it'll be fine. We've had record snow this year, over 80", lost track. Bless my AWD, she is a beast. And, she's just a car. Looked for her for a couple of years and has not done me wrong!!!

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Hey Darol......................... like glass yesterday at the boat basin.
A week or so back, the jetty was a wee bit on the rough side.

Yep, it's getting to be that time again. May 1st Halibut and Salmon opens, so I'll be making my way over there and will need to tap into your powers for more good conditions. Some day you gotta come on down and at least let me give you some fish and maybe even a boat ride around the harbor. If you're really up to it, we can even go out on the big pond.:)
Hopefully, your furnace just declared that it's Spring. :confused: I can think of a worse time of year for a furnace to quit, but the way things have been hitting you guys, it's still a bit scary to hear that.

It was comfortable in here. If it doesn't get any lower than mid 30s, we will be fine. I need to do some work on the ducts before I get the furnace fixed.
I've been out shoveling since around 1pm and came in at 5:15. I thin we got more like 7-10" of snow. The sun is shining now and the snow is melting where the concrete shows through. Supposed to go to -2 tonight. Damn!! Ain't spring ever going to come? I guess we'll just go from winter to summer.


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