All of life’s challenges can be broken down into two words/actions. Resist and Defend…… and we swing back and forth between them constantly because we know no other way….
I know about the other way, I share about the other way ( sorryits got to be incredibly annoying) and I will most certainly never get to its destination, because we inherently judge ourselves and others way too much. Read that again ! and then ask yourself, what is the opposite of judging ? ACCEPTANCE
The fact that they them are in your face, asking, begging, pleading, is irrelevant, because we are talking about us
not them…… Why is it, day in and day out , after all the disobedient behavior, we can let go of the intoxicating Resist or Defend Mode, relax, stare up at a majestic tree or return again and again to our pets and give them unconditional love ? ……. It’s because we know deep down that they Accept us and we Accept them….. Sip on that intoxicating cocktail my friends and the good news is that we don’t even have to give up our moral boundaries.
Direct your needs and wants to people and pets alike and then fall back into Acceptance…… and if we give Understanding around that particular meaning of that word, we are on the road to painting a masterpiece that never gets completed, because we are all a work in progress.
Maybe we’re talking about different kinds of acceptance. They/ thems exist in the world and are different than I am. I accept that but apparently that’s not the kind of acceptance they are looking for. There’s something else the they/ thems are wanting from us that they aren’t getting. Do they want people to stop staring at them because they look different? Can’t help it, it’s called uncanny valley and it’s a real thing. People judge and if you don’t look right you’re gonna get judged accordingly. That’s life. Maybe the they/ thems need to learn a little understanding and acceptance themselves. After all they are the odd ducks in the room.
I was at Tempe Marketplace with the wife when I saw a they/ them all dressed up in a Victorian era dress pushing a stroller with a cat in it. Yes, I stared at that person. They look different than what I usually see, what was I supposed to do. I didn’t call them names, throw eggs at them or do anything rude, I just stared. That person knew exactly what they were doing when they got up and put on that outfit for the day then went to a busy public place, yet somehow I’m the Ahole for staring? C’mon, man.