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Happy Birthday Z ..

Thanks for the birthday wishes. Belated Happy Birthday, Highup!
I think they sent me a notice about the renewal in early August or something and I forgot about it until after.
When it comes to cakes, I always liked them simple-- a good chocolate cake. My mother used to make great cakes, but she hasn't cooked in years now. I still never did get a cake this year. I miss home-made ones. Store bought ones have too many preservatives and stuff.

Floorist, I wish it would cool off down here. Temperatures have still been in the 90s here.

Don, I'm not familiar with Audra "fake tile". Is it a vinyl product?
Thumb got worse again. Started to throb and the white part was spreading.

Poked it with a sewing needle coated in triple antibiotic cream. Was like something out of the Dr. Pimplepopper vids. It was, indeed, full of pus-- even the green stuff under the nail came out. Looks and feels much better now.

Gonna have to keep poking and draining until it goes away entirely because some parts keep filling back up.

Temperatures here have still been in the 90s. My brother has started paying me back for the loan I gave him for his truck. Hope he'll stick to it. Will take about a year and a half for him to finish paying.

I need to get more pics of the kittens now that they have been climbing, exploring, and trying to play. The one we call Yasuke is an attention monger. My brother was petting him, but the kitten was yowling at me to come over and also pet him. He wasn't happy until we were both petting him. He's going to be a handful when he's older.
Thumb got worse again. Started to throb and the white part was spreading.

Poked it with a sewing needle coated in triple antibiotic cream. Was like something out of the Dr. Pimplepopper vids. It was, indeed, full of pus-- even the green stuff under the nail came out. Looks and feels much better now.

Gonna have to keep poking and draining until it goes away entirely because some parts keep filling back up.

Temperatures here have still been in the 90s. My brother has started paying me back for the loan I gave him for his truck. Hope he'll stick to it. Will take about a year and a half for him to finish paying.

I need to get more pics of the kittens now that they have been climbing, exploring, and trying to play. The one we call Yasuke is an attention monger. My brother was petting him, but the kitten was yowling at me to come over and also pet him. He wasn't happy until we were both petting him. He's going to be a handful when he's older.
That green scares me............. only looks good on The Green Hulk. Clean it with alcohol, then slather it with Neosporin, wrap it in a wad of paper towels and duck tape. A day later after the morning shower, re-do the process and you'll be good as new.
You could cut the thumb off, but recovery time would be considerably longer and gloves would never feel comfortable on that hand. :D
Thanks for the BD wish. Hit the big 6 zero......... all downhill now. I felt it was downhill after 50 and 40 too. I never really cared cause uphill was always harder. :D
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Hit the big 6 zero......... all downhill now. I felt it was downhill after 50 and 40 too. I never really cared cause uphill was always harder. :D

Your just a young pup :D
You would still have 5 years to go here in NZ to get the government to pay your pension
NZ$300 a week if you can live on that
I hate fighting the cat to share its diner. Do not like cat food either
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Your just a young pup :D
You would still have 5 years to go here in NZ to get the government to pay your pension
NZ$300 a week if you can live on that
I hate fighting the cat to share its diner. Do not like cat food either
Cat food just needs additional gravy Jon. :D
$300 a week, the sun, surfing all day and livin' in a station wagon on the beach. You paint a pretty attractive picture Jon. ;)
The green is a harmless byproduct of the pus-- no gangrene or anything. It all came out when I pressed on it. I've re-poked and cleared it out a couple of times now and it's doing fine. Doesn't hurt at all- just itches. Have to say I'm glad I didn't succeed in biting it open when I thought it was just a blister. That would have been nasty. It's healing faster than the stupid fire ant bites on my ankle at least.

There was a power surge/brownout the day before yesterday and my mother's computer won't boot on. Some lights inside kick on like the motherboard and such, but fans don't kick on. It was plugged in to a brand new APC at the time of the surge. I'm hoping nothing got fried.
See if it will boot into safe mode Z..

Keep tapping the F8 key till you hear the beep.

Check safe mode with internet connectivity . let it boot ..
See if it will boot into safe mode Z..

Keep tapping the F8 key till you hear the beep.

Check safe mode with internet connectivity . let it boot ..

It wouldn't even get that far. Wouldn't light up keyboard or monitor. Turns out it was the power supply (which is what I suspected-- my friend thought the system might have been fried by the power surge, but I thought that the power supply was not operating at full capacity). The power supply wasn't even bronze certified but it had been operating since 2009 and finally gave up the ghost. There was a capacitor in the power supply that bloated up. It was only giving enough power for some lights on the mainboard and nothing more. Fortunately, when we rebuilt the computer, we ordered a new power supply that is gold certified. We hadn't put it in yet because the old one was still working and was 10W higher than the new one. But the new one has plenty of power to run the current specs and even some improvements. So, it's installed and the computer is running.

