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Excellent idea. I would guess with us eliminating gas and oil, the wars would finally stop as well. That is a win-win-win!

Beer is a naturally made, enviro friendly US product, so it's still OK .....right? I get passive and non violent when sipping it. (sleepy)
(pretty please? :eek: )
No guns, no gas, no war............... just beer?
It may be way too late to start a beer for 2012 campaign, but I think that a peace for beer agenda would have good pull on both sides of the aisle next go around. ;)
Sure Rush shoots from the hip and misses once in a while. He's right 98.4% of the time tho. :D
How 'bout Harry shooting from the hip and sayin' Mitt didn't pay any taxes for 10 years? Nancy say's it's true too.................. and the proof they have is what?
With the opposition routinely throwin out garbage like that, why would't Rush assume the Bane character was intentional?

Oh, and back on the gun control issue that arose from the shooting in Colorado.
Grandpa should have been at the movies that night.
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With the opposition routinely throwin out garbage like that, why would't Rush assume the Bane character was intentional?

Hee hee, so you do believe as does Rush. I knew it. Well one reason could be because that character has been around way longer than Bain Capitol has . weeeeeeeeeee!
No, I don't believe as Rush. I never even heard of a Batman character named Bane.
Years ago, Rush made a joke about sending his Mom a can opener so she could open her dog food. (big in the news at that particular time was the issue of seniors eating dog food because it was cheap)
Next day, Barbara Boxer made reference to it on the house floor. ...she thought it was a true statement. Wow, .......she'd be a bad audience member to entertain in a comedy shop.
She took an obvious joke (obvious to 99.9% of us), and spun it into something to make Rush look bad and evil.
Leftist news people (most news people) take sound bites of his out of context and play them to make him look bad. It's done intentionally and if you listen to his show you know what I mean.
Unless you listen to one of those 'controversial' comments of his without hearing the lead up to those comments, and the comments made afterwards, you will not understand what the real meaning is. You have to listen to him, or what he says won't come through.
Rush intentionally messes with the people who don't like him, and it's funny.
.............if you listen regularly, you know from his comments just exactly what he is doing.
If you don't listen to his show enough to understand his sarcasm, then you will never know who he really is. You will not understand what his comments really mean.
You simply cannot always isolate a single comment of his and take it for it's face value.
Because of his style, he leads himself open to attacks by the left wing media machine which takes his comments out of context and making a story around them to make him look bad.
The fairly recent '****' comment was one of those mistakes of his. He could have used, and should have used a slightly less
rude description of that deceptive woman.
....tramp comes to mind. :D You need to investigate the woman (not the innocent coed as she portayed herself to be) that he was talking about.
When fuel was high a long time ago, he was discussing it one day. He had just bought (upgraded) to a Gulfstream G550 or G650 jet. Rush loves planes and jets
(and he and other wealthy people are fortunate enough to be able to keep people employed building them)
I suppose it's a $57 to $70 million plane. Like Howard Stern, he can afford one. ;)
So anyway, back to the high cost of fuel topic that day and everyone knowing he has this really nice personal jet, .........he signs off this days show with the words.
"and you people wouldn't even believe the price of jet fuel"
He wasn't bragging.......... he was intentionally 'P'ing off the people that don't know him with what looked like a comment by him, complaining about the price of fuel for his jet.
That was one of the funniest things he has done when signing off.
It was funny, because I knew that at least 50% of the people that probably heard that comment, thought he was being arrogant.
He's the funniest most entertaining man on AM radio.
He screws up......... Personally, I think he has treated Michelle Obama a bit to harshly.......... so I certainly have my own issues with him and his style occasionally.
He's waaay more conservative than I am. I'm middle of the road, and lean to the right. I listen for the entertainment value as much as anything.
The Spatula City ad on his show was one of my favorites. His fake ads rival the best of SNL
Anyone that has never listened to him on a regular basis has no clue whatsoever as to who he is.
If all you hear are media sound bites, you are being duped. Very nice guy and very generous.
Now if you don't like him simply because he's a conservative, I totally understand that. If you don't like him because of comments that the media reports about him............. you are getting the wool pulled over your eyes.
He's fun, entertaining, very polite to his guests, even when they are from the 'dark side' :D
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A friend of mine worked with Rush back when Rush was a sports reporter for the KC Star. He said no one liked him and thought he was an arrogant a**hole. He also wasn't a very good sports reporter. His "I'm better than everyone else" attitude, isn't an act according to Kelly. He says Rush genuinely thinks he is better than everyone else.
That a pretty lengthy reply and I think it is simply a cover-up. :D Most of Rush's stuff is simply stupid and does it to get the attention of the public his admirers.

