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Sorry to hear that, Rusty.

Yesterday I went to the grocery store in the evening to get milk & see if they had anything back in stock. Got some meat and cheese. They were still out of a lot of stuff.

Brother cooked something for me last night-- some kind of hamburger steak or something. He forgot to turn the cooktop off and the cats turned it to max sear and warped the pan.

My friend still hasn't gotten his sewer line fixed. Plumber no-showed for a week & I think my friend has given up on getting him to come out. Guy is a jack@$$ anyway. Friend also discovered that the cashier put in for cashback on his debit card (without permission) while he was checking out and pocketed the cash. He was checking his debit statement later and realized it was $60 higher than it should have been. But he can't find the receipt & doesn't know who's in charge of security there anymore. I told him he should go ask them to check the cameras. On the upside, he bought stock in Gamestop very cheap and made a few hundred bucks selling at higher price. He's really hoping the stimulus will come through for him-- although, he never received his last check. They sent it to H&R Block bc they do his taxes & HR&Block is refusing to hand it over. They claim there is some sort of "error". I think it's BS & they are hoping people will forget about it or not check so they can steal their $, but then, I've lost trust in humanity so I'm a bit on the paranoid side. I wish I knew who he could contact to light a fire under their behinds to give him his money. I also wish the courts would actually read his paperwork and realize his ex committed fraud in her claims for child support.

I had trouble sleeping last night-- partially bc of the smell from the burnt frying pan & I think I need a nap soon.
He wrote American Pie.
......no, he started a flooring site years ago called The floor pro.
And he was a real whiner. Always went on an on about he had 6 months to live and that was 13 years ago. But it got him a lot of donations. Keith knew him. Keith only bought this site because he hated Jim.
It's sad that he died but also sad that he was petty about his feud with Keith (who is Keith? Is he still around?)

I'm on an FB group where the admins are a-holes & I know they want me to leave but I won't give them the satisfaction. So they look for any excuse to temp-ban me. Like, I posted something that was verified as true-- links, court case #s etc and they deleted it, temp-banned me, and put that it was "bombastic and provably false". Yet other members keep posting stuff that has been proven false. Other members call people names and are jerks, but I once got temp-banned for pointing out that the person was being a jerk & trying strawman arguments. My banning period wore off, but I keep checking back to see if they have banned me again. The one admin looks for any excuse he can find to do it. Not sure why he hasn't actually kicked me out. He kicked out several other members who disagreed with him. He deleted my post and temp-banned me when he replied to a member he knew was temp-banned & couldn't reply & demanded that the person answer him, the claimed the person's silence was a sign they had no argument (nevermind that when they had replied, he deleted it-- I saw it before it was deleted). So I replied and said he knew damn well the guy couldn't reply since he had deleted his posts and muted him.

I'm glad I don't let it get to me though. I just find it funny that people are so petty. Not as bad as when an admin actually edited one of my posts to make it look like I said things I didn't say to use as an excuse for permanently banning me. There was a box admins could check to hide that they edited a post. I used to sneakily correct people's spelling.

Anyway, I went to the post office and got Burger King for mom. She didn't want anything we have in the house to cook and store was still out of stuff. I need to get better at stocking up and meal planning.

Brother discovered there is a hole in the metal screen lining the entire pantry that is supposed to keep mice out. Coming from the attic. I will have to caulk it. It's window screen nailed to the walls. I'm thinking of finding some way to spackle it or something to make it smooth. Mice climb on the mesh and I want to stop that. My brother was supposed to clean the pantry- I'm sure you're not surprised that he didn't do it. I'm getting so frustrated with having to do all of his chores because they need to be done. But, that's the way it's been since we were kids. I should have put my foot down when I was younger but hindsight is 20/20.
I went to the post office and asked about a package that was supposed to have been there yesterday. Had 2 slips in the box but was only given one package and the clerk said there was only one. Different clerk this time. She checked and found it. Clerk from yesterday hollered out an apology to me (she was in the back). I told her there was no problem, it happens.

Went to Tractor Supply to get some feed for the cows. Then to Burger Inn to get some friend chicken, corn nuggets, and a catfish platter. I don't know how they make the corn nuggets but they are good.

Cows were happy to have feed-- although the younger one is limping. Not sure what's wrong & she's skittish so I can't get her to hold still to let me look.

Currently lying down with my cat Predicate on my arm. He spent almost all night clinging to my hand/arm. He followed me in to the living room earlier and climbed on my shoulder.
I got talked into doing a modular home. It's been a long time since I did one. It's a double wide unit and the carpet is 13 ft 6. The carpet says Shaw on it it looks to be typical apartment grade. I wish the people that bought these modular homes went to a real carpet store and purchased real carpet. Shaw makes some very nice carpet, but this ain't one of em. 😁
We just got the carpet pieces cut and positioned yesterday and actually it feels like it's going to be very nice to work with. Girl of carpet is about 80 ft long and there's only three seams, totaling less than 9 ft feet. One half of the unit is a wood grain sheet vinyl the other half is all carpet so I'm going to have around 38 ft of metal to put down, almost all of it on the marriage line.
I got talked into doing a modular home. It's been a long time since I did one. It's a double wide unit and the carpet is 13 ft 6. The carpet says Shaw on it it looks to be typical apartment grade. I wish the people that bought these modular homes went to a real carpet store and purchased real carpet. Shaw makes some very nice carpet, but this ain't one of em. 😁
We just got the carpet pieces cut and positioned yesterday and actually it feels like it's going to be very nice to work with. Girl of carpet is about 80 ft long and there's only three seams, totaling less than 9 ft feet. One half of the unit is a wood grain sheet vinyl the other half is all carpet so I'm going to have around 38 ft of metal to put down, almost all of it on the marriage line.
Did a bunch of those for a place that sold trailers. Hated it.
Hey Daris I have a set of stairs for you to do.


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Them are the easy ones. I did one stair way that was wood and circular for 3 stories. Something like 37 steps. Built a bosuns chair to hold me out in space to staple the back side and make the seam as close to the front underside as I could get. Oh and the support for the steps was in the center. Big pain in the ASS.

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