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maybe last longer as well
They were my first attempt at bluetooth headphones. Sound isn't horrible, bet headphones 🎧 were less than $20. My fix was 15 cents..... $45;if my labor is included. I think camo duct tape over my hot glue patch would add some bling.😁
Only the Dutch people who have arrived over the years, I know a few and they are Dutch if you understand what I mean by that. They are different like some South Africans who are trying to take over NZ
Kind of like when Californians move out of California and go to another state and they try to make the other state become like it was in California. Kinda pisses off the natives.
Many years ago we had a governor named Tom McCall and he said to Californians come here to visit but then go home. 😁. His motto was, don't Californicate Oregon.
I did a single room restretch today about 30 mi south of me. the house is just a few blocks away from what's called Beach Loop Road. The road is about four miles long and runs right on the coast edge in town. Had to check out the view.
There's a nice home on the cliff edge in this first image. My brother and I installed carpeting when it was new, probably 1985ish.


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I'm pretty sure no matter where I go, trouble will follow. LOL.
So, took the girl for court. She met her lawyer for the first time & he told her there was no "discovery" and he wasn't willing to do jack **** for her. She'd called & left messages but he never got back to her. We then told the prosecutor she'd only met her lawyer today for the first time & that she'd just had a baby, had post partem depression, and anxiety & her lawyer had never called her back. He said the judge wasn't going to like it.

Turns out the girl who was supposed to testify against her was in custody so she couldn't be there & the cop who arrested her hadn't bothered to show up either. But rather than even entertain dismissal, they reduced it to "disturbing the peace by fighting" & said it would disappear from her record after awhile. I'm certain that all her lawyer ever does is negotiate plea deals. We actually heard them discussing a little & the prosecutor said that the "victim" was most likely the "real problem". Should have been a dismissal bc witnesses weren't there, but that's the racket they pull. The court fees were higher than the fine but she has until April to pay. They still never gave her back her phone. I don't think they even have it in evidence. I suspect they will claim asset forfeiture & one of our local cops probably has it or sold it. Anyway, she took a "No contest" plea. If it had been me, I would have asked for an extension for the attorney to get evidence and subpoena witnesses for the defense. I mean, I was there & I could attest there was no blood inside the house & there would have been if the injury had happened there, but these people don't give a damn about justice, it's all about getting their court fees and fines.

She was a bit luckier than one dude though. His lawyer didn't even show up for court for his trial. The lawyer ran for judge & they had the runoffs Saturday. He lost in a landslide. So he screwed his client by not even showing up. Client said he had called the lawyer's office multiple times. Never got ahold of him. Said the lawyer called him back once when he was at work & wasn't able to answer (as he's not allowed to use his phone at work). Judge told him he should have tried harder & should have been prepared to answer at work. I was thinking "He could get fired for that!" Seriously, they have unreasonable expectations of people sometimes. He was nice to a woman who was there on a marijuana charge and was willing to plead "No Contest". He told her she needed to go speak with her attorney about what that would mean for her future if she didn't fight the charge so he was giving her extra time to come back & see if she changed her mind. But he wasn't all there I think. He rescheduled someone for "February 17, 2020" and he called my friend "Samantha" (that's not her name).

Friend is not doing well but can't find a neurologist that takes Medicaid. He still has blood clots that are blocking things & could blow at any moment. He's been getting dizzy & nearly passed out after going down the stairs. He blacked out walking into the kitchen earlier & fell on his face. I'm worried. I did give him money to help him with bills to take a little pressure off but I can't afford to do it again.

