Spent the night in my bed with AC on & it was great-- although I couldn't move much bc of the cats. They find the AC a bit chilly & they missed me so they piled on. Some of them were touching my face and wanting me to look at them and pet them. When it was time to get up in the morning, they didn't want to get off of me and I couldn't muster the motivation to push them off (some of them climb right back on) so I slept in. In fairness, I'd been sick the night before & my stomach was still queasy. My brother called (not sure what time) to check on me & see if I'd cleaned up yet so Mom could come home. Not sure how much longer after that I got up. But I got to work sweeping up garbage. I got lazy bc I had trouble getting the trash bag to stay open to dump trash in so I opened the sliding glass door and started dumping stuff out. My friend had offered to come clean-- said we could get a shovel & just toss everything-- but I know he sometimes throws away stuff that is not trash so I declined. I went to wash my hands and discovered the water wasn't working. Checked the pump- jet pump was humming and cistern was empty. Piston pump won't kick on. I checked the breaker & saw some red. Called my friend & asked him to check it. He came out with my brother (they brought my brother's generator to unload into the shed). He flipped the breakers & pressed them in tighter. Red went away. My ceiling fan is dead though. Not sure if its a bad breaker not showing its bad or if it's the wiring or if it's the fan itself. It's over 30 years old though.
Anyway, I either need a new piston pump or a new motor for it. Damn thing was over $600 so I'm hoping I can find a motor or something less expensive and perhaps more efficient that will work with my current setup.
While my friend was unloading the generator I continued to clean. Found my mother's lost engagement ring. Had to throw out the kitchen rug bc it was saturated in grossness. I didn't get everything off the floor (left some stuff on the sides near the counters and didn't clear a path in front of the stove, microwave & sink since my mom only needs a path through the front room to the living room & to her bedroom). So I cleaned up through the front room, path through the kitchen, to her desk in the living room, and through the kitchen to the hall & the hallway to her room.
Put down some pet odor powder in some spots.
I will need to get in and clean the pantry more thoroughly and clean the entrance to the kitchen better (but need to replace the light bulb as I can't really see in there even in daylight).
I had planned on cleaning the fridge and freezer, but I needed water for that. I'd also wanted to wash a bunch of stuff off to put in bins or on shelves in the pantry, but no water for rinsing & lysol wipes alone don't cut it.
My brother was impressed with how much I cleaned. Mom didn't notice. Parquet floor is completely ruined. It very clearly warps up and if you step on it it goes down and warps up in another spot. Its no good as floor anymore, but I wonder if there are any pieces I can salvage to use in another project of some sort (yes, I'm a hoarder). They aren't good enough for a butcherblock table or anything, but I'm hoping I can find some use for them. I hate to just throw stuff out and not repurpose it.
Apparently the 2 raccoons got themselves trapped in the pantry earlier (according to my brother) but they are out now. I think they are trying to come back in because Princess is barking her head off. I suspect as the weather gets colder, they will continue to come in for warmth and food. If they didn't make a mess I wouldn't mind. They don't seem to fight with the cats & they haven't hurt the dogs.
At some point I'll post some before and after pics of the kitchen. I showed a video to my friend's fiance and she was shocked at how bad it was, but she noted how much better it looked after I cleaned- despite stuff sticking to the floor and not coming up. I'm seriously thinking of taking all the parquet up and having the plywood underneath exposed for awhile, but I don't know if that is a good idea. I know the floor under it needs some TLC and major cleaning. Vinyl sheet won't be any good. I'm thinking vinyl plank but it will have to be a watertight type that won't let water get under it. If it has to be glued down then I will absolutely have to get the plywood under it cleaned.
Anyway, here's a picture of the piston pump & its details. Not sure what parameters to use to find the replacement motor.