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I haven't heard nothing from Crystal Gayle in years. Thought she retired.


Fantastic performance and she still has the long hair. She is also working on a new album. Only disappointment was that the lights were s screwed up, I couldn't get any good pictures.

some carpet work in a house from the 1700-s -----original owner 17 bedrooms --single family-------currently 8 unit rental house---hallway in 1 unit-----2 halls and a set of stairs in a common area---the hallway in the unit was nothing special but one room off the hall was a bit of a suprise---about 8x12 done completely in tin---walls ceiling floor---single door with the old time fridge latches instead of door knobs---current owner tells me he thinks it was for fur storage---the common areas had orange shag in it---i tried to explain it would be back in style anytime now--but no buyers for my line of bs----the stairs were something new for me too---a single flight---13 stairs---with 8 pie stairs --a new personal best----but the most interesting part of the house for me i noticed as i was leaving----incorperated into the roof was an eyebrow window---done entirely in slate---i stared at the thing for a while trying to imagine the skill required in getting peices of rock to make a semicircle ----it made my head hurt----keep in mind back then a wet saw was a guy who kept spitting on a string---now thats a craftsman
Rusty, my condolences. I've been to too many funerals in the past few years. There are some people that I only ever see at funerals now. It sucks. At least she was cremated. I really hate having to go see the bodies. I want to remember the people when they were alive.

Thus far today I've just played world of warcraft, cleaned the litterpan, and done some rough sketches of plumbing diagrams. I'm trying to work up the motivation to go get a measuring tape and take some measurements of various rooms in the house. I need to figure out the best way to lay the vinyl sheet when I re-do my mother's ensuite floor.
I finished up 800 sqft of Teragren Crafstman II, floated. What a PITA, as is all bamboo lately. I'm doubling up my price. Monday I go back for base and transitions. The clients are out of town as I should be.
I would never get bamboo flooring. From what I've seen of bamboo it splits rather easily, is not all that durable, and doesn't even have a very nice color (can it be stained?). It's cute for tiki bars and stuff, but I just don't see the appeal.

The past few days I've been busy driving people around and helping a friend with a 3-week-old puppy that was bitten by a spider. Poor baby. I've also been playing the Beta of World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor and reporting bugs to the devs.

Tomorrow I'm hoping to get some rest and not have to go anywhere.
Every time I think of pandas I remember the video of a panda at a zoo reaching through the bars and stealing some guy's jacket. (The guy had to squirm out of it to get away from the grabby panda). Then the panda rubbed its face on the jacket and rolled around cuddling it.

Today I pondered some crackpot ideas and did some sketches only to be talked out of said crackpot idea (I wanted to convert a hardwired bathroom light to be a plug in light, but people suggested it was a bad idea and that it would be better to just hardwire it). So now I have to look in to the proper way to wire things (as well as figure out how to get up in to my attic and not fall through the ceiling).
Every time I think of pandas I remember the video of a panda at a zoo reaching through the bars and stealing some guy's jacket. (The guy had to squirm out of it to get away from the grabby panda). Then the panda rubbed its face on the jacket and rolled around cuddling it.

Today I pondered some crackpot ideas and did some sketches only to be talked out of said crackpot idea (I wanted to convert a hardwired bathroom light to be a plug in light, but people suggested it was a bad idea and that it would be better to just hardwire it). So now I have to look in to the proper way to wire things (as well as figure out how to get up in to my attic and not fall through the ceiling).

I did that once when my toes slipped off the ceiling joist. I knew I was going down so I grabbed the joist my knees were on and down I went. My ex was at the sink and I came down right behind her hanging on like a kid on the monkey bars. She called me a "dumb ****" cause I was laughing. Hell of a ride I tell you.

I did that once when my toes slipped off the ceiling joist. I knew I was going down so I grabbed the joist my knees were on and down I went. My ex was at the sink and I came down right behind her hanging on like a kid on the monkey bars. She called me a "dumb ****" cause I was laughing. Hell of a ride I tell you.

Along those same lines......
Back in the late 80's we installed flooring in a bank that was being remodled into a trauma center. The contractor said we had 21 days till the trauma center had to be operational (pun accidentally intended)
We got finished a day or two ahead of their schedule, and leaned that the "Motorola guy" who had been installing equipment in the attic area, came through the ceiling and was their first patient. :D

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