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Yeah summer was meant to start last weekend but its a bit ****** today, thunder and lightening
It better not rain tomorrow as I have a job
Well, we went below freezing this morning. First time this season. Not much, just 31 right now. Forecast says rain or chances of rain for next 10 days. They usually don't get it right two days in a row, so we'll see.
It's been high 70s here but I've been exhausted. Had a regular checkup with my doctor & found out why. My thyroid is too low again. The pharmacy changed brands on my meds & I guess the newer stuff is not as effective. I was told to take a pill & a half until I run out (which is 7 days from now). I was told to double my statins because my "good" cholesterol was too low and "bad" cholesterol was too high. My sugar was high so I need to cut back on the candy & sweets & carbs. I was told to walk for 30 minutes a day. He didn't say it had to be all at once though. I do need to walk more. I wish I still had the Wii Fit thing, I had fun with that & actually lost weight using it-- friend borrowed it & it was burned up in his house. My blood cells, liver, and kidney all seem good at least.
I'm hoping higher dose of levithyroxin will give me more energy.
Rusty, that's a good idea. My mom gets the krill oil vitamins. I should take some too. I hope they will fit in my pill container. Her cholesterol is pretty good. She takes all sorts of supplements-- some sort of multivitamin for women over 50, glucosomine msm + condroiten, krill oil, & some other stuff. Between her meds & her vitamins she takes about 11 pills I think.
My doctor asked if I'm still taking Tramadol & I explained that I only used that for my tooth & I stopped once I had the tooth pulled. Said they tried to push stronger narcos on me after the procedure but I didn't need it. I've had dental procedures where I wasn't completely numb before so any pain I had after the tooth was pulled was very minor.

Took Temjin (my youngest female kitty) to the vet to be spayed. Had an appointment & almost didn't make it in time. 2 trucks in front of me were going way under speed limit and riding down the middle of the road to prevent people from passing. Then there was a wreck right before the turnoff to the vet's office. I could see the vet's office but couldn't get there bc I had to wait for traffic to clear. Finally made it just in time but then had to wait 15 minutes because none of the staff were at the desk & they pretty much ignored me when they did come out. They talked to people who came in after me bc they knew them & didn't look at the list. I was trying to keep my distance from people but finally walked up & said I'd been waiting there to drop off my cat for spaying & they apologized. Had me sign paperwork & took her to the back. Swung by to see my friend on my way home. Spotted him some cash for his bills bc govt garnished over 90% of his check. He had worked overtime to be able to pay his bills only to have them take almost all of it so he couldn't pay any of his bills. He has no idea why they took that large of a portion- they have been regularly taking 50% of his check & all of a sudden they took more without any explanation. Went straight home after that & took a nap. Mom woke me right after I got into a good sleep wanting me to go back in to go to the post office. She didn't realize my brother had gone to Lafayette, had taken her car, & he could have picked up mail on his way back. He stopped to visit our friend & stayed there until dark (despite having been told by my mom that if he uses her car to go places he needs to bring it right back & not go hang out with friends). I was too tired to convey anything about my brother to her & she got mad-- stayed mad for a few hours & snapped at me when I got food for her. First I got her salad & then I made steak. She calmed down after the steak. It was supposed to be medium rare but I think it was closer to medium once it rested.

Namir (Temjin's brother) has been losing his mind & crying for her. They've never been apart for more than a few minutes & he doesn't know what happened to her so he's freaking out. Vet called to say Temjin's surgery went fine & that she's doing well. I'll be picking her up after Mom's appointment with the foot doctor. I let them know I was coming in the afternoon-- I'd normally get her in the morning but that there was an appointment conflict & I didn't want to make two trips. I was much cheaper at this vet than at my other vet for spaying. Even with tax the price is less than the base spaying price at the other vet.
Got this picture of Daris

That is what you get for thinking. There is a picture of my son in uniform I wish could be incorporated with mine. I'm not smart enough to be able to do that. So if any takers let me know.
I'd give it a try, but I don't have a confuzer that works with my scanner or my photoshop. Just my phone and a hp notebook.
If you can get both images scanned in it's not too hard to put them in the same image next to one another.
Anything fancier than that is beyond me. LOL.

Been messing with my drawings of the bathroom while trying to figure out measurements. Window is slightly off center- 19.5" from one wall and ~18" from the other (my vision wasn't good enough to see which line it went on just beyond 18 and the lock on the measuring tape didn't work to hold it in place for me to get a better look). Bottom of the window is about 46.5" high & top is around 81" (I didn't have the stool to get a closer look at the lines again, but appeared to be a little over but less than 1/2"). Can't seem to find reliable specs on what the total height of the tub/shower unit will be. Some put it around 79" and others at 75.5" or 76" That means the window won't stick over the top of the surround as much as I'd thought when I did drawings. Fortunately, I bought window trim that can go 36"x36". Rough in height for the window is about 36.

I've also been thinking about the transition from carpet to sheet vinyl in my bathroom. I saw a video on how the edge is done in a doorway on carpet, so if my installer used one of those strip thingies that you tack down, it looks like I should be able to pry it up enough to stick my sheet vinyl under, trimming sheet vinyl to fit snugly, & then tack it back down. I wish there was a soft rubber threshold bc the installer cut the carpet back way too far. From the bedroom you can see the sheet vinyl and a gap under the door. The extra carpet was in a bag in the loft of the barn so it's probably destroyed now. I can see the bag when I go to the barn, but I can't get to it & don't want to try climbing bc stuff might collapse on me. Bag is probably ripped & likely got saturated with water by now. Although, I'm tempted to go see if I can grab it now. Got it with a grabber arm briefly over a year ago but it was too heavy to budge.

I'm also thinking about transition strips from the laundry room to bathroom. New vinyl plank will be 6.5mm. I'll have 2 doorways that go from LVP to sheet vinyl (closet has sheet vinyl). One transition from LVP to carpet (about the same level so I can keep the wood T-molding). And one transition from LVP to the messed up parquet hardwood. At this point I'm thinking of just tearing all the parquet up because it has huge gaps from pieces coming out now. Still debating what to replace it with or see if it's possible to put some sort of finish on the plywood floor below.

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