I vaguely recall that.
I liked certain shows as a kid but I also loved to play outside so I didn't watch too much TV. I practically lived in my swimming pool when we were in California.
I went to the pawn shop today but the air compressor had already sold so I couldn't confirm if it was mine. Still holding out hope that maybe it's still in my friend's house somewhere.
Got some bleach to pour down the condensate line. I'm hoping it will stop water from pouring out under the air conditioner. I need to put the moisture absorbing things under there in a bit. Picked up my friend to bring him out to replace the light in the hallway. New light is extremely bright and I can see all sorts of stuff that needs to be cleaned that I couldn't see before. I told my friend "I can't see s*** in this hallway". Turns out there was literal s*** in the hallway where cats missed the litterbox. With my allergies plugging up my nose I couldn't smell it.
Friend's grandfather was ahead of me in line. He apparently got his driver's license back last week. I reminded him to get his vaccine. He didn't know how so I told him he could get it at the Walmart pharmacy (we were in line at the pharmacy). I told him how I didn't even feel the shot I got. So he asked the clerk & she scheduled him for the first shot on Monday.
Friend was complaining about one of the mooches staying there. Mooch hogs his computer all day & argues with him when he wants him to get off of it. Then he sits next to him and plays guitar in his ear very loudly. The more he tells him to stop the louder he plays until he drives my friend out of the room. I would not put up with that. That guy would be out on his ear if he pulled that. I told my friend to get some wire cutters & tell the jerk if he plays one more chord, a string is getting cut. Then cut the strings if he keeps playing. Strings cost less than the food, electricity, internet, & water the jerk has been mooching off of him. My brother told the jerk he'd teabag him again if he didn't stop pestering our friend & hogging the computer.
Got another friend who is supposed to come out soon to remove a fallen tree and cut blackberry bushes next to the air conditioner. We'll see whether or not he shows up.