I would agree with that, along with school shootings and a few other things. No doubt society is ill but that’s no reason to cater to the sickness. That means you find the sickness acceptable. It’s not. Understandable, yes. Acceptable, No.
Is researching the sickness catering to the sickness? In one way it actually is

and maybe not catering could make it worse

…..let me continue that thought, and be generous by submitting yourself into the words before finding fault.
Acceptance is a funny verb with many meanings, And that makes it complicated for sure.
I was actually thinking more biologically with the conflict between men and women, and posing a question. Does poor procreational attitudes
( unrecognized conflict between men and women before sex

) get passed into the child’s cells ?

And ! Could it present itself as possible gender dysphoria ? ……I’ll Google search it Unless you beat me to it.
However, this and all opposites definitely need multi pronged approach to create function. Catering to extreme views for a while may be wise. And ! In my humble opinion, that only starts with accepting the reality that Repubs and Dems are living in extreme opposition and that function lies in the in between team of
BIPARTISANSHIP ! ….. Be patient this will take time, but in the meantime, ask yourselves, am I using words and actions that help or hinder?
Some of the mass shootings have been done by gender dysphoric, adolescence, so there could be a possible link, and I don’t know about you, but I would like to damp down the flames of conflict, so that all grandchildren have less risk while learning to become functional adults. If we continue to provoke rather than accept, we will continue more craziness, and the same goes for all the opposites going on, Democrats Republicans, white black, Jews, Muslims. It’s an endless list of opposites…..When are we going to learn to peacefully exist in the ‘ in between team ‘ of accepting differences.
…… the answer to that question lies with
‘ real respect ‘ towards yourself and others and when we see someone INTOXICATED with a imbalance of moral ideals, lets ask them a question: “ Are Those words and actions Respectful of both parties “ ? …. “ Just stop look and listen to the results “ …… Is it working to calm the needs and wants of both parties down ? ……If the answer is yes, then continue….. If the answer is no, then change the words and actions accordingly…..If doubling down elevates the dis function, and we keep at it, then expect more of the same, back and forth until one generation dies off and passes the baton to the next.
Wouldn’t it be nice to pass a functional baton ? Hint, the baton doesn’t come with answers, it only comes with more questions.
Real life tragedy story:
I spoke to a prisoner the other day, and it will be an endless search for him to find forgiveness from that tragic day when he chose intoxicated moral ideals of good versus evil, rather than a choice in between…..If we teach about the functional power of the in between choices, from the extreme opposite ones, I believe we will create a more functional society. This doesn’t mean we accept all bad, wrong, and evil behavior, it means like CJ said we understand it ! ! And with that understanding, comes acceptance of the person by being respectful when we disagree.