No, I don't believe as Rush. I never even heard of a Batman character named Bane.
Years ago, Rush made a joke about sending his Mom a can opener so she could open her dog food. (big in the news at that particular time was the issue of seniors eating dog food because it was cheap)
Next day, Barbara Boxer made reference to it on the house floor. ...she thought it was a true statement. Wow, .......she'd be a bad audience member to entertain in a comedy shop.
She took an obvious joke (obvious to 99.9% of us), and spun it into something to make Rush look bad and evil.
Leftist news people (most news people) take sound bites of his out of context and play them to make him look bad. It's done intentionally and if you listen to his show you know what I mean.
Unless you listen to one of those 'controversial' comments of his
without hearing the lead up to those comments,
and the comments made afterwards, you will not understand what the real meaning is. You have to listen to him, or what he says won't come through.
Rush intentionally messes with the people who don't like him, and it's funny.
.............if you listen regularly, you know from his comments just exactly what he is doing.
If you
don't listen to his show enough to understand his sarcasm, then you will never know who he really is. You will not understand what his comments really mean.
You simply cannot always isolate a single comment of his and take it for it's face value.
Because of his style, he leads himself open to attacks by the left wing media machine which takes his comments out of context and making a story around them to make him look bad.
The fairly recent '****' comment was one of those mistakes of his. He could have used, and
should have used a slightly less
rude description of that deceptive woman.
....tramp comes to mind.

You need to investigate the woman (not the innocent coed as she portayed herself to be) that he was talking about.
When fuel was high a long time ago, he was discussing it one day. He had just bought (upgraded) to a Gulfstream G550 or G650 jet. Rush loves planes and jets
(and he and other wealthy people are fortunate enough to be able to keep people employed building them)
I suppose it's a $57 to $70 million plane. Like Howard Stern, he can afford one.

So anyway, back to the high cost of fuel topic that day and everyone knowing he has this really nice personal jet, .........he signs off this days show with the words.
"and you people wouldn't even believe the price of jet fuel"
He wasn't bragging.......... he was intentionally 'P'ing off the people that don't know him with what looked like a comment by him, complaining about the price of fuel for his jet.
That was one of the funniest things he has done when signing off.
It was funny, because I knew that at least 50% of the people that probably heard that comment, thought he was being arrogant.
He's the funniest most entertaining man on AM radio.
He screws up......... Personally, I think he has treated Michelle Obama a bit to harshly.......... so I certainly have my own issues with him and his style occasionally.
He's waaay more conservative than I am. I'm middle of the road, and lean to the right. I listen for the entertainment value as much as anything.
The Spatula City ad on his show was one of my favorites. His fake ads rival the best of SNL
Anyone that has
never listened to him on a
regular basis has
no clue whatsoever as to who he is.
If all you hear are media sound bites, you are being duped. Very nice guy and very generous.
Now if you don't like him simply because he's a conservative, I totally understand that. If you don't like him because of comments that the media reports about him............. you are getting the wool pulled over your eyes.
He's fun, entertaining, very polite to his guests, even when they are from the '
dark side'