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I would get a X Ray!!

" He said I definitely tore a tendon and probably fractured some bones but there were no major breaks and the treatment for the tendon wouldn't differ any if there were fractures so he said an x-ray would be a waste of $. "

Sounds like a quack..
Nick, He's actually a very good doctor-- much better than most of the ones around. An x-ray would only show if there was a problem with the bones and there are no signs of breaks. I can wiggle my toes freely, it doesn't hurt much to walk on it, and there are no protrusions or anything. He did say that if it doesn't improve in a week to let him know. I'm sure if I asked for an x-ray he would write up a scrip for one, but he knows I don't have insurance and hospitals around here will charge patients without insurance 4x what they charge insurance companies for things.

On a side note, I'm finding that 16Gb if RAM is not sufficient for my uses (since some of the programs I use tend to eat up 10+Gb of RAM-- some of them show they are still running in the "processes" tab even after I exited them so I have to "end task" on them). I have 2 more slots for RAM. I have a GA 970A-DS3P mainboard with AMD FX-8350 Vishera processor, and two 8Gb sticks of DDR3 2133 (PC3 12800). I know I need to get DDR3 RAM, but do I need to get the same frequency for the 2nd pair of RAM? Could I get something like https://www.amazon.com/dp/B006ZLJRO8/?tag=skimlinks_replacement-20 or should I go with something more like https://www.amazon.com/dp/B006EWUO22/?tag=skimlinks_replacement-20
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I would go with the Corsair Vengeance 16GB .. They make a good product ..
They do have a DDr4 ram, But I'm not sure if it would be compatible with your rig . Your Processor might be causing a bottleneck to .. You might want to check out the Intel I 7 .. Faster benchmarks then the AMD FX-8350, even after it has been over clocked ..
Thanks, Nick. I think I'll go with the corsair. I don't know if I can change processors on this mainboard without having to change mainboards and RAM entirely and it's a fairly new rig. I should probably just not have 50 browser tabs open at the same time.... LOL. Certain websites tend to cause my PC to slow to a crawl and freeze up. It gets so bad I have to restart both of my browsers. (I use Firefox for some sites and Chrome for others because some stuff doesn't work right in one or the other).
I like Chrome for some of the features (ones that Firefox later added) but both of them are RAM hogs. Firefox seems to be the main one that eats up RAM and doesn't release it when closed.

Nick, according to speedtest.net ping 633, dl 17.25Mbps, ul 0.82Mbps
It's satellite though so that is to be expected. It varies a lot due to traffic. I think sometimes we can get up to 3Mbps but it rarely happens. The 'net is a little slow today. I think the speed also depends somewhat on which server they use. Ping is about the same to Houston AT&T but the dl speed was only about 10Mbps and ul was about the same.
That is the cause of you bottleneck Z. That is really slow .. DSL around here is a lot faster .. I'm surprised you can play those games .. Defraging often will help some ..The processor won't have to search the hole hard drive to find the files ..
I cleaned up the garage, then found my generator looking sad. I put in a new battery, added some gas, and let it run for an hour. It is now ready to go for when we have our earthquake, unless California drops off into the ocean. If so, you will rid yourselves of some really bad "hombres", as Trump would say.
Nick, it's not the internet that I'm having a problem with-- Windows is hanging up. It just freezes, no mouse cursor movement, little loading icon over the cursor, takes 5 minutes to open up Task Manager after I hit ctrl shift Esc. When I check the system it says that 14 or 15Gb of the RAM is being used. And when I tried to End Task both Chrome and Firefox it took several minutes.
Maybe I need to reboot my computer more often. LOL.
Defrag sounds like a good idea.

Havasu, good to hear the generator is working. I hope you won't get any large earthquakes though.
I'm at a good friends house about 3 hours from home. They used to live 5 minutes from me. Probably be here for the rest of the week tinkering around on projects and chit chatting. (and they have wifi ) :D
Yesterday we assembled the Delta table saw that his wife got him for Christmas............ a lot more to it than I thought it would be. Needless to say, the instructions need some help.
I had 3 days work last month and they said they had some work for me. First time I've seen their new place. 15 minutes from a smaller town and located along a neat little river.
Z, Download Process Explorer: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb896653.aspx
Unzip ProcessExplorer.zip, and double click on procexp.exe to run the program.
NOTE. Windows Vista, 7, 8 and 10 users right click on procexp.exe, click "Run As Administrator".
Click on View > Select Colunms.
In addition to already pre-selected options, make sure, the Command Line is selected, and press OK.
Go File>Save As, and save the report as Procexp.txt.
Paste the content into your next reply.

Post in the tech forum ..
I still need to download the program and run it. Been distracted.

I took my friend's gf to the cardiologist. Things were hectic and I overheard them say that Dr. Hanley passed away & they are trying to make accommodations for his patients. They didn't have time to call and notify all of them yet so some came in for their appointments only to be told he was dead. I was a little embarrassed because I started crying in the waiting room. He was my favorite cardiologist. He was the only one I had who actually listened and seemed to care. His death was apparently sudden and unexpected. The staff were trying to keep it together but it was stressful. There is a new young cardiologist there who I believe is from India. I only met him very briefly, but he seemed very nice. The staff and nurses were all incredibly nice. Turns out the poor girl has a hole in her heart. They think it's congenital (possibly bc her mother drank alcohol and used meth while pregnant) but it was never caught before now. They are going to put a tube down her throat and examine her heart while she's unconscious to determine the best way to close the hole. She's scared, but I told her that I will go with her and she won't be alone. I think the doctor thought I was her mother because he started telling me about the diagnosis and what they are going to do in the procedure.

Meanwhile, back at the farm, I noticed the outside waterer was empty and realized the shutoff was turned off. I had my brother go turn it back on only to later realize there must be a break somewhere because the cistern drained and we lost water pressure. I had to flip the breaker to shut off the pump so it wouldn't burn out and had my brother go turn it off again. I can't get in to the pump house until my ankles heal up.

It's going to be fun trying to figure out where the break in the line is...
Interesting week. Installed 6' wire fencing around a 20' by 32' garden, still trying to figure out a door design. Next on the list is a 3' by 9' 3 section compost bin. Mostly done, but need to make 3 lids and figure out either hinges for each bin section or just lay them in place to gain access.......... the latter seems easier. The bin has removable front boards made of pieces of 6" fir. Good enough for at least a few years and easy to replace. Time to go get more parts and pieces as this is partly a design on the fly project.
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I took my brother to get the struts on his truck put on at a repair shop. The ones he ordered didn't seem to fit so he returned them. Had to zip back to town to take Mom to a doctor's appointment. Her blood levels are doing great but all she could focus on was that her sugar was slightly higher than it had been before but everything else is doing great. She lost 19lbs, her cholesterol is great and her general levels are all better than mine. Today is my day of rest where I have been trying to catch up on missed sleep.
You can take your sugars 5 minutes later and they will be different .. That is why Blood-work is important .. Run that software when you wake so i can fix your Confuser !
You can take your sugars 5 minutes later and they will be different .. That is why Blood-work is important .. Run that software when you wake so i can fix your Confuser !

Oh, I meant her longtime sugars. Her A1C or whatever the hell they call it.

Still need to remember where I downloaded that program. LOL. Brain is scattered today.

On a side note, does anyone know if the 4-prong 240 outlets (used for dryers) are GFI/GFCI? My friend wants to move his dryer in to the existing bathroom, bc the floor in the current laundry room is too flimsy and even the joists are shot. Rather than replace the floor, he wants to move it over to the adjacent room, but he's worried the moisture will be a problem for the outlet.

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