That's a neat little space Tom. Love to have something like that.The hobby bench is done!
That's a neat little space Tom. Love to have something like that.The hobby bench is done!
Oregon could use some of that rain right now. Locally here on the coast, were -24 inches so far this year. 65 or 67 is normal.I’m sitting on the couch totally exhausted. Edged the driveway and pulled out a stubborn dead bush. Bad storm last night but no damage for me.
Oregon could use some of that rain right now. Locally here on the coast, were -24 inches so far this year. 65 or 67 is normal.
I am glad that you can. My arthritis in my hands limits what I can build.Ordered an automaton horse model from Amazon along with a few tools. Haven’t built a model in 10 years
You just need stronger DRUGS.I am glad that you can. My arthritis in my hands limits what I can build.
Be nice to have a workshop with a a separate painting/spraying room.I hope to eventually build a real workshop. Sharing the garage with my wife's pottery wheel is a pain.
Must give a hats off to whoever designed the parts and how they interact. That's neat. Never seen anything like that.Started the model
Must give a hats off to whoever designed the parts and how they interact. That's neat. Never seen anything like that.
Probably only 497 if the box, wrapper, and postage sticker aren't included.Some of the gadgets are incredibly engineered. As many as 500 parts in one small device. Part engineering and part magic I think.