Havasu, it's a shame it was that expensive to get them done & keep the color. The white looks good thus far. It will brighten the kitchen up.
They used to tether goats up along the highway around here to cut back the grass. But people kept stealing them or running off the road to hit them so they stopped.
Looking at that carpet job next to the hardwood, my eye was drawn to the shingles on the walls & I'm wondering why they chose that decor. LOL.
I slept under a pile of cats and dogs last night. Some of the kitties got under the covers with me. I stayed warm. Brief cat fight this morning. Looks like 4 involved. Two of them were still riled up after I broke it up. Sir Hammington was in a particularly bad mood & wouldn't calm down. Tried to swat at me. I shoved him out of the room & his demeanor changed immediately. He cast some aspersions at me on his way out, but once he was out his body language changed. Standing tall with his tail and ears up. No hunkering down with ears back grousing.
Frodo sent me some stuff in the mail that should be ready today or tomorrow. Post office never has packages ready the day they arrive. Always a day or two (sometimes 5) later. I'm trying to get up the nerve to get up and go out. Still under 40 degrees. Since it rarely gets that cold here, we aren't used to it. Hope there isn't any ice on the roads. Been raining a lot too. I'll have to stop by the grocery store and grab some stuff for Mom's dinner. I keep hoping it will warm up.
I know it's not nearly as cold here as it is where some of you guys are, but I haven't lived anywhere that snowed in almost 4 decades. Lived in California, then here, then in Singapore, then Guam, then back here. The moisture makes it feel so much colder.
Mom's dog is now staring at me because he wants to go back to her room & he's waiting for me to remove the cats from my lap and get up.
They used to tether goats up along the highway around here to cut back the grass. But people kept stealing them or running off the road to hit them so they stopped.
Looking at that carpet job next to the hardwood, my eye was drawn to the shingles on the walls & I'm wondering why they chose that decor. LOL.
I slept under a pile of cats and dogs last night. Some of the kitties got under the covers with me. I stayed warm. Brief cat fight this morning. Looks like 4 involved. Two of them were still riled up after I broke it up. Sir Hammington was in a particularly bad mood & wouldn't calm down. Tried to swat at me. I shoved him out of the room & his demeanor changed immediately. He cast some aspersions at me on his way out, but once he was out his body language changed. Standing tall with his tail and ears up. No hunkering down with ears back grousing.
Frodo sent me some stuff in the mail that should be ready today or tomorrow. Post office never has packages ready the day they arrive. Always a day or two (sometimes 5) later. I'm trying to get up the nerve to get up and go out. Still under 40 degrees. Since it rarely gets that cold here, we aren't used to it. Hope there isn't any ice on the roads. Been raining a lot too. I'll have to stop by the grocery store and grab some stuff for Mom's dinner. I keep hoping it will warm up.
I know it's not nearly as cold here as it is where some of you guys are, but I haven't lived anywhere that snowed in almost 4 decades. Lived in California, then here, then in Singapore, then Guam, then back here. The moisture makes it feel so much colder.
Mom's dog is now staring at me because he wants to go back to her room & he's waiting for me to remove the cats from my lap and get up.