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June 27, 2005

WASHINGTON, June 27 - The Supreme Court ruled on Monday that the police did not have a constitutional duty to protect a person from harm, even a woman who had obtained a court-issued protective order against a violent husband making an arrest mandatory for a violation.

The decision, with an opinion by Justice Antonin Scalia and dissents from Justices John Paul Stevens and Ruth Bader Ginsburg, overturned a ruling by a federal appeals court in Colorado.

This is why anyone who can carry, should carry.
I'm gonna remove a couple of pieces of plywood today that's been layed over a rotten floor in my single wide mobile home project. The plywood is rotten too, so I can't imagine what's hidden under it........... I'm guessing dirt? :rolleyes:
.......film at 11.
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Sheesh. I can get the police not needing to protect someone from their own stupidity, but refusing to protect someone from another person who is a criminal is just wrong. I get that the cops are busy and all, but the motto is "protect and serve".

Havasu, what happens if the police order someone to help and the person is too afraid or unable to comply? I'm curious about that. I mean, I don't think they can legally compel someone to risk their lives.

Highup, that sounds like a lot of work. I hope it goes well.

The guy who's been cutting down trees in my barnyard is planning to help me when I go to renovate the house-- I'm trying to figure out what would be a fair amount to pay him for it. I'm footing the bill and don't have an income since I'm a stay-a-home caretaker and this state won't pay home caretakers that are family members.

My doctor said he's going to raise my thyroid meds. My levels are within "normal" range but he said it's the "low side of normal". The levels are inverted so a higher number means a lower thyroid. Mine was at 5 before and is now at 3.7 but it should be closer to 1. I'm hoping that will give me more energy. Even using the computer makes me tired.

The fungus cream I've been using on my mother's toenails every night is working. Her podiatrist said the new nails are growing in clean (apparently its impossible to get the existing fungus off but all you can do is make it so the new nails grow in without fungus). Takes about a year for it to clear up, so I have a few more months of it. I'll have to remember to pack it and the mat I put under her feet when we go to visit my sister. And Mom's ears must have been burning because she just walked out and stared talking to me. LOL.

I bought a frameless mirror from HomeDepot that I want to put a frame on and use as a medicine cabinet door. It will be heavy, but I like to have storage space. I got some door trim and plinth blocks for it (gonna do plinths in all 4 corners instead of mitering edges). Trying to figure out the best way to do it. I'm thinking luan back panel and glue the mirror to it and then add the trim around the sides (maybe overlapping the beveled edge of the mirror). Glue and screw the trim and plinths. Plinths are just a teeny bit wider than the trim. I'm debating whether to just have the plinths jut out a little bit on each side of the trim or have them lined up with trim on inner edge and stick out on the edge or have them in more and then have a thin strip go on the inside. I'll have to lay it out on the workshop table and see how it looks-- but need new shop lights since the starters have burned out on all of the fluerescent ones.
CHAPTER 7. Other Offenses Against Public Justice [142 - 181] ( Chapter 7 enacted 1872. )

