Aren't all gun control laws worthless?
Mine don't, and it's older than Daris's Grandpa.All of those leak around the windows and doors.
Ya might feel different if ya lived in 'Joisey.Booo! :shooting:
We'd be a lot better off banning Hollywood movies, TV shows and the graphic video games.I just wrote an 8 page paper today for my English class on how gun control does not work anywhere.
I have nothing against gun ownership.. I hunted small, and big game with a bow , and a gun. Then i realized it was people who were messing with me not the animals . That is when i started carrying a 357 mag with a swing holster way before dirty harry thought of it .. I just have a issue with a gun that can shoot hundreds of bullets in seconds .. NO need for it .. :shooting:
...they don't even get 1/2 mile per gallon.Guns for civilians have always come from the military R&D, it's just your typical development like bows and arrows, swords faster cars and tanks. Who needs a tank? Me! :lightsabres: