Sometimes animals can tell when people suck. Mom's dog hated my friend's (now ex) fiance. He always growled at her when she was in the room. I can't remember if I mentioned that she left him for another guy, but then claimed she wasn't sleeping with the new guy and wasn't leaving him but wanted to leave the baby because she doesn't like taking care of him. She's the one who wanted a baby and left my friend with the baby because now she doesn't want one. We could see this coming a mile away though-- she did the same thing with pets. She'd get a puppy or a kitten and then decide she didn't like taking care of them and throw them outside, stop feeding them regularly, and some of them got run over. My friend would try to let them back in the house but she would kick them and hit them and throw them out. He really should have kicked her to the curb a long time ago but he's got a phobia of being alone/single.
I'm still feeling like garbage off and on. I need to drink more water but feel nauseous. Hopefully this sinus crud will clear up soon.
I would have been sleeping when the new year rang in but I was in the bathroom. LOL.
Got out, went to say "Happy New Year" to my mom, who was watching TV and having a fit because something on the screen blocked the view of the ball dropping. LOL.
Still feeling a bit better than the other day at least.
Hope everyone else is having a good day/new year.