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Not raining, but 30 mph winds today. Not sure how high the gusts have been, but noisy at times. Supposed to start slowing down after 11 or 12 if they are correct. Hardly any rain today tho.
Here's the job I'm working on now. Home was built in 06...... 1906 that is.
I put 6 bags of filler in the bedrooms, most in the large one, the MBR. It's just over 24 feet long by 12. Lady asked if I would install the new base. 😳 It needed 6" base. The stuff I removed was 4" and that looked stupid in house that age. I installed MDF except for 10 feet that had outside corners. 6" for would have been very expensive.
The previous owner had the room sheetrocked and sprayed because of remodeling it to make it larger. She had the outside corners and the new closet opening corners done with metal rounded corners........ sheesh, old homes are sacred places so they need to be kept old looking, not 1990's style.
(No, MDF isn't "sacred" or vintage, but there are budgets)
Anyhow, I suggested framing the closet opening with 1 by 5 material to match the other door openings. She liked the idea. 😲 The closet has bifold doors. So anyway the rounded corners are out of sight forever. This is one quickie of the room.
I'm the painter too..... 😖 I started with the closet to see how the paint was going to behave, especially cutting in on the top of the base against the wall. I think I can freehand this so no tape.
Paint is a self priming Benjamin Moore product....... Boy o boy do you have to move fast. It says no thinning.
Guess you slap it on fast then let it flow out....... don't keep brushing. I not fast! I think I'll esperiment using a brush to cut in, then roller on the wide stuff. Needs two coats, so the first one will y a learning curve.


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Glad I didn't have to paint the 200+ window panes in the place. It's not a huge house, just lots of panes.


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Holy cow that's a lot of windows! Lots of grilles in them too. I think that's one where I would use a bunch of painter's tape & just use spray paint. LOL. I actually like painting. Back when I was little, my dad let us paint the inside of the play house he built for us. We used his old shirts as smocks & were barefoot. We made a huge mess but it was fun. Later on he got me to help him paint the workshop and barn. I learned to wear a hat when working anywhere near him painting because I'd end up with paint from his brush splattered on my hair otherwise. But it was still fun. I'm not the handiest person but I can paint and I can hand people tools and hold stuff for them & go get stuff/tools/paper towels/bandaids.
I'm not a fan of big windows-- nor that many windows. Too much air leakage/allowing too much heat/cold in. I'm the kind of person who likes blackout curtains in every room-- only to be opened when we want to see sunlight. I'm a night owl so I don't like sunlight that much.

Out of curiosity, what is wrong with 4" base? Does it just look too short?

Speaking of 4"-- I was reading that is the standard height of a tub spout is about 4" above tub rim. Not sure if that's bottom or on center though. Anyway, turns out the wall kit for the guest bathroom tub has a small ledge about 19-1/4" up the side walls. Well, there's a ledge on the back wall, but the line detail continues on to the side panels which creates a little lip that would interfere with shower trim laying flat. So, my shower trim would have to go either above or below it (with center being around 3-3/4" above or below since trim is 7-1/2" diameter). Since my brother is 6'3", having the controls higher is better. So that would put the trim center about 23" from tub rim. Now, the specs for the Multichoice valve suggests 8" to 18" from the valve center to the tub spout center. If I put the tub spout at 4" above (assuming that means center not bottom) then the distance between centers would be 19" or so. If I raise the spout up an inch it would be 18" distance. So, is there anything wrong with having the spout be 5" (center of spout) above the tub rim? Could I even go 6"? (I asked on plumbing forums & got no answer).

Still feeling tired & low energy & hoping thyroid meds will start kicking in. Also been finding I'm exhausted after eating so I pretty much went into a food coma after breakfast (bacon & eggs). My lower back was bugging me today & my brother hurt his hip so neither of us got much cleaning done today. Well, he didn't get any done and I only got a small amount. I'm going to have to tackle mom's empty bottle pile. I've cleaned it up in the past but developed a case of the f*** its. She claims my brother is supposed to clean it up but he feels he shouldn't have to bc it's her mess-- which means it goes back to me. The pile is above my shins now. I threatened to take a photo to show to her doctor and she was horrified. If she put them in the trash bags I gave her & didn't toss them across the room like a slob, there wouldn't be a pile. At least I know where I get my slobbishness from. LOL.

