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Bought a lot of 95-5 hamburger for $3.50 a lb. We have about 50 lbs. now. It is so lean you have to add oil to fry it.
If it's not greasy enough to swallow, I won't eat it.
My cousin gave me some from their ranch. We made burgers out of it..... BBQ burgers. It seemed so dry.
Did something next time that made me taste good. I think high heat, short cooking time and kept them slathered in Worcestershire sauce.
I think I overcooked them first time.
Took my friend to City Hall. Good news: City doesn't own it, they just were mistaken & forgot to check the records that taxes were paid-- taxes will be delayed & not due until late December now. Bad news: Even though my friend paid the taxes & his mom had all but abandoned the property, she still has her name on it & he's only listed as "care of" so she can still steal it out from under him. He thinks she was trying to put it up as collateral for someone else's bail *again*. She's done it before & he ended up having to pay the bail for her skeevy boyfriends in order to keep the house. They said the only way he could get the house now was if she donated it to him. We joked about getting her drunk or waiting until she's high & getting her to sign it over.

They had BBQ at a food truck outside Tractor Supply (I was grabbing hay with molasses for the cows). It smelled so good but they weren't done cooking by the time I left. Only one of the cows was around when I put the hay out. Not sure where the other one was.

Friend got a call from his grandfather that the insurance company had paid my friend for the grandfather's stay at his house & the grandfather wanted half of the $. My friend hung up & blocked his number, then called the insurance company to ask if some of the $ was supposed to go to the grandfather & they said "No". Said it was all to compensate my friend for taking care of the grandfather for those weeks. It's almost enough to cover the replacement of the bed, the carpet, and the carpet pad. I doubt the insurance will pay for the actual cost of replacing stuff though. I told my friend to hold off on getting an expensive mattress that she's going to outgrow.

We unsuccessfully tried to fix the water supply for the kitchen sink. It's a weird setup with 3/4" PVC pipe with a 3/4"slip to 1/2" male threaded PVC coupling. They didn't have brass fittings in that size & the sharkbite ones they sell online are not in stock locally & are more expensive than a new hose. Got the only 1/2" to 1/2" faucet supply line at the store & it didn't fit the coupling. It's too shallow & won't grab anything but the first thread on the coupling & then goes crooked. I think maybe it needs to be flipped around but it might be identical on both ends. Right now one end is tethered to the sprayer & I can't remove it (arms too short & I'm too fat too squeeze into the cabinet). Will see if friend can flip it around tomorrow. Worst case I can go to Lowes tomorrow & get the hose with larger ends & more threads.

I got a tool bag for some of my tools that were in a plastic bag at my friend's house. He's borrowing them for now but I wanted to get them all gathered up in one spot & make sure the bag couldn't rip or spill. I managed to fit most of them in there. Grabbed my drill bits while I was over there so I could use them at home.

Successfully installed a latch on my pantry door to keep raccoons & cats out. It's not pretty & doesn't match the house decor, but it works. Now I need to clean up the pantry, get rid of all the ruined stuff, and restock it. Also cleaned some counters & cooked for mom (microwave only). Still need to find and wash all of my pans & utensils. May need to buy new spatulas. But at least I accomplished something.
Carpet One warehouse guy is on vacation. I'm filling In as needed. Mid afternoon I go there to look for 13 boxes of vinyl plank. Thought it was in stock goods, but found out after a 20 minute search it was behind other pallets and it was a custom order. Had to move 3 pallets out of the warehouse so I could get those out and put onto the customers truck.
Delivery guy showed up with 4 more pallets of stuff...... I stored those outside too to make space for them later in a way that they wouldn't interfere with me getting a roll of carpet out of the pile. I need to make five cuts for an installers job on Monday.
I need this roll. 😖
The warehouse guy is a smart cookie and very organized. He knows the entire warehouse like the back of his hand.
He makes this job look easy.
Pray for me.


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The roadster is done. Unfortunately it doesn’t run. A piece broke inside the chassis and it would destroy the car to get at it. But I think it’s a pretty nice display piece.


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Darn, and I was going to send you a remote contol unit I don't use any more.
Google Image Result for http://www.stonkknots.co.uk/images/lightpull_barrel_hemp.jpg. 😁
That's pretty neat Tom. Definitely a mantle price. You probably wouldn't want to handle it much anyway.

No, I was never a fan of playing with models even if they were meant for it. $40 and 3 weeks, too much into it to risk breaking it.

