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Havasu, it's a shame it was that expensive to get them done & keep the color. The white looks good thus far. It will brighten the kitchen up.

They used to tether goats up along the highway around here to cut back the grass. But people kept stealing them or running off the road to hit them so they stopped.

Looking at that carpet job next to the hardwood, my eye was drawn to the shingles on the walls & I'm wondering why they chose that decor. LOL.

I slept under a pile of cats and dogs last night. Some of the kitties got under the covers with me. I stayed warm. Brief cat fight this morning. Looks like 4 involved. Two of them were still riled up after I broke it up. Sir Hammington was in a particularly bad mood & wouldn't calm down. Tried to swat at me. I shoved him out of the room & his demeanor changed immediately. He cast some aspersions at me on his way out, but once he was out his body language changed. Standing tall with his tail and ears up. No hunkering down with ears back grousing.

Frodo sent me some stuff in the mail that should be ready today or tomorrow. Post office never has packages ready the day they arrive. Always a day or two (sometimes 5) later. I'm trying to get up the nerve to get up and go out. Still under 40 degrees. Since it rarely gets that cold here, we aren't used to it. Hope there isn't any ice on the roads. Been raining a lot too. I'll have to stop by the grocery store and grab some stuff for Mom's dinner. I keep hoping it will warm up.

I know it's not nearly as cold here as it is where some of you guys are, but I haven't lived anywhere that snowed in almost 4 decades. Lived in California, then here, then in Singapore, then Guam, then back here. The moisture makes it feel so much colder.

Mom's dog is now staring at me because he wants to go back to her room & he's waiting for me to remove the cats from my lap and get up.
Can't find the jokes area so here is one for today.
When I was a teen ... my dad gave me money to go downtown and pay the electric bill, but instead I bought raffle tickets for a chance to win a new truck. I told my dad when I got home and he beat my ass.

Well, the next morning in the driveway sat a brand new truck. We held each other and cried, especially me because it was a truck from the electric company there to turn off our power. Dad beat my ass again.
Went to the post office, got mail, nothing stuck in the box this time. Package from Frodo was there. He made me a mask out of leather & it's cool. I can use it to tweak the pattern more to fit with what I'm going for. Also found that Secret Treasures washable nursing pads fit perfectly in the middle for a filter. Just need to attach it to a cloth lining and add a real filter behind it. I'm going to play around with seeing how metal bands fit to make it conform to the face and I have a memory foam nose thing for comfort & keeping glasses from fogging.

Daris, the Jokes thread is here: https://www.flooringforum.com/threads/jokes.2862/unread
I'm just sticking with disposables. You don't have to wash them daily.
Local shop owner tested positive for covid a week or so ago. The shop isn't open and his wife took him to the emergency room yesterday. He's back home now we're just waiting for updates. Saying prayers for him and his wife and kids right now. It's kind of scary when it hits this close to home. He's rarely at the shop but his wife is 5 days a week. After his diagnosis, his wife and the kids have been self-isolating at the house and they're okay. Hopefully he's passed the worst of this and he'll start getting better.
This 51° now at 7:45 ish. The temperature has only changed one degree all day long. It's been raining all day and I think I'd be happier if I was a frog.

I stand corrected it got up to 53. I was way off. 😉
We're real wussies out here we don't get extremes. I'll bet the coldest we got in the last 5 or 10 years is 24° with an average low in the winter time of 32 to 34. During the winter are highs are usually 45 or more. In the summer a temperatures for highs can range from low to mid 60s to mid 70s with occasional bursts approaching 80 or higher. When I see the temperatures around the country we are about as mild as it gets not getting extremes either ways.
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Febuary is always our coldest month. Temps may dip into the minus. But being surrounded by the Great Lakes on 3 side it keeps us warm. Generally we are in the 20's-30's. 16* at 6 this A.M. Just read this. Hi you could get a litttle of the white stuff.
https://www.cnn.com/2021/02/12/weather/snow-northwest-saturday-forecast-portland-seattle/index.htmlOur forcast for the weekend:
No, the cold front didn't drop down as far as they said it would. We were supposed to have lows around 36 or 38 but we were closer to 48.
Even when those cold fronts drop down they don't affect us too much right on the coastline.
It didn't get as cold as we expected but it rarely gets or stays below 40 here. So it being consistently under 40 is unusual. It was 70 the day before and then 32 the next. Weather is bipolar and off its meds! We don't get extremes in terms of cold but we do get extremes in heat. Summers will often get over 100 & are absolutely miserable. I'm not looking forward to the change back to hot as hell.

Woke up with 10 cats and a dog on the bed. It's 36 degrees so some of them have moved off of the bed. One cat is parked on top of my computer because it's warm. I'm trying to get up enough motivation to actually get up. Today was one of those sleeping in days. I will need to check on Mom and bring her food. She woke me up after 1am last night wanting food. She'd apparently asked my brother to get her food but he was playing a video game and refused.

I need to unload the cat food from the car and feed the kitties and do some cleaning. Will have to take naproxyn first bc my back hates the cold weather.
It didn't get as cold as we expected but it rarely gets or stays below 40 here. So it being consistently under 40 is unusual. It was 70 the day before and then 32 the next. Weather is bipolar and off its meds! We don't get extremes in terms of cold but we do get extremes in heat. Summers will often get over 100 & are absolutely miserable. I'm not looking forward to the change back to hot as hell.

Woke up with 10 cats and a dog on the bed. It's 36 degrees so some of them have moved off of the bed. One cat is parked on top of my computer because it's warm. I'm trying to get up enough motivation to actually get up. Today was one of those sleeping in days. I will need to check on Mom and bring her food. She woke me up after 1am last night wanting food. She'd apparently asked my brother to get her food but he was playing a video game and refused.

I need to unload the cat food from the car and feed the kitties and do some cleaning. Will have to take naproxyn first bc my back hates the cold weather.
Do you have a furnace? Always wondered about that.
I'm viewing Marine traffic.com a website that monitors all the ship traffic in the world. Is currently showing two of our local tugboats pulled up to a chip container ship. They're either going to move it forward so chips can be loaded into the next compartment or the ship is finished loading and they are undocking the ship so it can head back to where it came from. This this ship flies under the Japan flag and since paper is produced in Japan I assume that's where it's heading to.
It's raining heavy and there's 25 miles per hour wind. I don't know why they just don't wait till daylight... Well that's what I do. 😁
Oh well it's only 5 miles down the bay with one 45° turn to head out into the ocean. I guess that's why they have radar..... and pilots. That's why I'd wait till daylight. The ship has a local pilot on board and a local tug follows the ship to miles out to retrieve the pilot once he's got the ship out of the Bay. That just seems like it would be safer done in daylight. I guess that's why they get paid the big bucks.

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