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I knew a family here who raised a hog in the house every winter and butchered it in the spring.
Happy, content hogs probably taste better.
I'm far from being a perfect housekeeper........ but no way would I not clean up dog doo at both step entrances to my porch and deck, and the gravel in the driveway where I park. Just nasty having to step over that stuff, including the chicken poo on the porch and walkway........ it's like playing hop-scotch for 39 feet getting from my van into the house. It was hard even setting up my saw table so the saw table feet, or my own feet didn't get nasty. (well, one shoe got in it once) :( The little dead birdie in front of the steps looked like it had been layin' there for a couple of days.
Like I said before, nice people. He had some health issues but his wife didn't get out of the recliner for the three hours I was there.... and it was beautiful weather outside too, unlike the previous 4 days with 4 inches of rain.

Rusty, it got up to 83 here today with hardly a breeze. :p
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My 8 year old granddaughter competed in her first gymnastic event today(against 9-10 year olds). She got first in tumbling, second in trampoline and 3rd in floor exercise. She was so athletic that she skipped beginning gymnastics.
First place in tumbling, 2nd place in trampoline, 2nd place for her line, 3rd place overall on the double mini. Great first competition.

Floorist, I know it was 12 years ago, but sorry to hear your son-in-law was murdered. I hope the person they just arrested is in-fact the culprit and that justice will be served.

Congrats to your granddaughter! I've always been in awe of gymnasts. It was one of the few "sports" I liked to watch.
Bought a cord of split, seasoned oak yesterday. $130. Guy stacked it for another $10. I have T posts set up so that I can make sure I am getting a full cord. He actually brought more than a cord. His wife is an old customer, did a lot of work in rentals for her.
I just spent an hour on hold to chat with someone from India. Maybe now that they will be sending renewal notices to the correct email address, my internet service won't lapse and slow to the same speed as a campfire's smoke.
Lost service a month ago and didn't understand why.............. I guess they were throttling me............ or were they braking me? :shooting:
Oh well, I guess I'll find out when when I get home. I'm on my rocket speed HP notebook at the Carpet One store, stealing their WIFI. They owe me anyway. :)
What ISP do you have, Highup?

I took my cat, Ralphina to the vet for her monthly shots (she has feline Leukemia and needs some stuff to reduce swelling and give her a boost). It helps improve her appetite and makes her feel better. While I was there, I made the vet cry when I showed the video I took of my brother's dog Shiro when he was dying. I took it so I could show the vet what happened. I described what he was doing before I started recording and how long it took for him to die. She was really upset by what he went through and said it looked like strychnine poisoning. My brother asked how he could have gotten into it or what could have contained it-- and she said nothing- that someone must have deliberately poisoned him. This isn't the first one we've had poisoned. So, now we need to figure out if someone is targeting our animals specifically, or just trying to poison animals in the area. It could be my nasty neighbors or it could be members of the local hunting group.

Meanwhile, the trees are almost all cleared from my chickenyard (they just need to be dragged out) and my friend started trying to get to the tree that fell on my barn so he could cut it up and prevent it from weighing down the rest of the barn and causing more damage. He removed some of the ruined tin and said that the side of the barn facing the woods has collapsed completely. But if we can get the tin and the boards removed from the messed up part, it might save the intact part from being pulled down.

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