You obviously do not listen to him at all. People who don't listen regularly enough have absolutely no clue whatsoever..................... keep listning to Katie Couric's and Matt Lauers carefully chosen sound bites.

A friend of mine worked with Rush back when Rush was a sports reporter for the KC Star. He said no one liked him and thought he was an arrogant a**hole. He also wasn't a very good sports reporter. His "I'm better than everyone else" attitude, isn't an act according to Kelly. He says Rush genuinely thinks he is better than everyone else.

I worked for a guy that was at a function of some sort with Rush and the off the deep end leftie Ray Tagliaro from AM 810 radio....... This guy said Rush was a quiet guy and very nice. He's totally different on stage so to speak, because he is a business man and knows fully well how to make his show entertaining............. He knows exactly what he's doing and is tremendously successful at it. Maybe if he was just making $35,000 a year, more people would like him. :rolleyes:

Read the following, and try to pretend that you have no clue who is speaking. Rush is a guy who is proud of his own achievements, yet he is so deeply frustrated that his parents never lived to see that he would come to be so accomplished. His dad thought he would be a total failure because he never attended college (well, he didn't attend long........ he had his own dreams)
If Rush is the definition of a failure............ I want to be all that!

Read the following and absorb his own pride and passion for planes and frustration that he can never take his dad on a ride on EIB One.
He love his parents, he knew what he was destined to do, and no other radio personality on earth can come remotely close to the fame he's achieved........... unless you count the rude and vulgar Howard Stern, who actually makes more $$$ than Rush.

He's also one of those right wing jerks that will leave a $1000 tip at a restaurant.

A very creative individual who challenges liberals and they won't pony up:

Rush, the evil man who hates children and the poor............. he also want's knowbody to have health care, 'cept for him and his cronies:

Mean, mean, and despicable man:

Certainly there may be some "arrogance" that comes along with all the fame and fan fare............ who is he really?
He's a man who is deeply patriotic, want's to push people to become their very best.
..... as opposed to the liberal idea of begging for handouts and crying that "the rich have too much money and they need to give me some of it"
How come I am not the world's most well known ans best paid flooring guru?
It's my own damn fault, not Rush's, not Romney's, not Reagan's or Bush's.
My fault is that I do not posses their fierce inner drive and motivation that made them become successful. The people on top have something many, I mean, MOST of us just don't have. I envy them when I should be emulating them. My own fault i can't pay the bills.
Poor is MY fault, not someone elses fault.
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High, I think your fascination with Rush is a little on the extreme to scary side. :) I bet you have Rush bumper stickers and even a Rush pillow case. :D:D:D
The duder has some kreepy hands that want back in me pockets. Highup don't care cus obviously he makes over 250 K a year. Screw Mitt.

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The duder has some kreepy hands that want back in me pockets. Highup don't care cus obviously he makes over 250 K a year. Screw Mitt.
Screw Mitt because he makes $250m per year?
I don't comprehend....... not even slightly. What does his income have to do with anything? He's rich, so hate him? I looooove rich people. They buy stuff, they build new homes, they employ. I wish New York would raise the city taxes on the wealthy by 25%......... I honestly do! ....ask why.;)

Letterman just said Mitt makes 4 or 5 billion per year.
...............problem is, that most of Letterman's mind numbed robots will take his comment for face value because they hate the rich so much they won't even research it.
That said, I am glad that you did......... you are a good person for going to that effort.
Letterman didn't even pose his 4 or 5 billion dollar comment as a joke.
Letterman's statement of Mitt's income is off by about 20X's

This is how the big three members of the media operate. I forgot PBS......... so that's 4 or more.
.....they all snip comments out of context to create a biased story to make any non liberal look bad.
No, FOX is not unbiased either, but they are at least a non conformer to the hate the rich, hate the conservative montra of the regular media.
I am a Rush fan because I enjoy his show.......... reguardless of his strong conservative bias, he is an extremely smart guy who is up to date on current reality and economics. He's way more right than I am........... His religious views are one of my main areas of disagreement with him. Religion to me is a personal issue, and an issue that has no major place in US policy making. If religion is to become the basis of US policy making, then it's no different than Iran making policy by religion.
Not that our own founding religion is useless.......... many things in it, are to me simply common sense rules to live by.
I have no shrine dedicated to Rush. I like his show because I know exactly what he is doing, and non listeners don't.......... it's funny
Ask yourself why most extreme liberal radio shows fail miserably, or can't even come within 5% of the popularity or monetary worth of EIB.
If they are somewhat successful, they are on after midnight or at 6am when most people are still sleeping.
He's self made........... and he has earned every penny of what he has developed over the years. Daddy didn't give him what hes got............ he did it his way, bucking the system as often as he could.
High, I think your fascination with Rush is a little on the extreme to scary side. :) I bet you have Rush bumper stickers and even a Rush pillow case. :D:D

