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Started another nice Core-tec job today.1200 sq. ft. with carpet , pad , and tack strip rip up.
We’ve been doing miles of this Flooring.
Also a week and a half ago a stumbled upon a new construction home where they needed 1900 sq. ft. 6 1/2” wide engineered flooring installed ASAP.

I️ busted my ass and installed most of it on a Friday, Saturday, Sunday.
Also Now they want 1530 sq. ft. of core-tec as soon as it comes in.
Life is good

Life is even better ,I would guess for the home owner. He’s 28 years old.
It’s a nice starter home 😳
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I've done 2 repairs on Core-tec, both had warping issues. Material looks nice but because of what I've seen, I wouldn't buy it. Warped area on one job were in a sliding glass doorway. The door and area affected layed at a 45 degree angle to the rest of the dining room................. The rest of the job seemed fine, but I didn't go looking for problems in other areas. The warping went beyond where sunlight hit it. Moisture from shoes?
A second repair was caused by a chunk of something that the previous installer left under the flooring........ right where you step into the house. ....aside from that bump issue, the planks there were warped too. The door is solid, not glass, so no sunlight/heat issues. On the same job, 5 rows out, there was an open joint............ I think it was always that way and the installer covered his mistake by replacing the couch over it. Strange that area had warped planks also. It didn't receive any sunlight. This Core-tec was installed over a 1960's oak floor.
Personally, I think the attached cork backing swells in some situations causing the warping............ just a guess.
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With the new blood pressure guidelines be aware that the reading you get at your doctor's office may be higher than what it actually is.
(1) Many people have "white coat syndrome". Because they are nervous, their BP reads high.
(2) You should be sitting for at least 10 minutes before they take your BP or it can read high.
(3) Your arm needs to be at heart level and supported or it can read high.
I have never been to a doctor's office and had the person, doctor, nurse, cna, etc. do it right.
Just be aware of these things, but if it is high, take care of it.
Unless they follow what I wrote above, it is not accurate.
So strange............... I read this post less than 5 minutes after taking my blood pressure...... which I probably haven't done in over 10 years.
My BP cuff had a bad battery connector. Tonight I soldered on a new one. I did this because my brother just got a new medication. I dug that old monitor out, soldered in the new connector, and tested it on myself. 114 over 78 with 58 pulse. I guess I'm OK. His was a tad higher, but still fine. That will give him a base to see if the new medication causes any issues or concerns.

What you said about procedures..... I wonder how many points difference between sitting in a chair resting your arm on a chair's arm rest, resting/supporting your arm against your chest or just letting it hang. Be interesting to see if it's a big deal.
Being at rest for 10 minutes I think is most important......... that and consistency on your procedure.
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With the new blood pressure guidelines be aware that the reading you get at your doctor's office may be higher than what it actually is.
(1) Many people have "white coat syndrome". Because they are nervous, their BP reads high.
(2) You should be sitting for at least 10 minutes before they take your BP or it can read high.
(3) Your arm needs to be at heart level and supported or it can read high.
I have never been to a doctor's office and had the person, doctor, nurse, cna, etc. do it right.
Just be aware of these things, but if it is high, take care of it.
They also recommend that you have your feet flat on the floor and are relaxed. For me, my bp goes a bit higher bc the cuff gets so tight it cuts off circulation to my fingers and triggers a mild stress response.
At my doctor's office they usher you in to the room (after sitting in the waiting room 5 to 45 minutes) and almost immediately take your bp.

I have to go get blood drawn in the morning for checkups to see how effective my meds are for thyroid and cholesterol. I still hate needles very very much.
They also recommend that you have your feet flat on the floor and are relaxed. For me, my bp goes a bit higher bc the cuff gets so tight it cuts off circulation to my fingers and triggers a mild stress response.
At my doctor's office they usher you in to the room (after sitting in the waiting room 5 to 45 minutes) and almost immediately take your bp.

I have to go get blood drawn in the morning for checkups to see how effective my meds are for thyroid and cholesterol. I still hate needles very very much.

I do it every three months ..
I do it every three months ..

That's about how often I go for the checkups. I might see about getting the flu shot when I go in for results.

Something I hate at IHOP didn't agree with me (pretty sure it was the disgusting tomato soup that turned out to have stuff that makes me sick in it-- my stomach hated me for the rest of the night). I went to HD afterward to look for something currently on sale and suddenly doubled over from abdominal pain. I walked past the employee who tends to stop people from leaving via the entrance and said that my stomach decided it hated me so I had to go. She said she hoped I felt better and didn't try to stop me. I wonder if they looked at their security footage later to see if it looked like I picked anything up. LOL.

