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I did a two br up, now i'm going to do a one bed down.

goodnight 2.gif
Watched it rain all day. Needed to work on my van.

First real 'storm' of the season here. It's nothing big, just rain and gusty winds. Kinda early for this. It's 56 degrees, and the biggest gust was 35 or so. Not real good lawn mowing weather............... nor oil changing weather.
Might go check out the waves later. Only 16 footers right now, supposed to get 18 to 22 feet tomorrow, but I'll probably be working. Weather's probably gonna be windy wet and icky anyway.
My Chevy had a funky plastic pocket on the end of the motor cover. I cut it off flat and I can get carpets fully inside. It's a '77. so not sure how different years are made. Dumb idea GM had of not making it 12 feet front to back. Vans hauling carpet must be a huge market.
I was gonna offer advice on the pump............ but since you own a Ferd, I changed my mind. :D
.........well, either I changed my mind, or I have never worked on one. ;)
Nope, a Ford. I have always used Fords. They are a full 12' 1" long on the inside. Chevys were always about 11' 10" and Dodges were about 11' 9". Too much rain here to let the carpet hang out the back.

But the 302 is a real pain changing the pump.
Gitter done? We had good, better and best weather today between occasional windy drenchings. Feels more like spring than fall.

I got a 12'3 incher into the van and the doors closed. I guess some guys don't like to butcher up their van's doghouse like I did. I used a handsaw, because I didn't have a sawzall. :D
What a day. Took about 4 hours to change the fuel pump on my van, you have to take a bunch of other stuff off to get to it. Started it several times, worked fine. Put gas it in, started to Subway for Dakota, made it almost to the top of the overpass and it died. A MHP and a NPD stopped and pushed me over the top so I could coast down and out of the way. Had it towed home. I either got a bad pump or a gas filter is plugged. So tomorrow, I start on it again. I hate working on cars.
I'm gonna guess the filter. Wow, sorry to hear that. I been through dozens and dozens of trail and error situations over the decades, learning each time, but by then the savings is too late. Once each episode is figured out, you learn something to pass on to friends, relatives, whomever.
Grandpas old van back in the early 70's had fuel issues on a trip 30 miles south of here. We were going up a long grade, and near the top, the engine started crapping out and eventually died. It restarted fine........... and it ran fine the next 5 miles to the job. It ended up being the filter. The filter was plugged, but under a "normal load" in town or on the highway it ran fine. Once the fuel demand increased going up that long hill, the filter couldn't keep up with the flow. I hope that's it, because it's a relatively cheap fix.
If that works, you also know that you have a good fuel pump and won't have to worry about that becoming an issue in the future. Fuel pumps tend to last for a long time.
Both filters on this are a pain to get to. It started for few seconds once after I got home. But died like it was running out of gas and would not start again.
Put a 25 footer of super cheese stuff in an old ladies house. Played with her dog. She got me to fix some stuff around her house (you know how the ole ladies can be) started my second job and decided home sounded better haven't had a day off in a month

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