Every able-bodied person above 18 years of age who neglects or refuses to join the posse comitatus or power of the county, by neglecting or refusing to aid and assist in taking or arresting any person against whom there may be issued any process, or by neglecting to aid and assist in retaking any person who, after being arrested or confined, may have escaped from arrest or imprisonment, or by neglecting or refusing to aid and assist in preventing any breach of the peace, or the commission of any criminal offense, being thereto lawfully required by any uniformed peace officer, or by any peace officer described in Section 830.1, subdivision (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), or (f) of Section 830.2, or subdivision (a) of Section 830.33, who identifies himself or herself with a badge or identification card issued by the officer’s employing agency, or by any judge, is punishable by a fine of not less than fifty dollars ($50) nor more than one thousand dollars ($1,000).
Highup, that sounds like a lot of work. I hope it goes well.
5 hours and I got a start. The outside wall's 2X6 frame joist is punky and soft for 20% to 60% of it's height as it nears the last 7 feet towards the end of the trailers length. The end wall's 2X6 is probably supporting the weight of the walls and roof in both directions in that corner of the structure.
I'm thinking that if I sister on a 2X6 and screw it in with decking screws to the partially rotten 2X6, ...........that it would be a nightmare when a "proper" fix occurs next summer because my new floor framing 2X6 would then be screwed to a punky 2X6 that needs removal. I'd rather just not attach my new 2X material to the existing one. The next repair would include removing the original rotten frame member for about 10 feet. That must be done through access from the outside wall after removing some of the aluminum siding, and I ain't going there. .......I have a "good enough for now" fix in mind. Something that will be very compatible with a proper fix done by another contractor next summer. I'll add a new pressure treated 2X6 up against the original rotten one. Maybe just support the new 2X6 from the ground up with a couple of 4X4s on concrete blocks.
Next summer, the contractor can remove the rotten material and screw some new treated wood directly onto what I have started.
He will also need to replace the 2X4 plate and maybe sister on sections of 2X4 studs where they have rotted out. It's doable, just messy on my end because I have to make what repairs I do, work with what needs to be done later down the road.
The guy is a retired acquaintance of many years. What I am charging is crippling me.
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For some reason I didn't even think about buying new starters. My mother already ordered 4 of the LED ones. They should be brighter than the old ones, draw less electricity, and hopefully last longer. I was rather bummed when I replaced the bulbs and it didn't help. Hopefully the new ones will be better.

Havasu, that makes sense.

Highup, I hope your temporary fix will work and that it won't be too difficult to do. Still sounds like a lot of work.

Work is something I need to do more of. Need to do some cleaning today-- already been working on laundry (sick elderly cat got my bedding again-- he tried to go on a waterproof pad but just missed it-- although he soaked the corner). I'm afraid he has bladder/kidney disease but he got so stressed about going to the vet last time... All I can do is make sure he eats and keep him as comfortable as possible.
For some reason I didn't even think about buying new starters. My mother already ordered 4 of the LED ones. They should be brighter than the old ones, draw less electricity, and hopefully last longer. I was rather bummed when I replaced the bulbs and it didn't help. Hopefully the new ones will be better.

Havasu, that makes sense.

Highup, I hope your temporary fix will work and that it won't be too difficult to do. Still sounds like a lot of work.

Work is something I need to do more of. Need to do some cleaning today-- already been working on laundry (sick elderly cat got my bedding again-- he tried to go on a waterproof pad but just missed it-- although he soaked the corner). I'm afraid he has bladder/kidney disease but he got so stressed about going to the vet last time... All I can do is make sure he eats and keep him as comfortable as possible.
I only got a start on the latest repair on that mobile homes worst wall. Went better than I thought. I was thinking that I'd need to make some sort of a cement pad on the ground to support the floor framing that I am doing........... silly me. I forgot that there's a steel gusset from the frame every 4 feet to set the new treated 2X6 on. My new outside wall 4X6 rests on the steel gussets just like the original one does. It doesn't support any weight even tho it's under the wall plate. (the wall's floor plate has turned into dirt) :D Anyway, I got that in this afternoon and four 15 1/2" "joists" between the original and the new one on the outside wall. It's 12 feet in length so I will add the rest of the short "joist" sections tomorrow and fit in the new plywood.
I did not attach my new outside wall joist onto the old one. That one is rotten and needs to be addressed from the outside next summer. They'll have to remove some siding to replace it........ no need for me to screw my new joist onto the old one because it will only make removing the rotten one much more difficult. They can screw their new 2X6 directly onto the one I installed. I'm just doing a patch job so he can get moved in. Might as well do it as good as I can.
There is 1/2 inch plywood nailed down in the bedroom on top of the particle board right now............ I might just remove the other two sheets if I find that the rest of the floor looks good underneath it. Removing the plywood means there would be no height difference in the doorway.
I think someone covered the entire bedroom with a plywood overlay as a quick fix for the rotten wall area.
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I'm glad it is going well highup. I didn't realize that mobile homes had the steel gussets, but that makes sense.
Ugh, particle board. Just ugh. I hate particle board.