Cats are piled on me bc it's cold but I have to get up and feed mom. She's got an eye doctor appointment tomorrow that I get to take her to.
I may retire my old compressor instead of repairing it. I've never given thought to the longevity of the tank. I bought mine around 1990. Reading reviews, I saw someone mention a 10 year tank life for safety.
I bought one of these at a pawn shop today.
makita claims 3hp. My old one has a similar motor rated at 2hp. Both are Emglo units.
A capacitor and pressure switch for my old compressor would set me back about $100. I bought a really nice one of these for $162.
The wanted $175, but my wallet had $162...... she said ok. 😁 Unlike my old compressor, this one starts up really easy. I may not need to search out the outlet closest to the breaker box anymore.
It's more quiet than my old one and builds up to 140. Plugging it in and turning it on, I watched both pressure gauges move in perfect unison all the way up to 140 lb.
Um no but he did wonder what that tap was for
I knew what mine was for but when I opened it nothing happened. So I took a small screw driver and pushed up in the hole and walla I found out there was still pressure on the tank. I thought I had let it all out. Anyway I got the screw driver back from the neighbors yard and my hand sandblsasted from the crap in the tank plus plenty of rusty water. What a mess, sure glad I did it in the yard not the garage.
I was looking last night on Craigslist and found there are lots of compressors for sale. Of the ones that I saw none of them compared with this one. It even has about 15 or 18 wraps of hose on the hooks behind the handle. One wrap or loop must be at least 4 ft. The hose has probably outlived two compressors.... it's stiff, but what the heck. I have two hoses I'm guessing one is 20 and one is 25 ft. That's enough hose that I could leave it in my truck if I can park close enough to get an extension cord to the compressor.
One of the local guys, he has passed, used an air stapler to even turn and tack in a door. He carried in his compressor for everything. When I first started I carried tacks for that.
You can't turn and tack doorways and ending points with a stapler, unless you don't stretch the carpet..... well, maybe if it's back up by tack strip, but still, only with cheap thin carpet.
I ordered something through Amazon a couple days ago, some parts for my quarter inch senco SKS stapler. I bought it probably in 1993. Senco still makes the same stapler today and every single part on a new one fits on my old one. They made it once they made it right and they didn't change a thing except the color and the pretty, sexy handles on the new ones.
Anyway when I ordered the parts, Amazon gave me one month of Amazon Prime free, which means free shipping.
I'm thinking they screwed me....... Because I just got suckered into buying stuff through them......... I'm under a spell. 😁😥🥺😳 😖
Ok, I bought a new cylinder, piston, and driver for that 25+ year old SKS stapler for about 70 bucks. Well worth it.
I bought a J series Senco stapler at the habitat store a couple months ago and one of the o-rings is bad. It prevents the Piston from returning after driving a staple.
Senco stop making replacement parts for these old staplers, but there is a place online that sells an o-ring kit for the stapler. First couple places I saw it was around 17 bucks on eBay.
I typed in that same retailer and typed in Amazon in the search. It was less than 12 bucks and again, no shipping charges. That small stapler is a pneumatic stapler, and uses the same staples as a dual fast or other carpet staplers. It's a lot shorter in heigh than an electric stapler like a Duo Fast. That makes it much more usable on stairs when there's barely enough room to get the stapler under the nose. This little thing will easily get under the nose.
Okay, the spending spree ends tonight!
I bought my first real phone in October a year ago. Within less than 24 hours it slipped out of my jacket pocket fail face first and got the screen cracked. 🤬 Repairing it by an authorized Motorola repair center would be about 120 bucks and since the phone kept working I just rode it out. Super glue is excellent for extending screen life. 😉
Though the phone is still working it has more cracks now and they've gotten worse, plus the color on the screen is changing by those cracks. I spent $240 or $260 for the phone and it would cost $120 to replace the screen.....so I didn't.
I've been googling, searching for a newer version of that phone which has a better camera but it's one of the few Motorola phones that doesn't have Gorilla Glass and everywhere I looked on the internet everybody complains about how easily the glass can be shattered on this Motorola G Power phone.
Okay, ok, after a lot of googling on so-called cheap phones I clicked Amazon and ordered a Google pixel 4A tonight. It's $100 more than that Motorola I bought last year, but every review I read about the Google pixel 4A was fantastic even when compared with my old phone.
So anyway, I just made a snap decision and added it to the cart..... It should be here shortly.
I'll have a new phone with a better screen, a better camera that even takes low light and night photos. Twice the storage too. Yes I ordered a protective case for this one. Had I done that when I bought this first phone it might still look pretty. Live and learn they say.
Been a strange week. 🤸
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I was going to suggest a protective case for the phone. That is one of the first things I did when I got a new phone. What sort of charging cable does your phone use? I highly recommend the magnetic chargers where you leave the little plug in the phone and just click it on to the cord with the magnet to charge it. So much easier than removing the plug and putting it back in over and over. It wears the plug down and can even damage the port over time.

Mom's eye doctor appointment went well. Yesterday I took her to the bank to sort out some problems with being erroneously charged a "return mail" fee. They credited her account for the charge and marked that they will no longer charge it. Now she just needs to sort out moving everything over from her other bank and rolling over the retirement account to the better bank.

Got the faucet for the guest bathroom. We were cheap and got it off ebay. Box was beat up but no damage inside and all the parts were in it (we compared to parts list). It's a Delta Porter high arc faucet.

Meanwhile, my friend's health is deteriorating-- he's been having debilitating headaches and getting weaker but no neurologists will see him without the right insurance (they won't even see people who don't have insurance). He most likely needs a surgical procedure but can't even be seen to determine that unless he can find some sort of charity neurologist (which does not exist in my state) or switch to a Medicaid plan that is accepted. He spent all day on the phone on hold trying to get switched to a new plan but they ended up closing up for the day and hanging up on him.

He's got another eye appointment Monday morning. His baby also has a checkup that day in another town so I hope my brother can take the baby and the mother over there while I take my friend to the eye appointment (the eye doctor's office is at the same location where my mother used to have her sleep center visits so I can find it without gps).

I'm currently trying to figure out how to put some sort of solenoid valve on my cistern to tell my pump when it needs to fill the cistern and when it needs to stop. The D-box float switch keeps getting stuck and it overflowed the cistern. I also want to adjust the height of my pump and fix up some of the plumbing to it to be more efficient. The pipes go above the jet pump and that lets air get in and causes problems. I need to raise the pump up higher so the pipes are all below it. I'm thinking of replacing the galvanized steel on it with stainless steel.
I was looking last night on Craigslist and found there are lots of compressors for sale. Of the ones that I saw none of them compared with this one. It even has about 15 or 18 wraps of hose on the hooks behind the handle. One wrap or loop must be at least 4 ft. The hose has probably outlived two compressors.... it's stiff, but what the heck. I have two hoses I'm guessing one is 20 and one is 25 ft. That's enough hose that I could leave it in my truck if I can park close enough to get an extension cord to the compressor.

Just make sure it is going to pump enough air per minute if you are using it for underlayment The staple guns use a lot of air when pulling the trigger quickly, my old compressor just about caught up while I was putting another row of staples in the gun. Think a compressor which you could use for spray painting
A lot of guys who do a lot of floor prep here have long hoses so the compressor stays in the van
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