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Dang I hate nails. 5 lbs down, 3 to go.
Nailing 1/2 inch plywood down with ringshanks..... my arm is talking to me. The plywood is a bit warped so I went closer to a 3/8" nailing pattern. 6 inches apart and closer on the seams. 13 sheets.
It's a 20 by 20 garage converted to a bar with a
Coke theme everywhere... wallpaper, ceiling fan, electric switch plates, Coke buttons on the walls, even one that looks to be 48" in diameter.
Underlayment for now, and installing Armstrong Alterna tile maybe later next month
Work has been dead, so I figured pricing low , (too low) so I would have something to do. A couple other calls so there will be more in the works after the first. It's hard doing make up payments at the end of the month because the next month is about to start it all over again. :confused:
Check you phone. Google has added something to it. A new setting called "Covid notifications". Mmmm. Didn't Bill Gates want to add a covid tracker to our phones?
Hmm.. Guess I need to call the exterminator then. Hope the guy who came out last time almost 20 years ago is still around.

Highup, sounds like a nail gun would have been handy for that job-- but then I don't know if ring nails can be put in a nail gun. Sorry to hear business is so slow. Do you qualify for any type of small business aid due to Covid?

I need to go outside & turn on my phone to see if I got a text from HD. Didn't get an e-mail notification about my order that was supposed to be ready yesterday. Still shows as "arrived at store" and not as "prepared for pickup" on the website though. I called & got an automated messenger that told me my order was being prepared & to look for a text or e-mail.

Kittens are still enjoying their condo. Namir loves the hammock. Temjin runs all over the place & was trying to swat an outside cat through the glass. Super playful little one. I think she's probably going to stay small & be skinny & Namir will be a big fatso.
Nothing. I don't still have his telephone number.

I hadnt heard about us having an earthquake as I have been working until I got home and saw havasus email
We dont get earthquakes in Auckland
The only news which I heard on the radio was that a couple of police got shot yesterday doing a traffic stop, one was killed and the other is in hospital. This is very unusual in NZ as our police dont get killed while on duty Both of the people involved have been caught I reckon they should let the police dogs have a free run with these gang members
Under the title what did I do today:

Spent money!

Ceiling grid parts and tiles: $400.
4 lighting panels and 50 ft. of 14/2 wire: $275.

I have a friend coming because his minivan can carry 12 ft. lengths of material. Need the main beams and the wall moldings. Too long for my 4runner.

Having a ceiling in the basement: Priceless...

Oh, and yesterday I ate breakfast al fresco at my favorite diner. Party of one. French toast with raspberry filling, topped with blueberries, bananas, and strawberries. Not the same without friends around though.
The puppy we tried to rescue didn't survive. Think it had Parvo. It hid from me when I was going to take it from the vet & I found it after the vet closed. Went to get it early next morning and the poor thing had passed. Buried it near some flowering plants.

Got to use the toilet liftmaster jack to pull the old toilet, scrape up the nasty wax, clean up the pipe opening, put a repair flange over the broken PVC, put the new ADA height toilet in & put a new seat on it. It looks great. Too bad the floor looks awful. LOL. Used a waxless seal in case the toilet didn't line up right the first time. With the flange & the new seal it still had some movement to it so we used toilet shims at the front.

That jack is going to make installing other toilets a lot easier. Comes with tubes to put over the bolts to help line up the holes on the toilet when lowering it & the jack sets it down slowly. Bought my friend lunch & gave him some gas money (even though I drove him- his car would not be able to handle my road after the way the logging trucks tore it up) so he could get to work. He was out of gas & is waiting for Unemployment to restore his benefits.

My brother got an email from his medical insurance saying something about him needing to login to his employee page to see something about his severance benefits-- which indicates he's been laid off but his employer hasn't told him anything. Last he heard from a supervisor was that he still had a job but was on furlough. He started doing a tiny bit of cleaning in front of our friend but stopped & went back to his room before we even got to the door to leave (but after we left the room). If my friend had stayed he might have continued cleaning up more, but he tends to quit after about 2 minutes of work when it comes to stuff at home. I joked with my friend that I bet he had stopped right after we left. Didn't realize he stopped before.

