This is probably more than you asked for, but it's good info. I'm gonna save this one. Lots of good info for ya.
For 24" on center, 3/4 or thicker.
I wouldn't use pressure treated for anything that is going to have vinyl over it. I'm not sure if it's safe for indoor use either. I'd contact the manufacture of the plywood and ask them what the preservative is and if it will stain the vinyl. Maybe there is a treatment that's safe for both indoor use and won't stain the vinyl over time. I just don't know about that sort of stuff because it's never used where I live.
Thanks! I think pressure treated is used indoors a LOT around here because the climate is so damn humid. I read that it can be used for anything but countertops and cutting boards.
My friend was pricing out materials to fix up his bathroom. He was looking for cementboard and drywall. I mentioned there's Greenboard (which apparently now comes in purple) so he asked for the price on that. My mother is offering to pay for stuff for him and he plans to help us out bigtime in return-- I believe he said something about if any of us ever needed a kidney.... LOL.
He just rescued a kitten from the storm so I got some food for it and held it. Adorable sweet little kitty. Moved some of his furniture from his grandparents' house. Got the computer, desk, two chairs (one of them is a powered recliner), and an electric fireplace looking heater thingy. Took two trips. His girlfriend discovered that I used to do therapeutic massage as a hobby (on family and friends-- although I once helped my boss with his shoulder) so she's been asking for back massages.
My friend's daughter who is about 5 now was visiting the grandparents and was very excited to see me. She ran up and jumped on me and then lifted her legs off the ground to hang from me. When I was sitting on the couch she pounced on me and discovered that she bounced when she bumped in to my chest so she started bouncing herself off of me until her great grandmother realized what she was doing and started yelling at her. I was just laughing too hard about it to care.
Meanwhile, the guy we sold the tractor to came by this morning (well, technically yesterday morning since it's after midnight) and cut the weeds back. When he came to bush hog a few days ago he killed two snakes and he was worried about us getting bitten if snakes were hiding in the weeds near the truck and porch. He really is a sweet man. He's always helping people out. One day I'll have to send him a thank you card.
Went from looking like this:

To this:

He was armed only with a weed eater and a machete. And that "pig grass" (really tall weeds with thick bases) are tough. My machete mostly bounced off of them. He probably would have gotten more done but it started raining.
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