I'm guessing almost 30 years ago I work for a fella 50 mi south of where I live. He was from California and was in the process of moving to Oregon. He had his radio on and the radio reception along our coast isn't all that good, especially farther south where he lives. His radio was on and I heard this fella talking and he was kind of interesting. The radio signal wasn't very good but I could still listen to what he was saying.
I asked my customer, "who's that?"
He said "you don't know who that is? That's Rush Limbaugh"
Anyway I thought he was pretty entertaining. About 3 months later Rush was on our local AM radio station. In the weeks prior to the start of his show, the advertising said that he was going to have a 3-hour-long show every day and that he would have no guests.
I'm trying to think how that could possibly work.
When his show finally arrived I was impressed. This guy could literally talk for 3 hours straight without any effort. His words and thoughts were fluent and no matter what he said, none of it seemed to be boring.
Anyway, I'm not nearly as conservative as Rush was, but in general I agreed with most of what he said. What he said was true. Conservatives want people to work for a living and earn money to pay their bills and when that's done it makes the person feel good inside for providing something for himself and his family.
Democrats on the other hand seem to preach that everyone is working against you and that you can't succeed on your own and that they need to help you survive. Democrats demonize wealthy and successful people and businesses and preach to their downtrodden constituents that those people who have succeeded in life owe you a piece of their action because they have too much and you don't. Democrats have succeeded in making people believe that rich people have too much money and that they owe some of their money to you. Do they? Democrats have successfully made you think that you don't have money because the wealthy people took it all...... no they were just smarter than you and me.
Anyway, Rush had a very good way of explaining these very simple things.
A lot of people think Rush had a big ego and thought he was better than everybody else. From everything I know about him and everything I've read and heard other people say about him, once off his soapbox, he became much more shy and quiet person. over the years he's donated millions of dollars to different causes and yet nobody knows about it because he didn't put his name on the donations. He wants to give 100 or 150,000 to St Jude's hospital and the only request was that they didn't tell who the donation came from.
Anyway there's a lot of videos out there of Rush and I thought this one was kind of funny.
He was at CPAC as a headliner making a speech to the conservatives. Some of this might be boring but start at the 4-minute mark. He's about to tell a joke. To me it's one of the funnest jokes he's ever told because most liberals think Rush is a pompous egotistical, self-loving individual. That wasn't who he was and that's what makes this joke so funny.
There are a million successful businesses that owe themselves to following the kind of thinking Rush espoused - I’m owner of one