Thought of the day .

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Back on topic though. One may consider myself as a right winger, but in fact, my lib/conservative scale is pointed right at top center. I know there are good on both sides, but the left leaning liberals have sunk to an all time low. You know, give an inch, take a mile theory. Understanding that I live in liberal land, so I only have the ability to monitor my representatives, such as Pelosi. She gripes about "guns bad" while she has a contingent of 20 highly trained military and law enforcement swat teams, at her beckon call. Then her nephew, Governor Idiot Newsome, who promised everyone a $500 check right before the June 6th primary. Well, he got elected (of course) but nobody got money. Now, he has to run off against a republican in November, so guess what, yesterday he announced we would all get checks in the fall. We'll, the elections are in November, ironically the week the checks are suppose to be sent out.
This is pandering, plain and simple, and he should be arrested, but he himself and his butt buddy Gascon have the laws locked up, so you can't even prosecute him
Remember, when this make believe pandemic was in full force, and he was dancing the night away at the French Laundry, with nobody wearing a mask. Typical "do as I say, not do as I do" ********.
So this is why I am who I am. I am so tired of the liberal rhetoric, and why I will dance on the Graves of these a-holes.
Speaking of dueling, today I had to go to my police station and conduct an annual shooting qualification. The range master commented that I aced the course, shooting better than all 80 current and retired officers combined.
Back to the duel, I'm game! Not against you of course, but I'll take on any liberal vagina hat wearing sissy.

And yes, the vagina hat is real
We are on day 4 of protests in our state, where these vagina hat wearing boys and girls (synonymous these days) are screaming, "my body, my choice!" Wait, are we referring to the mandatory Fraudchi covid vaccination, or we talking about abortions??????
Back on topic though. One may consider myself as a right winger, but in fact, my lib/conservative scale is pointed right at top center. I know there are good on both sides, but the left leaning liberals have sunk to an all time low. You know, give an inch, take a mile theory. Understanding that I live in liberal land, so I only have the ability to monitor my representatives, such as Pelosi. She gripes about "guns bad" while she has a contingent of 20 highly trained military and law enforcement swat teams, at her beckon call. Then her nephew, Governor Idiot Newsome, who promised everyone a $500 check right before the June 6th primary. Well, he got elected (of course) but nobody got money. Now, he has to run off against a republican in November, so guess what, yesterday he announced we would all get checks in the fall. We'll, the elections are in November, ironically the week the checks are suppose to be sent out.
This is pandering, plain and simple, and he should be arrested, but he himself and his butt buddy Gascon have the laws locked up, so you can't even prosecute him
Remember, when this make believe pandemic was in full force, and he was dancing the night away at the French Laundry, with nobody wearing a mask. Typical "do as I say, not do as I do" ********.
So this is why I am who I am. I am so tired of the liberal rhetoric, and why I will dance on the Graves of these a-holes.
I was a Democrat for many years, back when they were sane. We even had a Democrat governor of Missouri who supported the 2nd. Then they got so far left that I just could not support them anymore. I too consider myself a moderate.
Alright, I have now seen these pink hats that you speak of. Meh. Now this is a pussy hat

Can we even call it the news anymore. Or has it transitioned to something different. Propaganda media blitz. Which spin do you prefer? Red, blue, we’ve got a channel for you.
Can we even call it the news anymore. Or has it transitioned to something different. Propaganda media blitz. Which spin do you prefer? Red, blue, we’ve got a channel for you.
Only news I read daily is local news on our only radio station's website. Just news and obits, no politics.
Speaking of dueling, today I had to go to my police station and conduct an annual shooting qualification. The range master commented that I aced the course, shooting better than all 80 current and retired officers combined.
Back to the duel, I'm game! Not against you of course, but I'll take on any liberal vagina hat wearing sissy.

And yes, the vagina hat is real
We are on day 4 of protests in our state, where these vagina hat wearing boys and girls (synonymous these days) are screaming, "my body, my choice!" Wait, are we referring to the mandatory Fraudchi covid vaccination, or we talking about abortions??????
Liberal extremists do not have a middle ground that's where they're called such. Unless they disappear there will never be a conversation.
The conversation will only be with us middle of the roaders. True extremists on either side are not going to be swayed no matter how nice we word something. Can't we all just get along?
......uh ..... nope.
but the left leaning liberals have sunk to an all time low.
would there be an agreement the right leaning conservatives have also sunk ?
I’m going to surmise, and say YES ! That means we have a segment in the middle that needs to Stand Fast ! And not ‘ LEAN ‘ Because as we have just recently said, the media is not making it easy......Anyhow, how to we do that ?

My favorite tool from SAFE class , that I believe could work is the concept of Understanding. The definition goes something like this : Understanding requires listening, and to whom shall I listen to is Myself. I need to listen to my words, thoughts, as well as be aware of my attitude. If I do these three things I’m giving myself understanding.

To sum up, Leaning to far is not working, so let’s work the Middle...... Mike’s Mikapedia 😜 definition:

Middle : Someone who looks at the opposing view points, acknowledge them both using respectfully words and at the same time not allowing to enter into someone else’s emotional space, then choose a course that may or may not reasonably address both sides, without being judgmental.

Imho if we collectively Stand Fast with that template or something like it, we as a society could work towards an international goal to heal wounds !
Can't we all just get along?
I see a country song tittle there high 😀 and if you don’t mind I’d like to, of course elaborate. Great Goal to work towards, but not to expect. Why Mike ? I’m glad I asked 😉

expecting Koombia is different than having Koombia. Expecting is ‘ Waiting ‘ ......An unknown in the future stirring up anxiety’s. The media wants us in that space, however we do it to ourselves and think it’s normal.

Having Koombia is ‘ Present ‘ something to enjoy, celebrate and embrace when it happens.

My friends, this is one major reason we have conflict in our personal lives, now scale it up and we have what we have. (All SAFE class concepts )
Liberal Attorney General Rob Bonta... slug, and BFF with Governor Newscum, thought he would be transparent today and released the names and addresses of every Concealed Weapons Permit carriers in the entire State of California. Although he was ordered to take this confidential information off the web site within minutes, the names and addresses have been distributed to every gang member with a computer. I've just been told it also includes all police officers, active AND retired. This includes me!
I'm beyond pissed...
And you wonder why I hate libtards!
Liberal Attorney General Rob Bonta... slug, and BFF with Governor Newscum, thought he would be transparent today and released the names and addresses of every Concealed Weapons Permit carriers in the entire State of California. Although he was ordered to take this confidential information off the web site within minutes, the names and addresses have been distributed to every gang member with a computer. I've just been told it also includes all police officers, active AND retired. This includes me!
I'm beyond pissed...
And you wonder why I hate libtards!
Has anyone released the names and addresses and personal info of Bonta's friends and family members? If not he needs to know how it feels.
Why is It easy to blame, criticize, get pissed and reciprocate bad behavior, but hard to
love ? Maybe because we and Ozy are focusing on who and what’s to blame rather than taking responsibility to love. He continues to say, in his song ‘ Crazy Train ‘ “ hoping it’s not to late to learn how to love and forget how to hate “

Could it be the solution is in the question? Stop blaming ! ! .... are you insane Mike ? Don’t answering 🤪 ..... What will we loose if we stop blaming ? .... we will loose resentment and open extra space and time for comparison. For A SAFE class or safer way of interacting with opposition 😎.

I’ll give it a rest, but did any of all that compute at all ?

... I think Ozy is going on tour 🎤 😆 , maybe I’ll step out of my Little River Band comfort zone 👍
Constitution of United States of America 1789 (rev. 1992)
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