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Unbelievable Z .. I'm going to start sending your stories to readers digest and see if i can make us some money .. lol..

My brother has the same problem getting contractors to come out in Col..
Got my ass kicked doing 83 yds. Took 4 days and all but the stairway was a drop, 2 rms. The stairway was so crooked, my dogs back leg is straighter that it was Plus I had to do the stringers that a carpenter butchered. Which had top edges that were just under 3/8 inch wide in 26 oz commercial loop. Glue gun worked great for that. Oh and on the main floor the carpenter covered my strip with base an 1/4 round which I had to pull up and replace, the strip that is..Was totally whipped this afternoon when I got done.
Nick, go for it! LOL.

Here's some more in local redneck life. I mentioned that my unlucky friend got engaged (although I keep forgetting and referring to his fiance as his gf). The GF's mother drank alcohol and used meth while pregnant so the girl has some health issues and mental development issues. She further has more mental issues because she was raised by one of those foster mothers who makes a living getting paid by the state to have kids in her house. She's extremely emotionally abusive & manipulative. The adopted mom and bio mother used to be friends but now the adopted mom absolutely hates the bio mother & tries to turn the kids against her-- reminding them of the mistakes she made 20+ years ago. The girl & her older sister both reconnected with their bio mother & the adopted mom was furious & started trying to turn their other sisters against them.

Now, there was one foster sister that the girl had not seen in over 10 years. The "sister" is back in the area because she has cancer & needs someone to help her & her kids. She had a nice meetup with my friend's fiance & everything was going well. On Friday the girl and my friend went to see the bio mom a few hours out of town. The cover story to my friend's grandfather was that it was for a medical appointment (because he has become very selfish & clingy & doesn't want them to have a break-- he thinks if his grandson has a day off he should spend it doing stuff for him). He was actually very upset that my friend was going with his fiance to what he was told was a cardiac appointment. He kept trying to convince him to get someone else to take her or to make her go to a closer facility (nevermind that his late wife went to the one they claimed to be going to). They actually wanted to spend a few days visiting, but the grandfather pitched such a fit that they only got to go for half a day. Anyway, somehow the nasty adopted mom found out that the girl was going to see her bio mother & she started trash-talking her to the sister with cancer. This led to the cancer sister spamming the girl's messages with hate & threats. Said she was going to come kick her @$$, grab her by the hair, and drag her back to the foster home (the girl is 21 & hasn't lived there since she was 19-- plus the last time she visited the adopted mom was a complete witch & kicked her out). Psycho chick actually drove down to the bio mother's town trying to find her so she could fight her-- said she didn't care if she went back to jail, etc. My friend informed her that if she came near his grandfather's house trying to fight the girl, she was going to be in the hospital before she went to jail.

It really is sad because she'd been getting along with her sister just fine, but the manipulative hag had to go and ruin things for them. I don't know if it's because of the cancer treatment impairing her judgment or if it's because the adopted mom is such an abusive psycho that she raised the kids to be psychotic.

I don't need soap operas. LOL. (I always hated them anyway).

Power went out today for a few hours so we went to the new Mexican place in town. It was pretty good, but my mother started feeling sick afterward. Could be some of the spices didn't agree with her.