I don't do no bumper stickers, no Rush pillow, an no anti- or pro anything is even in my possession.
No, rubber bands on my wrists either. :D
I removed one of your smiley faces because this website is non smiley friendly. (limits smiley people icons to a ridiculously low level of 4)
Screw Mitt because he makes $250m per year?
I don't comprehend....... not even slightly. What does his income have to do with anything? He's rich, so hate him?

How much money Mitt has has nothing to do with the discussion and you along with everyone one else who says that knows it. I could care less if he makes 100 billion a week. I just want the tax code to be fair, and have them pay tax like they used to B4 Bush. And I don't like people having offshore tax havens either.

Fact is that tax break is costing is 100's of billions of dollars. Middle class people actually buy more products with that money than rich people do, they spend it, not bank it.

So enough with that make believe argument you right wingers dreamed up that people do not like rich people.
Since you brought it up, I loved it when Ann Romney was getting interviewed and said " You people don't need to see our income taxes because it will just give yoou more ammunition" LOL You people, gotta love it.

Was it because the interviewer was black, or a reporter or a lefty. weeeeeeeeeeeeeee
How much money Mitt has has nothing to do with the discussion and you along with everyone one else who says that knows it. I could care less if he makes 100 billion a week. I just want the tax code to be fair, and have them pay tax like they used to B4 Bush. And I don't like people having offshore tax havens either.

Fact is that tax break is costing is 100's of billions of dollars. Middle class people actually buy more products with that money than rich people do, they spend it, not bank it.

So enough with that make believe argument you right wingers dreamed up that people do not like rich people.
This guy ought to be doing a Romney plug every time one of those deceptive "hate the rich" political ads come out. Very well written:

His money is not earned in wages. His former company paid him for investing/risking money.

Had he/his company invested $500,000,000 and lost every single penny in doing so, would you not agree that there ought to be city, state, federal tax plans to pay him a large rebate for attempting to make money? ...or should he just take it in the shorts for trying?
I'm serious. Should he and people in his shoes be paid with government checks when they guess wrong?

Since you brought it up, I loved it when Ann Romney was getting interviewed and said " You people don't need to see our income taxes because it will just give yoou more ammunition" LOL You people, gotta love it.

Was it because the interviewer was black, or a reporter or a lefty. weeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Ann was dead on correct with her comment. There is absolutely no other reason whatsoever.
'You people', I believe can be taken however you want it to. I think it's the part of the country you live in that determines the spin on the wording. Get over trying to spin it into something it is not.
She was obviously referring to the leftie media, which wants nothing more than do than use his tax returns to nit pick and distract right up to election day....... since they don't want to address the current administrations economic record.
Hate the rich/label all the republicans as racists and children haters when backed into a corner. Those are just cheap shots to make the party that promises candy for everyone look more appealing. Sheesh, everyone wants candy.......... but can we afford it? Nope. We need to reduce the size of government with a major overhaul. Way too many federal and probably state programs that do similar functions would be a good start. Way too many chiefs. Welfare and housing ought to be one single entity......... I think I read that there are over hundred programs that overlap this area.
You are so wrong and you know it......... you're just messin with me cause you like me. :D
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I appreciate the powers that be allowing this fun to continue, and I hope everyone knows that I am right, Ernesto is wrong, and we are both having fun.
So doncha worry, the prosecution is about to rest it's case against the persecution. :D
I think she wanted to say "# You F'ing ******* ain't getting shyt" LOL But then she ain't got no rural upbringing to use that term in other manner than to dis somone as lower class. Just my opinion.

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I'd still like a response on this part tho.
Had he/his company invested $500,000,000 and lost every single penny in doing so, would you not agree that there ought to be city, state, federal tax plans to pay him a large rebate for attempting to make money? ...or should he just take it in the shorts for trying?
I'm serious. Should he and people in his shoes be paid with government checks when they guess wrong?

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