I don't like the death tax, but investment income is still income, taxed at a lower rate. But what Romney wants is to pay no tax.
I tell you what I think. Rich people were fine before the Bush tax, the economy was fine, investments were fine. The money looks better in my pocket than there's. And I need it more than they do. The middle class needs it more than they do.
If Romney and Ryan get elected they will throw the poor in the ditch and Granny is going to have to die in the hills like the cave man days cus they will cut Medicare
Ryan's primary idea to balance the budget is to cut social security and medicare. Did you know that most people, including me, now drawing social security will not draw out as much as they paid in? And if he gets his way, the next group of retirees will draw even less of what they paid in. And since there is an income cap on paying in, the poor and middle class will get soaked again.
I am middle of the road and hate extremes on either side.......... that said, you know I don't lean
left of middle.
We are in an economic situation in the US caused in large part because of our government. I hate rules, and I hate regulation, but there is a point at which both are necessary. I don't like monopolies, so if two large telephone companies, or two large oil companies, or two large electric companies are allowed to buy up all the rest................ well that isn't fair and needs regulation.
The question is how much regulation? Where does government set the bar........ must there be at least 5 energy companies in the US, or a minimum 5000 in order to preserve competition?
I do not know the answer, but I think regulation is necessary so that one energy company cannot gobble up the other 4,999. What is fair, what is right? Much more complicated than me simply tossing out my own viewpoint.
I have absolutely no clue what is fair or what is best.
My problem in all of these kinds of monetary decisions, are people like us being know it alls...........
we are not. We shoot from the hip at what we want to be. We have to admit that me and you are virtually clueless as to the reality of this kind of decision making.
As an example...... Ernesto, if you raised the taxes on that top one percent by lets say......... 13.13%, what would the
REAL effect be on
Government spending?
New tax income for the government:
How would they
really spend the additional revenue? (paying down the debt or adding money to existing programs?)
How many minutes would those billions of dollars actually run the US government? (8 days comes to mind)
How much less incentive would there be for those people to invest their money (stocks) to create new companies, or expand existing ones?
Problem is that there is a tipping point, where government raises the bar so high that it drives businesses out of the country, reduces US jobs and ends up shooting itself in the foot.
Ever hear of Carbonite? Looks what happens when a single company makes a 'feel good' mistake............ a choice that puts 'feel good' ahead of reality and consequences? Our elected government officials use 'feel good' way to often........... and most often it's used as a way to get re-elected.
...tossing out candy to the children will get you elected almost every time...
...Running on a base of
denying candy will lose most every time.
........ even tho candy costs $100, and you only make $50.......... just promise the sky to everyone and their eyes will glaze over wanting the dream to continue, tho deep down they know it can't go on forever. (Pyramid scheme)
I don't support cutting Social Security, but I do support cutting the costs that make it such an expensive system to run. I do support reducing governments red tape and delay process which makes building a bridge a 15 year process............
simply to get the permit!
My big issue her is the demonization of the right, or the Republicans by the media. ABC, CBS, NBC....... and OMG.....PBS TV and radio.

They are all heavily slanted and they demonize the Republicans as the norm. ...........as if the far right Democrats are the middle of the road.

In addition, they have
drummed this into peoples heads for so darn long, along with the Democrats, that they make the word Republican mean that he's a person who hates children, wants old people to stave or be homeless and freeze to death........ only so they can and their rich friends can party and live high on the hog while everyone suffers.
Ya know, Republicans have friends and relatives too. Grandpas, Grandmas, sons, daughters, grandchildren and co workers .............. do you really think that Republicans and Democrats are really that much different? I don't. I work for both and the differences I see between the parties are usually small, often single issues.
What person in their right mind hates old people and children and wishes them harm? aw, c'mon, lets get real.
......... but that's the way conservatives are portrayed in the media.
Test your own inner strength by checking out the reality of what you
wish for compared to the reality of achieving it.
If I was a billionaire living in New York, and they raised the city tax from 3.646% to 7% (NY also has a sales tax from 4 to 9 percent)
3.6% city tax, plus 4% to 9% sales tax, plus property, vehicle, gas, business, state tax, gas tax, federal tax, permit taxes........how much is enough these days. Romney doesn't pay 11% in taxes. We are taxed up one side and down the other.......... and taxed upon money that has already been taxed.
The government is the problem.
......If I was a billionaire in NY I'd say go suck an egg, and move to another state. If all the billionaires in NY followed me out of town, (and there are 70 of them), the city would have to file for bankruptcy.
.............. this, my children, .....is known as cause and effect.
The government and it seems many Democrats too, only envision the math of the new revenue they expect to get from the tax increase, .........without thinking far enough ahead to understand the end result of their action.
Government is too big, programs are bloated and need streamlining.
Hopefully Mitt wins and his new side kick will find ways to make the government more efficient instead of raising taxes
on anyone.
Mitt pays more personal taxes by percentage than most people......... I think twice as much. He doesn't pay taxes on "wages", because he has none or few ways to make any income fit into the "wage" category.
He is an investor, and risks his own personal money in hopes to make money. If he makes money, so do other people...... meaning he creates wealth by investing and risking his own money.
If he loses it all and ends up
on the street, Ernesto thinks it's funny,
......but if he hit's a
gold mine, Ernesto wants a piece of the pie.......... I just cannot even slightly fathom that kind of thinking.
I have been havin fun with all this, knowing well that the best I will achieve it to possibly open a few peoples minds a
teenie weenie bit on the hate the rich and hate the Republicans theme that is the base of the big three US media steams......... and PBS,( land of the sky is falling)
I do appreciate having a forum where stuff like this is allowed and it proves that this can work without any anger or name calling or ruffled feathers. Mine aren't ruffled........ hope knowbody else's got ruffled.
In ending, I just want to say that Ernesto is wrong, and as usual, I am slightly to the right.
.............I'll let this topic slide into the sunset so that Rusty can sleep better without having to worry 'bout what he will see when he wakes up.
Thanks Rusty, very much appreciated!