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Really you little weather wrangler you. :rolleyes: You missed the one I posted, it is more statistical., maybe I didn't want to embarrass you? :rolleyes:
Near the bottom and look at the number of storms and hurricanes. From 1850 to 1930 you can imagine the accuracy and documentation of their satellite and areal photography information to assist holding their moistened fingers to the wind.
From 1930 to present, the graph looks about the same, decade to decade with the only exception being Katrina.
.............see, nothing unusual is going on outside of the tin foil, so you can take off your hat without worry. :D

Last edited:, maybe I didn't want to embarrass you? :rolleyes:
Near the bottom and look at the number of storms and hurricanes. From 1850 to 1930 you can imagine the accuracy and documentation of their satellite and areal photography information to assist holding their moistened fingers to the wind.
From 1930 to present, the graph looks about the same, decade to decade with the only exception being Katrina.
.............see, nothing unusual is going on outside of the tin foil, so you can take off your hat without worry. :D

Thats funny because to me unless my eyesight is worsening more than I thought, the graph on the right is significantly worse than on the left.

Plus that does not give numbers like intensity and mass. Just how many
Thats funny because to me unless my eyesight is worsening more than I thought, the graph on the right is significantly worse than on the left.

Plus that does not give numbers like intensity and mass. Just how many

Significantly? We lookin at the same stuff? Warming and cooling periods are literally a thousands of years trend....... not a 15 year minor blip.

That's because they didn't have the ability to do that accurately back then. The ever so slightly bars in the graph on the left is because they were still just guessing back then in the stone age of weather predictions.
I was just kiddin' about the satellites, Ernesto. They didn't have any back in the 1800's or even the 1830's.
Take the guessing and estimating from back then out of the picture and waddaya get? A boring graph with a few above and below highlights.

You certainly aren't sayin the 1995 to 2000 slight upswing is an indication or proof of man cause global warming I hope. :eek:
If so, you ned to use heavy duty foil in the next hat you make.
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They have had sattilites since when....and when was the last time you say a hurricane up the east coast that was 1,500 miles wide?
They have had sattilites since when....and when was the last time you say a hurricane up the east coast that was 1,500 miles wide?

You sayin in 1878 they could accurately tell the size of a storm? :eek: No weather satellites till April fools day 1960. No storm trackers, doppler radar, no nothing but wind gauges and thermometers scattered here and there.
You gotta be kiddin me thinkin they had instruments and data even slightly comparable to what we have now. There data can be hundreds of mile off either way. They were guessing backin the 1850's. That's what up till 1930 the patterns look so similar.
The graph according to your response is that global warming (caused by man of course) started in 1995
(there has been no actual warming since then unless you are a hockystick worshiper) :D

Your lights always off ......what ha hiding from?
Ya know what is cool speaking of historical data, is the U Of A Tree Ring Research Laboratory is busting out the big Sequioa slab they have. I have not seen it for thirty years.

Tree ring data without human visualization and documentation has less accuracy than you wish to believe.
Does the tree ring data from many, many, many eons ago tell us if that particular year was a hot dry winter or a cool dry summer with little rainfall?
......of course it was a hot dry year in -1189, the tree rings told me so. :D.......... unless it was a cold dry year. Both will produce small rings in the tree.
IPCC is a farce.

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