When I took my English class, I wrote a 5 page essay as I waited for the coroner's to arrive at a murder we had in my city. It got a bit gruesome but the teacher loved this perspective from an on duty cop.
Mine don't, and it's older than Daris's Grandpa.All of those leak around the windows and doors.
Ya might feel different if ya lived in 'Joisey. I don't have a gun fetish. ...I would, but work has been to slow to allow/afford it.Booo! :shooting:
We'd be a lot better off banning Hollywood movies, TV shows and the graphic video games.I just wrote an 8 page paper today for my English class on how gun control does not work anywhere.
I have nothing against gun ownership.. I hunted small, and big game with a bow , and a gun. Then i realized it was people who were messing with me not the animals . That is when i started carrying a 357 mag with a swing holster way before dirty harry thought of it .. I just have a issue with a gun that can shoot hundreds of bullets in seconds .. NO need for it .. :shooting:
...they don't even get 1/2 mile per gallon.Guns for civilians have always come from the military R&D, it's just your typical development like bows and arrows, swords faster cars and tanks. Who needs a tank? Me! :lightsabres:
I don't have an AR 15, out of my price range. About $1000 to buy one or $500 to $600 to build one. I do have a Sig sauer 22 lr with a 27 rd mag. Got it on a close out at walmart for $99.
Slide fire is actually a bump stock, which should be illegal in Kommiefornia before one can open one of our "all sexes welcome" bathroom.
I don't think it is meant to be accurate , it is meant to spray hundreds of rounds
A minute .. :shooting:
Hi, you are correct. There are already lots of videos how to make a DIY bump stock by just using your belt and shoelaces. Will they attempt to ban shoelaces and belts next?
Actually, with the way the kids wear their pants hanging down off their butts, I believe they have already banned them belts!?