Earlier in the day there was a very sick woman at the podiatrist's office. She kept moaning and groaning-- which annoyed my mother, but I empathized. I asked one of the nurses for an alcohol swab, gave it to the lady, and told her to sniff it a little to help with the nausea. After a few minutes she said it was working. Then she tried to hook me up with her 50-year-old son (who was sitting nearby-- rolling his eyes).
Did a crapet restretch for some Washingtonians (Washingtonites?) - snowbirds. Home Depot put it in 3 years ago and wouldn't restretch it. The old guy said they only used kickers.
I preformed an inspection on a click vinyl for them a year ago - gaps puckers etc. They wouldn't fix that either, its still coming apart. They wanted more click vinyl in the bedroom but I found the Mobile homes subfloor was rotten.

Then I went and measured a wood job for MORE Washingtonians. Both just got here in the last week. Which prolly explains why diesel went up 15 cents.
Had to take my 14-year-old cat to the vet because he was acting strange and clearly in distress. They gave him a few shots and sent him home. Halfway through he had a seizure so I had to turn around and take him back. They can medicate im to stop seizure. I'm waiting for them to get settled in enough on the morning shift to call and ask how he's doing. I wanted to visit him after my trip to the store last night, but they all left 10 minutes before official closing time. They said he was doing better, but I'm still worried. He's apparently been growling at them nonstop and they are afraid to try to take blood (might stress him out and send him in to another seizure). He was fine the night before and even earlier in the morning. He just suddenly started having problems.

When I got home I smelled a strong odor of pesticides- but we don't have/use any. I'm seriously wondering if someone is coming in to my yard with poison. Every member of my family has been having stomach issues lately without having changed our eating habits. I don't know who I would contact about getting my water and soil checked. Police here are absolutely useless though.
Did a crapet restretch for some Washingtonians (Washingtonites?) - snowbirds. Home Depot put it in 3 years ago and wouldn't restretch it. The old guy said they only used kickers.
I preformed an inspection on a click vinyl for them a year ago - gaps puckers etc. They wouldn't fix that either, its still coming apart. They wanted more click vinyl in the bedroom but I found the Mobile homes subfloor was rotten.

Then I went and measured a wood job for MORE Washingtonians. Both just got here in the last week. Which prolly explains why diesel went up 15 cents.
You ought to see the one I'm working on for a friend. He just bought it and he says....... "hey, at least I'll have a roof over my head"
late 1970's single wide with that really crappy particle board......... the kind that turns into soggy Frosted flakes when wet. Just trying to re-frame the floor joists on the outside walls so I can replace some sections with plywood is a real challenge. That and deciding where to stop. He still needs to find out where water gets in and get the problem stopped. Almost feels like a wasted effort, but he needs to get moved in. :(
Had to take my 14-year-old cat to the vet because he was acting strange and clearly in distress. They gave him a few shots and sent him home. Halfway through he had a seizure so I had to turn around and take him back. They can medicate im to stop seizure. I'm waiting for them to get settled in enough on the morning shift to call and ask how he's doing. I wanted to visit him after my trip to the store last night, but they all left 10 minutes before official closing time. They said he was doing better, but I'm still worried. He's apparently been growling at them nonstop and they are afraid to try to take blood (might stress him out and send him in to another seizure). He was fine the night before and even earlier in the morning. He just suddenly started having problems.

When I got home I smelled a strong odor of pesticides- but we don't have/use any. I'm seriously wondering if someone is coming in to my yard with poison. Every member of my family has been having stomach issues lately without having changed our eating habits. I don't know who I would contact about getting my water and soil checked. Police here are absolutely useless though.

Ya Think ? Call the township they will know ..
You ought to see the one I'm working on for a friend. He just bought it and he says....... "hey, at least I'll have a roof over my head"
late 1970's single wide with that really crappy particle board......... the kind that turns into soggy Frosted flakes when wet. Just trying to re-frame the floor joists on the outside walls so I can replace some sections with plywood is a real challenge. That and deciding where to stop. He still needs to find out where water gets in and get the problem stopped. Almost feels like a wasted effort, but he needs to get moved in. :(

All of those leak around the windows and doors.

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