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Who gardens besides me? Here is some of mine: Plus my dogplant, estremely hard to grow.

I have been using a backyard forum to help restore my lawn. Grubs! Used a drag rake to pull out dead grass. Then bought some tall fescue online and watered for a month.


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Tom, your yard looks great now!
Mine looks like a disaster. LOL. Weeds growing everywhere. I've tried trimming it back but haven't had much luck because I get overheated & tire out easily.

Thursday night I had the worst headache I've had in years. Mostly on the left side. Throbbing sharp stabbing pain radiating from my ear across my face to the arch above my left eye and forward through my jaw (top & bottom- but mostly bottom) all the way to my chin as well as down my neck on the back left side. It was like something was agitating the nerves in my inner ear & flaring out from there. It was driving me crazy & I couldn't get rested. I took a naproxyn to see if it would stop it. An hour later still nothing. Took another one & an hour later still nothing. I never take more than 2 but I had to get up in the morning & could not sleep so I took a 3rd one. After about 30 minutes it started to work & I was able to get to sleep sometime after 4:30am. Woke up again around 6 something in the morning. I sleep on my right side but before the medicine worked, lying down was making it worse so I had to sit up to get to sleep.
Woke up just before my alarm went off at 8. Had the most vile abdominal pain- don't know if it was kidney stones, cramps, or gas but it did not want to go away. Forgot to mention that the air conditioning stopped working in the middle of the night so I was overheating and sweating. I lowered the temp on thermostat by 1 degree & a couple hours later it started to cool off. It's working fine now. So, I went to sleep sweating like crazy & woke up cold. I turned on the heated seat to see if it would radiate through the front to help with the cramps. Took about 15 minutes for cramps to reduce a little but they didn't go away until almost an hour later.

Went to pick up my friend & he was still sleepy & his fiance was having a bad headache too. She stayed on the couch while we went to the store. He sat in the car while I grabbed some water and picked up medicine for my mother. Then we went to the hardware store & picked up the supplies he needed. They were out of sheetrock so we got something called waterboard. I helped unload them and get them set out of the way & then unloaded the water- he met me halfway to take the cases up the steps. I needed to rest a bit after that so I tried to comfort his fiance. Massaged her head & neck to see if it would help. It helped enough she was able to get up and make banana smoothies. Smoothies made us both feel better & I washed the mixer thing so she wouldn't cut herself on the blades (she seemed to be having a bad coordination day).

Headed back home & napped, then made dinner for Mom. She woke me up around midnight feeling hungry again but wouldn't tell me what she wanted. She wanted me to bring her food in bed & rejected everything I suggested, got mad that I couldn't read her mind to know what she wanted & magically make it appear so she yelled at me and hung up. I was having another bad headache (not as bad as the night before) & couldn't think straight but was trying to come up with something she could eat but she refused to communicate with me. I grumbled and swore to myself for several minutes in the kitchen while looking for something- found some egg & cheese wrapped in biscuits thing from Jimmy Dean in the freezer and heated those up for her & brought them to her. They smelled good so I made some for myself afterward. She actually thanked me instead of rejecting it. She was able to eat them with her hands so she didn't need utensils. Around 2am she woke me up again because she wanted me to bring her water & one of the cats had slipped in so I had to go sing "The last call for tree time" (to the tune of The Last Rose of Summer") to the cat to get him to come over to me & jump on my shoulder. Took 1 naproxyn & it knocked out the headache but I couldn't sleep. I watched a little TV on the DVR & then looked stuff up on the internet & played some word games until I was able to get to sleep.

Woke up feeling like it was late afternoon (cat woke me up wanting out) but it was only 9am. I'm probably going to nap a bit longer & then go to Lowes to pick up an online order.
Last year in the Fall I did the lawn repair. I bought a drag rake from Lowe’s for $120. Pulled 16 lawn bags of dead grass out to expose the bare ground for seed. I bought seed from Hancock Seed Company. And I used the new Scotts starter fertilizer with Tenacity weed prevention. Also got a soil sample and sent it to Logan’s testing facility in Ohio. Told me I needed lime. Found there are new kinds of lime that don’t require hundreds of pounds. 3 bags of Sol u Cal did the work of 20 bags. Got socked on water bill, watering 8 lines 20 minutes each for a month.
Started cutting ceiling tiles. My carpenter told me to use a table saw. Seemed like overkill. So I tried cutting with a utility knife. Tore up a couple edges... Tried table saw. Wow! It works. I even cut the notch in the edge. But God, that dust!. Thankful I did it in garage. Used leaf blower for cleanup. Inside corners are a bear though. Have to use knife on them. Took half an hour to cut that piece!
Try a jigsaw for the corners. Might make clean cuts with the right blade. Cutting from the face side would need something like poster board to protect the surface.

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