Looks great, Tom! I see you're keeping busy. Hobby bench looks sturdy.
My tub surround arrived at Home Depot the same day that the shower kit arrived at Lowes. Fortunately, both of them fit in the back of the truck with a little room to spare. Wish I'd been able to fit the makeshift pallet they had for the shower kit. I wanted that scrap lumber. LOL. Lowes doesn't have the same curbside pickup options as HomeDepot so I had to go into the store (after spending 15min on the phone before I left the house to make sure they could actually find the kit so I didn't have a repeat of the time they couldn't find my stuff). The clerk who helped me (Allison) was the one I heard the lady I talked to on the phone (Mary) speaking to when I called. I had to wait for them to bring it to the front so I looked around the store. Found the laminate samples I'd ordered (which never arrived) in stock for free. Explained to the clerk that I had paid for some online & they hadn't even shipped yet but there they were in stock. LOL. She asked when I ordered them & I said "Last month". So, I canceled the order for the samples & just picked up the ones that were there for free. Friend can use them to patch some spots on his countertop sides.
Got the shower & tub walls unloaded into the workshop (after I rearranged some stuff), checked them all for damage-- not a scratch on them. Cow came over to play when we were leaving. She gets playful when she sees my truck so she was swinging her head, hopping up and down and charging. I stepped in between her & my friend and got him to get in the truck while I waved my arms in the air and clapped to chase her back a bit. When I got in the truck she ran around it in circles acting like a clown.
Found a package on the hood of the CR-V that was addressed to someone else. It was out in the open & about to rain so I grabbed it and drove it out to the lady's house. My good neighbor (the one who used to do flooring) was there to get something from his tractor. I think they are still dating, but am not sure. He said she wasn't home but he would put the package near her door & let her know. He said it was stupid of them to leave the package out where it could get rained on. It was good seeing him. I still need to call to check on the guy who bought our tractor to make sure he's doing ok.
I'm planning to do what Frodo suggested on plumbing forums & boost up the countertop in Mom's bathroom with some 1x4s, maybe add a decorate applique to the front, use some bondo to cover the seam, & paint it all. I'm thinking of putting this lever on Mom's toilet
KEENEY Universal Fit Faucet Style Toilet Tank Lever in Chrome-PP836-71CPL - The Home Depot (or at least purchasing it so we have a replacement when the factory lever breaks-- they tend to break after 5 years bc they have plastic parts that wear out). I'm still debating whether to try to paint over the existing formica and seal it with a clearcoat or if I should try to glue down a laminate sheet over the old stuff. I know I'll have to do sanding & cleaning for both options. Also debating whether to refinish the sink or buy a new one. Current sink is green & fugly but sturdy. I suppose I could try painting the countertop 1st and if it looks terrible I can sand it off and put formica over it.