What’s Cookin

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Our new house has a gas stove! Holy crap, there’s nothin like cookin with gas!!! I made some pan seared oven roasted taters tonight. It was magical. No guessing what temp the knob is turned to, just look at the pan. Does it look hot? 😂 Anyway, I don’t even care about the taters as much as I enjoyed making them. I made some chicken, too, but it was all about the taters tonight.
Our new house has a gas stove! Holy crap, there’s nothin like cookin with gas!!! I made some pan seared oven roasted taters tonight. It was magical. No guessing what temp the knob is turned to, just look at the pan. Does it look hot? 😂 Anyway, I don’t even care about the taters as much as I enjoyed making them. I made some chicken, too, but it was all about the taters tonight.
New house? ....what did I miss?
Brown it up and toss it in the crock pot. The whole house smells so good right now. Makes me wonder why dinner scented candles aren’t a thing.

Between 2,100 and 2,400 …. What type of work does she do.
$2300. She’s a School Psychologist. That makes me the house bitch.😂 It’s nice, I got this. I’m just gonna do all the things I wanted someone to do for me when I was busy so when she got home I was laying naked in bed waiting for her and there was food on the stove. I even let her pick the TV show she wants to watch. Housebitchin is easy.

Here’s a pic of the food. Nobody needs to see me. lol.

And how does being the house bitch make you feel?

See that? I’m a psychologist too!!!

House bitch sounds like it freaking rules! Lucky dog you.

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