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I'm in the southwestern part of the center of the state. It's right in the path. They'd been evacuating people to Alexandria which is also in the path. There apparently was a bus that came by earlier in the day but it had already left by the time I found out about it. I convinced my mom to consider evacuating but by that time it was too late-- roads are already too flooded & river is flowing across the road. The loggers filled in the ditches to get to trees to cut & didn't bother to dig them out when they were done so the roads got covered.
Effin' raccoons got in and ate all the MREs. I should have put them in the pantry but it was such a mess I wanted to clean it first & procrastinated. I saw some drawers open next to the stove & went to close them but hit something behind that was squishy & pushed back. I was afraid one of my cats got in there so I removed the top drawer, pushed the bottom drawer in & opened the middle drawer. Up popped a raccoon. I shouted aspersions at it and told it to GTFO. I stepped back so it could have room to flee. It took off, but it keeps coming back in even after we tried to block the back door off. I pushed some plastic bins in front of the drawers to keep them shut. I moved a few things to safer locations in the house, moved the truck, etc.
The one good bit of news is that I posted about my situation on social media to let my friends/followers know what was up & the campaign manager for a guy running for senate asked permission to DM me and gave me her personal contact info. She wanted to know if we had food, water, a generator, etc & said that if I'm able to contact her after the storm & need help that she knows people who will be willing & able to help. She knows some tree cutting company people who she can send down for us if the roads get blocked again.
I feel very sorry for the people in Lake Charles who were just fixing up their homes (those who still had them) after Laura. A lot of people were still homeless & there's an entire area no one can go back to bc some sort of chemical plant leaked/exploded & there's deadly toxic waste all over the place.
If we make it through this we will definitely need to get enough pet carriers for all of our pets & come up with an evacuation plan & have bug out bags or stuff that we need to take with us in emergencies & figure out what route we want to take.
I've noticed that if New Orleans isn't at risk, the rest of the country barely reports about these hurricanes & there is very little coverage. I'm really hoping this thing will downgrade again. It went from Tropical storm to category 4 then down to category 2 then back up to category 3. Crossing my fingers & hoping for tropical storm status before it gets to us around 3 to 4pm.
Storm downgraded to category 2 & slowed down a bit. New ETA is around 6 or 7pm. Damn raccoons got our MREs & we can't seem to keep them out. I boarded up the sliding glass door with plywood (as much as I could cover- there were obstacles in the way & 1 sheet didn't cover it all but it's what I had so it provides at least some cover). I used up the hamburger meat last night so it wouldn't go bad. Made shepherd's pie & my brother ate 3/4 of it. I got the generator moved into the shed by myself bc I couldn't get my brother to help. It was under the lean-to. I'm trying to get through some TV dinners before power goes out.
It's been raining hard since yesterday & internet has gone out a few times. Power blinked a couple times too.
Really hoping the storm will downgrade again & not do any damage.
Hope all is well Zan. I read the intensity level dropped, but still heavy rains.
We had over an inch last night. Probably the second time it rained in the last month. I don't believe we had any rain in July or August. We normally about 65 or so inches of rain per year and so far this year we're over 2 ft short so it's been extremely dry.
Power went out at 5pm friday. Power pole fell over on the flooded road. Got pics before a fireman showed up to check on us. Someone in the area asked for help evacuating bc the roads had been too flooded to leave. Not sure who so he was checking everyone. Said a neighbor had posted a video of himself chest deep in water. No flooding in our house or yard. Apparently someone chopped up the power pole and pushed it off the road. My road is still badly flooded where loggers filled in the ditches, but we can drive over it. Alternator got splashed at 1 point but seems to be OK now. Need to get this truck in for checkup soon. Skid plate sloped down and drags on the groundno power in town but 1 grocery store had a generator so we bought ice. Roof flew off the leanto near pump house so I think rain shorted wires to pump house. Got a weatherproof outdoor junction box that I will put in when the sun comes up.
All pets are OK so far.
We were 10 inches ahead earlier in the year and are now below average a bunch. Now starting to have large fires.
Oregon currently has about eight fires still going.
Adding half of those fires together totals about 650,000 acres. They range from 46 to 71% contained. That means a couple of these are going to be put out as the colder damper weather sets in. They have been burning for months. They're all 150 to 250 miles away from me so it's never been a concern or a worry for me, but we have had a few periods of extremely smokey weather, with one late afternoon bad enough that I had to turn my headlights on early. It's amazing how far that smoke can travel.
Oregon currently has about eight fires still going.
Adding half of those fires together totals about 650,000 acres. They range from 46 to 71% contained. That means a couple of these are going to be put out as the colder damper weather sets in. They have been burning for months. They're all 150 to 250 miles away from me so it's never been a concern or a worry for me, but we have had a few periods of extremely smokey weather, with one late afternoon bad enough that I had to turn my headlights on early. It's amazing how far that smoke can travel.
It has traveled all the way to Michigan and beyond according to the news.
Hey Zan are those pictures of a road?
Yup. Mostly drained now. But power company hasn't done any work this weekend.
We need a chainsaw to cut some crepe mertle trees blocking access to the generator switch.
Power just came back on in town but they have a different power company than us.
My friend didn't get much sleep last night. His grandfather rolled up after 1am and laid on the horn. Triggered my friend's fiance to have a bad enough anxiety attack that she had to go to the hospital.
To clarify, no power back at my house still. Friend's fiance is refusing to take her meds and is being a hellbeast. Turns out she has schizophrenia on top of adhd, anxiety, and bipolar disorder. Her doctor asked to speak with my friend and told him to have her committed if she keeps refusing bc she has become a danger to others, especially the baby.
Mom is sick with flu symptoms, so I need to see if I can get her to the doctor today.
I finally got through to a live person at the power company to tell them where the pole was down and told them an elderly disabled woman who is ill is out here but they did not care
I really want to go solar and tell them where to shove their meter.
It was hot last night and I didn't sleep well. Barely getting enough signal to load this page.
Hope the fires die down and smoke clears up for you guys who are being affected.
Edit: discoved some holes in roof over the well shed directly over some electrical stuff so I just patched it with t-Rex tape. Waiting for others in house to wake up so maybe we can get something to eat. Wish somewhere around sold hot chicken soup for mom.
Friend bbqed last night but she didn't want any of it.
Bored as hell waiting for the others to wake up so I went and patched some holes in the pump shed roof. They were right over electrical outlets.
So bored I forgot I already posted about that last bit. Can't edit it bc connection is being retarded.
Took mom to the doctors. Bacterial infection. He prescribed meds for nausea.
There were some covidiots in the office who were there to be tested for covid but weren't wearing masks or distancing. They were tabbing away about their covidiots symptoms theyd been having and about family who tested positive.
After appointment we stopped by to get emergency rations then on to grocery store to grab eggs so my brother could cook some for mom at friend's house.
Waiting on the rx to be ready.
Anybody interested in a free ride in a helicopter flight for 4 people?! I'm still looking for 2 more people to join us. We leave early Saturday (October 24th) morning from Warm Springs Ga , and will fly to St. Augustine Fl where we will have breakfast and then on a yacht for lunch.
Then we’ll do a flight along the coast to see The Jacksonville, FL port and returning to St Augustine for dinner, then fly back home.
If interested please pm me..
Preferably someone with a helicopter and yacht, otherwise we can't go.

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