It was probably a little over 24 hours. I waited longer and tested it and no burning smell when I turned the heat on. Probably dust like you said.
I went to the doctor & he actually visibly recoiled when I showed him the photos of my foot as it was healing. He said I definitely tore a tendon and probably fractured some bones but there were no major breaks and the treatment for the tendon wouldn't differ any if there were fractures so he said an x-ray would be a waste of $. He showed me how to wrap the ankle and gave me an ace bandage and gave instructions on how to care for the ankle. He also put antibiotic cream on the scrape on the top of my foot and gave me some little packets of the cream to put on later. I noticed one of the things he did differently from when I wrapped my ankles was he started at the ankle and I started at the foot, but we both did figure 8 with the wrapping pattern.
I heard from my uncle in e-mail and he tore a muscle in his shoulder. He's having surgery on the 20th. But he's still doing his gardening at the assisted living center where he lives. He recently became the coordinator of the veggie garden when his 90-year-old predecessor passed away. They call their gardening group the "Funny Farm". They are harvesting collard greens, mustard greens, kale, and turnips.
Meanwhile, I just got an invite from Blizzard to play the Alpha of the next World of Warcraft expansion. I've been playing since "vanilla" so I've been invited to the Beta before. I helped find some graphical bugs (like, they had screwed up and had the vertices for some of the models way out of whack so it stretched the mesh and left long ribbons stretching across the zones). Only problem is, I can't download it until the 12th because it is over 20Gb and I have less than 20Gb allowance left for this billing period. I'm excited to give it a try though.