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Guys around me sell a flat wheelbarrow of wood for $20 and a 1/2 cord for $200. Way too pricy for my blood.

That's crazy!!! You can get black oak here for $250 and fir for $180 a cord. In the early 70's, which made me in my early 20's, I cut wood for a living. A short lived career. I was getting $45 for oak, delivered, split and stacked. Fir was $35. This WAS the going rate too. But, rent was $75, gas was .34 cents, Fisher beer .79 a sixer and so on. The good old days. :) Life was a whole lot simpler.
I gave $80 for a cord of red oak delivered. They threw it off, I stacked it.

80 bucks??? You must have oak galore around there, and still the cost of fuel for the saw and truck. And BEER! This guy isn't coming out too good from my view. Is it split too? That's one hell of a deal Rusty. I always used an 8 pound maul. Didn't have splitters then.

OR.....you could own one of these for only $26.000. I've seen one similar to this one but bigger that goes for around $50,000.

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Here a truck load which will last one year costs about $400
The council is trying to get everybody to have smoke free fireplaces which is okay where the people live on a large land mass but we live in the skinniest part of NZ with ocean all around us
Here a truck load which will last one year costs about $400
The council is trying to get everybody to have smoke free fireplaces which is okay where the people live on a large land mass but we live in the skinniest part of NZ with ocean all around us

No rules yet about using firewood, but it's coming.
They've been pushing the catalytic stove on us around here for several years now. Didn't like the earlier ones. Couldn't get enough wood in one to last the night. We've used a Fisher Papa since the late 70's. A Grandpa in the shop. It's a little bigger. A great stove that last for a long, long time.

Here a truck load which will last one year costs about $400
The council is trying to get everybody to have smoke free fireplaces which is okay where the people live on a large land mass but we live in the skinniest part of NZ with ocean all around us

$400 in NZ is about $270 here Jon, so that's not a bad price.
I've used this guy on the last 3 houses I've had. He is really a professional and takes pride in his work. He also installed a wi-fi thermostat that scrolls my photo album for pics, and displays photos every 15 seconds. You can even leave reminder notes to the thermostat that the family can read. Pretty happy with it.

I've used this guy on the last 3 houses I've had. He is really a professional and takes pride in his work. He also installed a wi-fi thermostat that scrolls my photo album for pics, and displays photos every 15 seconds. You can even leave reminder notes to the thermostat that the family can read. Pretty happy with it.

Wouldn't work in my house to many of those pictures where the girls can't afford clothes that Nick and Floorist send me.


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