Now if I can just get my mother functioning properly and not pitching fits. She decided she wanted me to feed her in bed. I brought her the bowl with a lid on it with the food so she could scoop it on the plate and had to go do something-- told her I'd be right back. Was gone about 2 minutes. Came back and she'd thrown the bowl on the floor in a tantrum because she couldn't find her spoon. I picked up the stuff that spilled and put the lid back on the container. I admit, I snapped at her about throwing stuff on the floor and she groused and I explained that it wasn't my fault that she couldn't find her damn spoon or that she couldn't find things in her room because she made a mess. Asked her if she wanted me to bring her a spoon. She closed her eyes and refused to talk to me. It's like living with a 250lb toddler sometimes.
Stopped progress on my router lift for a week or so. Something told me to get gutsy and drill the big hole in the top plate for the bit to center in. Had to disassemble everything to do that. It's back together now and came out better than I expected. I can use one wrench from under the table and the other wrench the top side to change bits. Now there's no need to have a removable plate unless I use a bit with a 1 5/8" diameter.............. and I don't see that ever happnin'
Next on the list is finishing the lift screw bearing, then cutting and fitting the clamping system that holds the router into the lift carriage. Got it pretty much figured out how this is all gonna finish up. Getting real close now.
Once done with the lift insert, I need to make a table top. I need to figure out how large of a table to make, what to make it out of so it's strong, portable and stays flat. I never thought this was gonna be a weekend project................. Anybody have some spare anti-OCD pills layin' around? :D
I went to the post office, mailed a letter, then went to the store and got food. Poor Mom is sick and her little dog jumped on her abdomen and made her have an "accident" so I had to wash her pajama pants out in the sink.

Took her for an eye doctor appointment the other day and stopped by the pet store to get a better cat tree (since I took the old cat tree and put it in the front room with the kittens). So far a couple of the kitties like the new one. I hope more of them start to use it. It was cold last night so a few of my kitties piled on me and kept me warm. One of them even massaged my back.

My friends came out to work on my yard some more-- they have almost all of the trees down, just need to haul them out, but the riding mower wasn't working to drag the downed trees. They got the ones near the car port and barn as well and even fixed my side gate without being asked. They came inside and looked at the circuit box- they are going to try to figure out why the power in the front room isn't working and they are also going to help with replacing the subfloor in the bathrooms and laundry room. I think one or both of them are coming back on Friday to wrap up some more yard work.

Meanwhile, my friend who was getting harassed (via someone filing complaints about his yard with the city) went to City Hall to protest the citations because they were bogus and said that it was someone doing it just to harass him. He found out it was a member of the church next door. He tried to contact the pastor to ask the pastor to please talk with the parishioner about it, but the pastor had him blocked on Facebook for no apparent reason. He later got a call from the mayor, who apologized for the citations and told him he won't be getting any more of them. Also, the icing on the cake: the survey of his property shows that the church is actually built partway on his property. He knows he can't make them move the church, but their precious sign and the fence are way on to his property. He was just going to let it drop, but since the pastor and some of the parishioners are being jerks, he's going to see about making them move the fence and sign. One of the reasons the parishioner and pastor were mad was because he had to pile up branches and stuff next to the fence near their sign and they thought it looked ugly. He's also considering building a 10ft high fence (no city ordinance against it) on the side with the church that would block the sign from view.
Had a relatively good day that had a bad ending. Around 7pm I heard a high-pitched barking outside. I went to check the living room to make sure I didn't just hear my mother's little dog in there. She said it must be my brother's dog, Shiro. But I said something sounded wrong. It was not his usual bark and sounded like a yelping. I went outside and saw him out in the yard rolling around and yelping like he was fighting something. I thought maybe a snake was biting him. As I got closer I realized there was nothing fighting him and it was just a massive seizure. He was really flailing, kicking, snapping his jaws, grabbing at the grass, and having some of the most violent seizures I've ever seen-- nonstop. I couldn't even pet him or get too close because he was like a shark out of water, shifting around and snapping. I went and told my mother that the dog was dying and then messaged a friend who had borrowed my shovel to tell him I was going to need it to bury the dog. I tried talking to the poor dog in a soothing tone. My mother called my brother at work to tell him what was happening. The friend I messaged came out to try to help. He thought maybe it was a snake bite, but there were no signs of it. He was trying to get his brother to bring his gun so he could put the poor dog out of his misery, but the brother wasn't responding. Progressively the seizures got less violent and he was mostly shuddering. Around 9:45 he did one last heave and passed away. Poor thing. Let my brother know and my friend dug a hole (right where the dog had burrowed his last deep tunnel) and buried him for me. He dug it deep enough that we were able to bury my cat that had been in the freezer for the past few months as well.

My poor brother is really upset, although he has the kittens to console him. My friend told me he saw the mosquito poison truck coming out the day before. I wonder if its the mosquito poison or if someone nearby has been putting down poison. We've never had a problem in the past, but this year we've had 5 pets die (although one was from a snake bite). I'm not letting my other dog outside.. During the yelping seizures, she was terrified and ran in to the house and sat by the kitchen door whimpering and whining.
Sad ! Sorry to hear of your lost Z ..

It certainly sucked, but my concern now is to make sure it stops happening. I need to find out what is causing it. My brother didn't want to look at the body and didn't get to say goodbye. I wonder if we should have just told him when he got home instead of telling him when he was at work. He was crying when he got home. The dog had been behaving better and he'd been training him to do a few tricks. Shiro's sister was also poisoned (although that was provably deliberate).

Meanwhile, went to flush the toilet last night and there was no water. Checked the circuit breaker box and the breaker for the water was on. Flipped it on and off a few times, went out-- no sound from the pump house. Turned on the heater out there and no light came on, so it seems the power is not getting through. Waiting for my friend to wake up to see if he can bring out some voltmeters and check stuff and try to determine why it's not working. Hope the breaker itself didn't die. But, until we get this sorted, we have no running water. I need to get a whole house surge protector...

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