My brother made the mistake of putting a brand new pack of Oatmeal in the upper cabinets in the kitchen instead of in the pantry. Raccoons got to it & ate ALL of it. But now I know what to use as bait if I find an animal trap to set out for them. I'll probably catch some of the cats first though. Pretty sure Bethesda & Aminatu would end up caught. The dog, Princess, would likely get herself caught as well. I chased to big fat raccoons out of the kitchen last night. Princess was barking like crazy. I walked around the corner, saw the two fatsos standing on their hind legs, shouted "Hey, f***ers!" at them & they ran.
Ah. My house didn't have baseboards at all. Main floor in the front room was plywood that was stained & had some sort of leaf motif painted around the perimeter. I would have kept it if the tenants hadn't set a bucket of hot ash on it and burned all the way through to the subfloor. We're lucky they didn't burn the house down.
Zan, the home was built in 1906. Homes had tall base the. Bedrooms are 6, rest of the house is 8. 4" looks strange in an old house.
I tore out the carpet and 4 inch base a couple months ago. The base had to go because it was cat peed like the carpet.
90 feet of 6" MDF and 10 feet of hem/fir was $120. Straight grained for would have been over $400
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Thanks for the explanation, Randy.
The baseboards (which were mdf) in my sister's old house all had to be replaced bc the cats kept spraying outside the litterbox when peeing.

I got up early & ate breakfast, cleaned a bit, napped for awhile, got back up again & cleaned some more. Tried to put a dent in Mom's bottle pile. It's about up to my waist now. I filled 2 contractor bags & you can't even tell I did anything. Ugh. I wish I'd tackled this sooner. Brother was still having hip pain so he didn't take trash out but he did put a new liner in the trash can when I pulled the bag out. I napped after cleaning again and he tried to wake me around noon to go to the store. I asked for another hour so an hour later we went & picked up groceries and mail.

Got back home, unloaded & put stuff away & took another nap. Can't remember what time Mom woke me for dinner, but I cooked for her and then went back to napping again. Just woke up bc dog jumped on my bladder. Feels like I've got a kidney stone kicking around on my right side again. I'm still waiting for the thyroid meds to work to give me some energy. I keep having to nap all the time bc I'm too exhausted.

Fippy just let the cats into my room so they are piling on me. One just jumped over my monitor and pounced on my chest.

My brother will be teaching EFL tomorrow so he won't be home for awhile. The usual teacher is in quarantine so she asked him to substitute for her.
I have this site on my phone screen. If I access it via Google chrome though a previous viewing, all the topics start on page one, so I have to scroll to the bottom of the first page in order to select the page I want, or to go to the last page. I have always wondered why you can't access the pages in a topic from both the top and the bottom.
When this was V bulletin format, I could go in and change whatever needed done. After they changed to Xenforo, I can no longer do all that stuff. It has become boring.
Sounds like you're asking someone to throw a branch into your spokes while you're riding. 🤔 You need to apply to be the host of Jeopardy or be a contestant.
My brother asked me to go with him for his EFL thing. It was his first time teaching by himself & he said we could go to the Walmart in that area to see if they had things they don't sell at our local Walmart.
I helped him organize his papers & hand them out to the few students who showed up (4 total). His handwriting on the whiteboard was so bad that one of the students couldn't stop laughing (the board wouldn't hold still bc it was hanging off of something). I held it still for him & it helped, but then I offered to write for him & my handwriting was more legible.
One of the students is from Vietnam and runs a monastery. He likes to do the gardening there. There was a student for the first class (my brother taught 2) who was a pistol. She'd naturalized & passed the citizenship test many years ago but wanted to improve her English. They were all nice & intelligent. At one point a practice exercise didn't seem to be going great (it was about trying to get the students to give directions to places based on a little map). So I drew the map on the whiteboard as best as I could & had each member of the class give directions to places so we could fill in labels for the buildings. They had fun with it. So, basically I got to be my brother's assistant.
Afterward we went to the store and found some stuff we couldn't find locally but they are still out of a lot of things. I racked out once we got home. I'm still hoping the thyroid meds will start working so I can get enough energy to get through a day with only one short nap instead of sleeping most of the day. I hate being so exhausted all the time.
I found some garlic chicken spring rolls that Mom seemed to like. They smelled good but they have caramelized onions so I can't eat them.
Today's agenda is resting, more cleaning, & remembering to use the nasal spray to clear my nose 3x. Allergy meds don't seem to be working & post nasal drip has been getting me. My respiratory system feels like garbage when I first wake up, but after using nasal spray last night it feels a little better.

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