Rug Man

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I enjoyed the book. Finished it in a weekend cus I just couldn’t put it down. You can really relate to the main character and the BS he has to deal with cus we’ve all been there.
I enjoyed it too. Just saying I don’t know if any “non-carpet“ people would have. The end was a little depressing… Glad I got out before it was too late.
I took a break from reading, but just enjoyed the eighth and ninth chapters today. It’s amazing how the use of embellishment words add to the story and to my vocabulary, even if those words are short lived.

No more spoilers JP please 😜
Finished the Rug Man book today 😆 and for me, that’s quite the accomplishment. I really enjoyed ’ The invisible man ‘ story and hiding him from the GC on the scaffolding 😂 Also the father/ son hospital conversations and reminiscing.

The Last chapter, towards the end got a little tooo creative, like on pages 185 / 186 with the ‘ ball of greenish-yellow mucus ‘ turning into carpet fibers. I believe I got the analogy , but who feels like explaining that to me in English anyway to confirm?
Thanks !

I’m going to try and reach out and visit this guy. If so, I’ll post some pictures and see if he wants to join our online family of misfits 😜

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