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Mines not a fetish, just protecting myself and family. I used to hunt, not much anymore. Had my first gun a .22/.410 over under at 12 yrs old.
Im hardly new at this.
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When I took my English class, I wrote a 5 page essay as I waited for the coroner's to arrive at a murder we had in my city. It got a bit gruesome but the teacher loved this perspective from an on duty cop.
All of those leak around the windows and doors.
Mine don't, and it's older than Daris's Grandpa. :D
The back/side door in the hallway is gonna be a mess to deal with.
Like the repair in the living room, I'll cut out the existing underlayment to the first joist, (they run lengthwise) then re-frame that repair section sideways with 15 inch 2X4's on one foot centers to connect the first joist to the outside-frame joist, (or whatever it's called) then put in some new 3/4" plywood.
The back bedroom on one 12 foot long side is totally gone.............. I mean ya can't stand next to the wall or you'll fall through. :eek: I'm not gonna lose sleep over it until I pull it apart on Tuesday or Wednesday. Right now I gotta get the living room and 1/2 the hall completed so he can start moving in.
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I just wrote an 8 page paper today for my English class on how gun control does not work anywhere.
We'd be a lot better off banning Hollywood movies, TV shows and the graphic video games.
Hollywood and actors are 95% anti-gun, but it seems 95% of the movies are violent, and always with guns.
Now there's something that should be banned/regulated and censored.
....how about a limit, lets say 15% of new movies can have violence in them?
Hollywood teaches (brainwashes) kids on how to use guns to settle differences.
How about the good old days of Pink Panther, Bugs Bunny and Elmer Fudd, Wylie E Coyote, The Lone Ranger, Superman and Get Smart. There was Leave it to Beaver, my Three Sons, Father Knows Best, Andy Griffith.
I grew up in that era and for some reason I don't feel the need to go out and kill people. Why do you think that is?
Those old TV shows showed kids how to behave and how to treat other people. Those shows were a learning and teaching tools.
unfortunately, the shows now don't pound those decent values into little skulls full of mush like it should.
Gun's aren't the problem. It's Hollywood and the news media that promote violence and make it sexy. Shame on them for their greedy part in the downfall of society. 50 years ago they actually cared about us. :eek:
I have nothing against gun ownership.. I hunted small, and big game with a bow , and a gun. Then i realized it was people who were messing with me not the animals . That is when i started carrying a 357 mag with a swing holster way before dirty harry thought of it .. I just have a issue with a gun that can shoot hundreds of bullets in seconds .. NO need for it .. :shooting:
I have nothing against gun ownership.. I hunted small, and big game with a bow , and a gun. Then i realized it was people who were messing with me not the animals . That is when i started carrying a 357 mag with a swing holster way before dirty harry thought of it .. I just have a issue with a gun that can shoot hundreds of bullets in seconds .. NO need for it .. :shooting:

An AR15 doesn't fire any faster than your 357. One shot per trigger pull.
Guns for civilians have always come from the military R&D, it's just your typical development like bows and arrows, swords faster cars and tanks. Who needs a tank? Me! :lightsabres:
I would propose a tax on gunfire in movies. Say 150,000 every time one is fired that would greatly limit the reckless shootings we all see in movies. But Hollywood would have a cow.

Even the NRA questioned the need for those after that nut at the music festival used one. I can see them as being fun to shoot (if your rich enough to afford ammo) I don't think they ought to be legal, because it's just a way around obtaining a permit and having a fully automatic rifle.
I don't have an AR 15, out of my price range. About $1000 to buy one or $500 to $600 to build one. I do have a Sig sauer 22 lr with a 27 rd mag. Got it on a close out at walmart for $99.

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