Happy, content hogs probably taste better.I knew a family here who raised a hog in the house every winter and butchered it in the spring.
I'm far from being a perfect housekeeper........ but no way would I not clean up dog doo at both step entrances to my porch and deck, and the gravel in the driveway where I park. Just nasty having to step over that stuff, including the chicken poo on the porch and walkway........ it's like playing hop-scotch for 39 feet getting from my van into the house. It was hard even setting up my saw table so the saw table feet, or my own feet didn't get nasty. (well, one shoe got in it once)
Like I said before, nice people. He had some health issues but his wife didn't get out of the recliner for the three hours I was there.... and it was beautiful weather outside too, unlike the previous 4 days with 4 inches of rain.
Rusty, it got up to 83 here today with hardly a breeze.
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