Today Christmas came early for my cows. The guy who bought our old tractor came by with two rolls of hay. His son "got rid of" his horse and didn't need them anymore so he brought them over to my yard. The older cow was super hyper and excited about it. She was "dancing" around, running in circles, and chasing after the trailer hauling the hay. She got a little too excited and accidentally hit me in the arms with her horns. I know it was an accident though. She just isn't very aware of her horns sometimes.

I went for a couple of walks this morning-- I have to take breaks in between because my hands swell up for some odd reason. It wasn't too cold and wasn't too hot so it felt good. I had to contend with the cats in the front room losing their damn minds because they were out of food and water (my brother is supposed to be responsible for that-- so of course I had to take care of it). Since my brother doesn't sleep in that room anymore he's been neglecting them. It makes me worry about what will happen when my mother and I go to Albuquerque for 2 weeks. Might have to cut the trip shorter than that to make sure the pets don't starve to death or dehydrate.
I'm glad it is going well highup. I didn't realize that mobile homes had the steel gussets, but that makes sense.
Ugh, particle board. Just ugh. I hate particle board.

Today Christmas came early for my cows. The guy who bought our old tractor came by with two rolls of hay. His son "got rid of" his horse and didn't need them anymore so he brought them over to my yard. The older cow was super hyper and excited about it. She was "dancing" around, running in circles, and chasing after the trailer hauling the hay. She got a little too excited and accidentally hit me in the arms with her horns. I know it was an accident though. She just isn't very aware of her horns sometimes.

I went for a couple of walks this morning-- I have to take breaks in between because my hands swell up for some odd reason. It wasn't too cold and wasn't too hot so it felt good. I had to contend with the cats in the front room losing their damn minds because they were out of food and water (my brother is supposed to be responsible for that-- so of course I had to take care of it). Since my brother doesn't sleep in that room anymore he's been neglecting them. It makes me worry about what will happen when my mother and I go to Albuquerque for 2 weeks. Might have to cut the trip shorter than that to make sure the pets don't starve to death or dehydrate.
I've seen good and bad particle board. It's not all the same. If it doesn't get wet it's actually a pretty good material mainly for under carpet, but I've seen particle that has vinyl flooring on it, still perfectly good after 30 plus years. Water shouldn't get on of under plywood either. These days tho, OSB has pretty much replaced particle board. It has a much higher tolerance for water. That said, it's not good enough to put vinyl flooring on because the flakes aren't stable and it's not smooth enough.
Older mobile home frames are probably about 6 feet wide, so there's 3 foot "wing" extending 3 feet out on each side to support the structure. The entire floor structure is made, then the vinyl flooring layed, then the walls go on top. When wall seams, roof seams, doors and windows get leaks, it usually goes unnoticed until the room edges get pretty bad. TRhis one is way beyond bad. ...or should I say was bad. What I've done so far has turned out really well. OI put strips of 6 mil plastic sheeting behind the old 2 by 6 framing and my new 2 by 6 framing. I ran it up the inside walls for now, so any leaks will flow down and out and not get the carpet or the new plywood wet. The homeowner needs to clean the outside and seal up the places that water gets in......... his job, not mine. ;)
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I guess because I live in a humid area, moisture pretty much gets to almost everything.

Today I took my kittens for their first round of vaccines. They really like the fluffy black kitten we have. Tried to push some 3-month flea medicine on us that costs $75 a pop. But for 14 cats every 3 months, that just isn't feasible. The one-month stuff barely lasts a week if we're lucky.

Got a call while I was in town that my best friend's father died suddenly. Guy was only a few years older than me. The family is devastated. He was the main babysitter for his granddaughter and they haven't told her yet. I think she's 5 now and I don't know if she understands death. Her mother is being a p.o.s. and harassing my friend to tell the kid-- she has zero empathy for my friend. Fortunately, his current girlfriend loves him very much and is being supportive.
I took my friend to the store last night but he didn't find what he needed before closing so I'm taking him back up today. Don't want him driving when he's so upset.

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