My poor old akita mutt, Brenda, seems to be upset about Shiro. She didn't seem bothered when Tina and Guy died (but she didn't get along with them). She left food in both bowls for Shiro and when I was calling her over to take her medicine, she stopped, looked around for Shiro and started whimpering and whining. She wanted in the house so I let her in. She looked around, sat down, and started whining again. I went and got Fippy and brought him to her. She perked up a little and wagged her tail. I told him to "give her kisses" so he licked her face and that seemed to make her feel better. I petted them both for a few minutes and then Fippy wanted to go back to Mom, but I think it helped cheer Brenda up a little. Shiro was constantly bumping in to her and nearly knocking her over, but she apparently still liked him and would cuddle with him sometimes.