Still trying to figure out how to fix my shower.
Power washed my new to me Ferd van, underside and topside. The top side, so as to not offend the neighbors. The underside so I don't have crap falling on me as I work under it. $500 and 140+ thousand miles. It's a 95 and the paint is still shiny. Good news is the tires are almost new, the bad news is the tranny is gushing fluid. Hopefully it's just the front tranny seal.
Power washing the engine and transmission showed me the engine block has two, 2 inch long cracks in the water jacket 2 inches below the freeze plugs. One crack seems dry and the other shows seepage. Engine stop leak ought to fix that just fine. Hoping the crack doesn't grow over time.
It has the inline 300 straight six. I never knew what a workhorse this engine was. If the cracks behave and the tranny is an "easy" fix (meaning cheap), then this is gonna be a nice ride.
I hope doing the tranny R&R don't kill me.
Good Luck .. Polish the paint with Nu Finish .. Used it my Boat , and cars .. Great stuff , and easy to use ..
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Power washed my new to me Ferd van, underside and topside. The top side, so as to not offend the neighbors. The underside so I don't have crap falling on me as I work under it. $500 and 140+ thousand miles. It's a 95 and the paint is still shiny. Good news is the tires are almost new, the bad news is the tranny is gushing fluid. Hopefully it's just the front tranny seal.
Power washing the engine and transmission showed me the engine block has two, 2 inch long cracks in the water jacket 2 inches below the freeze plugs. One crack seems dry and the other shows seepage. Engine stop leak ought to fix that just fine. Hoping the crack doesn't grow over time.
It has the inline 300 straight six. I never knew what a workhorse this engine was. If the cracks behave and the tranny is an "easy" fix (meaning cheap), then this is gonna be a nice ride.
I hope doing the tranny R&R don't kill me.
My old Ford box truck had that 300 six and over 300,000 when I parked it. Gas mileage killed me. Makes a good storage shed, though.
My old Ford box truck had that 300 six and over 300,000 when I parked it. Gas mileage killed me. Makes a good storage shed, though.
Van ought to do a lot better. Ferd forms say 50 to 55 mph gets good mileage. 55 to 60 begins a very fast reduction in mileage. This has a 4 speed E4OD electronic tranny. The electronic part scares me.
Went with my bro to help him find the courthouse for traffic court. Long story short, the cop told him the wrong town, there was no courthouse, & he ended up having to take it up with the mayor of McNary inside the "town hall' which is basically a shed with air conditioning. One confusing part was the Closed sign on the outside. We drove all over & got sent in different directions. But on the way there in the first place, my brother's sun roof came loose and tried to fly off. He tried gorilla tape-- didn't hold. So I suggested we go to the Honda body shop to see if they had some screws for it. We drove an hour with me clinging to the sun roof to hold it down. Lady inside said we'd have to get an estimate & went to see if any of the guys were free. Her co-worker took pity on us give the situation & went to take a look. Helped my brother pop it back in to place and put a temporary screw in it & said not to operate the sun roof until it is fully fixed. Nice guy. I wanted to go there bc previously I'd had a problem with my CR-V where a strike plate for the door wasn't fitting. got a new one. Honda people put it on at dealership, wasn't holding right and they scratched their heads & sent me to the body shop. Exasperated guy sighed, tightened a screw, and apologized to me for their ineptitude. Good thing we got that fixed for now bc it was absolutely pouring on the way to Oberlin. And then once we got there we found out it was the wrong place & had to drive back north for 30 min to find the tiny building. My bro needs to stop getting speeding tickets.

He claims he wasn't speeding & intended to contest it in court by asking when the radar was last calibrated. but, since there is no court, no way to contest. He also had is inspection sticker missing- it had somehow come off. Fortunately, the mayor (who was running the little shed) saw that he got a new sticker & heard about our hectic day & decided to knock off the sticker citation & reduce the speeding to a moving violation. Instead of $350 it was $80. So, that is taken care of and I'm exhausted. LOL.
You remember my 10 year old granddaughter who won all the gymnastic medals, well she decided to play 4th grade football. In practice, the coach throws her the football, she runs right at a boy who outweighed her by 50 lbs and she flattened him. Funniest thing.
Did a burn repair in a motel rental house. Burn was made when a tenant/renter took one rack from a blazing hot oven and walked 8 feet into the dining room and set it down on the carpet, leaning it against a book case. Looked like a flawlessly made, 2 foot wide Bar-H cattle brand on the thin looped pile carpet. Melted the carpet to a shiny pitch black color. Everyone is wondering how the pot holders survived. :D ..they're wondering other things too. ;)
Tomorrow I'm making a new gate for a nice old customer. Current gate has warped and won't shut. I'm a floor layer with many hats.
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