The dog, Princess, really likes the new kittens. I've been telling her that they are her kittens to protect & love. She wants to go in the room a few times a day to see them. Runs over to their condo, wags her tail, and wants to touch noses with them. They seem to like her so far. There were dogs at my friend's house so they are used to having dogs come over and sniff them. I'm hoping Fippy will take to them instead of being a territorial jerk. Some of the cats have already hissed at them, but I'm hoping they will get used to them soon. The one short-haired solid black cat that is an adult seems Ok with them.

I'll have to get pictures of the floor & hope it does justice to show the problem with the bathroom floor & get ideas on how to fix it without having to tear the whole thing up. I'm not sure if a layer of luan or underlayment plywood would help the situation. But, worst case scenario we could remove the vertical shelf support & move stuff out of the bathroom to replace the subfloor entirely. I'm just hoping there will be some easy fix. The floor moves a lot when I step in a certain spot. It's a bit squishy there. Wish I hadn't been busy with college finals when the floor broke in the first place. Then I could have helped more to make sure the floor had been repaired correctly instead of the awful patch job that was done.
Building a hobby bench. Also doubles as a shelter in case the house falls on my head!

Planned out main beam and first cross tee location. Marked with string. Also going to build 3 wall cabinets. I have 2 sheets of mdf, 1 sheet of 1/2 inch plywood, and 2 sheets of 1/4 inch lauan. Going to make a lot of sawdust!


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Looks great, Tom! I see you're keeping busy. Hobby bench looks sturdy.

My tub surround arrived at Home Depot the same day that the shower kit arrived at Lowes. Fortunately, both of them fit in the back of the truck with a little room to spare. Wish I'd been able to fit the makeshift pallet they had for the shower kit. I wanted that scrap lumber. LOL. Lowes doesn't have the same curbside pickup options as HomeDepot so I had to go into the store (after spending 15min on the phone before I left the house to make sure they could actually find the kit so I didn't have a repeat of the time they couldn't find my stuff). The clerk who helped me (Allison) was the one I heard the lady I talked to on the phone (Mary) speaking to when I called. I had to wait for them to bring it to the front so I looked around the store. Found the laminate samples I'd ordered (which never arrived) in stock for free. Explained to the clerk that I had paid for some online & they hadn't even shipped yet but there they were in stock. LOL. She asked when I ordered them & I said "Last month". So, I canceled the order for the samples & just picked up the ones that were there for free. Friend can use them to patch some spots on his countertop sides.

Got the shower & tub walls unloaded into the workshop (after I rearranged some stuff), checked them all for damage-- not a scratch on them. Cow came over to play when we were leaving. She gets playful when she sees my truck so she was swinging her head, hopping up and down and charging. I stepped in between her & my friend and got him to get in the truck while I waved my arms in the air and clapped to chase her back a bit. When I got in the truck she ran around it in circles acting like a clown.

Found a package on the hood of the CR-V that was addressed to someone else. It was out in the open & about to rain so I grabbed it and drove it out to the lady's house. My good neighbor (the one who used to do flooring) was there to get something from his tractor. I think they are still dating, but am not sure. He said she wasn't home but he would put the package near her door & let her know. He said it was stupid of them to leave the package out where it could get rained on. It was good seeing him. I still need to call to check on the guy who bought our tractor to make sure he's doing ok.

I'm planning to do what Frodo suggested on plumbing forums & boost up the countertop in Mom's bathroom with some 1x4s, maybe add a decorate applique to the front, use some bondo to cover the seam, & paint it all. I'm thinking of putting this lever on Mom's toilet KEENEY Universal Fit Faucet Style Toilet Tank Lever in Chrome-PP836-71CPL - The Home Depot (or at least purchasing it so we have a replacement when the factory lever breaks-- they tend to break after 5 years bc they have plastic parts that wear out). I'm still debating whether to try to paint over the existing formica and seal it with a clearcoat or if I should try to glue down a laminate sheet over the old stuff. I know I'll have to do sanding & cleaning for both options. Also debating whether to refinish the sink or buy a new one. Current sink is green & fugly but sturdy. I suppose I could try painting the countertop 1st and if it looks terrible I can sand it off and put formica over it.

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