Going to look at some other brands of these models. Amazon has a few producing them.
Passed by Field of Screams today on way home. It’s a cornfield with people trying to scare you. Line of traffic 1/2 mile long and we’re a month away!

Ranked in top 10 horror amusement places in country.
I wanted to take my mom to the grocery store today so she could pick out some tv dinners she wanted but she wouldn't get up all day. So I decided to stay home & I cleaned up in the living room some & got a bunch of trash out.
I was up for awhile cleaning, watched Halloween Wars marathon on TV, and then took a nap. Mom woke me from a dead sleep around 9:20 wanting something to eat, but she rejected everything we had in the fridge/pantry. I went in there to talk to her to find out what she wanted to eat & she kept turning away to watch TV and ignoring me. I told her if she wanted me to go into town to get her something she needed to tell me asap so I could call in an order and go get it before places closed. She wasted 10 min starting to say something then looking at the TV. I asked her to use her computer to find the number for a place so she could find out closing hours & call in an order & she started screaming at me like that was the most unreasonable thing ever. I went and looked at closing times on my computer & paged her- she ignored it. So I went in & told her place closed at 10 (it takes me 20 min to drive in and some places start shutting off their ovens around 9:45pm if they close at 10). She screamed at me that she didn't want anything from in town. She whined that she'd already eaten the TV dinner meal types we had left for 2 days. She didn't want sandwiches bc she'd eaten them for a few days... She tried to guilt-trip me for not being able to magically make food appear that she wanted while she couldn't even communicate what she wanted. I decided not to feel guilty that a grown woman can't communicate & decided to act like a spoiled child.
I still can't find the necessary cooking utensils & don't have the ingredients to make stuff she usually likes so she was having a tantrum. I'm sure she'll stuff her face with snacks & then whine tomorrow about me not feeding her or some BS.
Sorry, venting. I'm slightly cranky. LOL.
At least my cat is purring for me.
I'll have to see if I can get her to the store tomorrow.
Passed by Field of Screams today on way home. It’s a cornfield with people trying to scare you. Line of traffic 1/2 mile long and we’re a month away!

Ranked in top 10 horror amusement places in country.
I drive by just like you did Tom.
I'm perfectly fine keeping my adrenaline level flowing at an even rate. :ghostly:
I have been considering selling my tools. Was going to try to do repairs and restretches this year and then the covid hit. Only one installer left besides me and he is not busy. I have not done anything in months.
Things have been slow for me but I have work in the future.
I could have two jobs in a row, but lack of painting progress is going to make both jobs ready at the same time.
I got lucky this week. No work was available, but carpet one needed some assistance because the warehouse guy is on vacation. $300 is better than....... not $300. 😁
You must be kidding. Nobody uses computers anymore. 🤫
......well, I would, but I can't afford a cell phone plus internet. I hate using a phone for internet. Screen size is nasty, keys are hard to hit, and worse than everything is the results I get when googling.
The results are limited in scope and focused on giving me results I don't want. I search DIY subjects and Google takes me to places that sell products....... exact opposite of what I want. :mad: I don't get those results on a confuzer.
Highup, I feel the same about using the phone for internet. When I was trying to use my phone while evacuated, it kept going to other pages, moving my cursor, autocorrecting stuff multiple times. I'd go back & fix it & it would change it again. Sometimes I would hit the checkmark to keep what I typed but it would still change it & I was about to smash my phone. I literally punched my phone in the screen a few times out of aggravation of how slow it was going.

We were told there's a mandatory evacuation notice for our parish but eff it. We don't have anywhere to go. It's not as hot as it was & I refilled the water. When I asked about the consequences for not evacuating it was that they won't provide any aid/rescues if you get trapped. Well, that's what happened with the previous hurricane so there is no difference. My mom didn't want to go & my gut is telling me to stay. Might be wrong, but the way this year is going I don't care anymore. Plus, knowing my luck, if I evacuated it would change course to follow me.

At least we didn't pack our freezer & fridge & only have a few items that should fit into coolers with some ice packs. I'm just hoping the storm will downgrade enough to not take power out again, but that's not the kind of luck I have. I wasn't able to sleep much the past couple of days so I will catch up on a nap.
Watched the news tonight and learned about the storm. How far inland are you? If I was going to ride if out, I'd want plenty of meals that don't need cooking........ Or a lot of propane and a cook stove.
That auto correct is impressive sometimes but also very annoying.

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