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Highup, my tap water has too much sediment in it. Comes out brownish and when I drink too much of it I get kidney stones-- and they suck.
Ideal blood pressure is to have systolic (top #) between 90 to 120 and diastolic between 60 to 80.
My bp used to be on the low side, like 70/40 but now it is normal to pre-hypertension levels (although, I suffer from "white coat syndrome" for bp readings).
When I took my bro to the ER for his tooth ache, his bp was 210/90 or something like that.

http://www.bloodpressureuk.org/BloodPressureandyou/Thebasics/Bloodpressurechart for future reference.

You ever had your drinking water tested to see if it is safe to drink. I presume it is a well.


I have a well.. Water comes out brownish red .. [Rust].. I drink Bottle water ..

Does your toilet turn brown to Z ? Get a container of Iron out.. Works great..

HD, or Lowes has it ..
Yes. My water comes from a well. Years ago before he passed, my father was taking a microbiology class for fun and he tested the water and said it was safe (in terms of organisms). But I know it has dirt, iron, etc.

Nick, it does turn the toilet a reddish brown. Inside of the toilet tank is disgusting and I have to clean sediment out of the flush valve assembly from time to time. Although, I think the wax seal on the toilet is currently leaking but my body is not in good enough shape to lift the toilet by myself so I'm going to have to get some help from a friend or two to change it out. I also need to take apart the lavatory P-trap to clean it. The stopper had to be removed because something inside the lever to raise and lower it broke so I think something fell down the sink and clogged it.

I'll have to look for the iron out again. I wish I could put some sort of inline filter between the supply line and the toilet.

I'm currently waiting for my mother to wake up so I can take her to the store to pick up her prescriptions and some other stuff. We can be twinsies in riding carts. :p

My brother is actually cleaning his room because he wants to start DDP's yoga program. He's also excited at the prospect of the remodeling where the laundry room would be just outside his door (instead of around the corner in the cramped space) and is looking forward to that being done so there will be more space.

Editing to add photos bc I'm bored.
Left foot is slightly greenish still (mark on my 2nd toe is a permanent discoloration from a time when I stubbed it years ago)

Right foot is still pretty ugly and multicolored.


I'm keeping it compressed. It looks worse than it feels.
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It's a powder Z , just pour a little in the toilet , and let it set for 1/2 hr ..

Comes right off with a toilet brush.. I wouldn't drink that water on a bet ..
Nick, we never drink the water without boiling it first. I need to get new filters for the water purifiers we have lying around. They go fast.

Havasu, that reminds me that I'm glad my mother's little dog is too small to drink from the toilet.
So, the air conditioner got fixed just in time for a cold front. AC is not running but it got too cold. So Mom asked me to turn the heat on. I turned it up a few degrees and immediately smelled something burning. I'm not sure what, but I didn't like it so I turned the heat off. It never made a burning smell before when we turned it on. Should I call the AC people back and have them check it?
How long ago was the AC repaired? Is this the first time you've turned on the heat since they did the repair. If so, I'd definitely give them a call.
Maybe they just disturbed some dust on the elements or intake and it burnt off when you turned on the heat.
It was probably a little over 24 hours. I waited longer and tested it and no burning smell when I turned the heat on. Probably dust like you said.

I went to the doctor & he actually visibly recoiled when I showed him the photos of my foot as it was healing. He said I definitely tore a tendon and probably fractured some bones but there were no major breaks and the treatment for the tendon wouldn't differ any if there were fractures so he said an x-ray would be a waste of $. He showed me how to wrap the ankle and gave me an ace bandage and gave instructions on how to care for the ankle. He also put antibiotic cream on the scrape on the top of my foot and gave me some little packets of the cream to put on later. I noticed one of the things he did differently from when I wrapped my ankles was he started at the ankle and I started at the foot, but we both did figure 8 with the wrapping pattern.

I heard from my uncle in e-mail and he tore a muscle in his shoulder. He's having surgery on the 20th. But he's still doing his gardening at the assisted living center where he lives. He recently became the coordinator of the veggie garden when his 90-year-old predecessor passed away. They call their gardening group the "Funny Farm". They are harvesting collard greens, mustard greens, kale, and turnips.

Meanwhile, I just got an invite from Blizzard to play the Alpha of the next World of Warcraft expansion. I've been playing since "vanilla" so I've been invited to the Beta before. I helped find some graphical bugs (like, they had screwed up and had the vertices for some of the models way out of whack so it stretched the mesh and left long ribbons stretching across the zones). Only problem is, I can't download it until the 12th because it is over 20Gb and I have less than 20Gb allowance left for this billing period. I'm excited to give it a try though.

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