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I'm getting good at invisible door guides. Here's the office closet's center guide pivot holes located, patterned, then holes 'punched' with a red hot piece of brass tubing, then the pins in place. Only problem is the lower pin positions are non-adjustable.
I'm not worried because the doors fit when I took them out.


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Think we are dropping back to level two at midnight with us Aucklanders allowed to travel outside our area again

Guess what?
We are going into lock down again

Notice this bit
Auckland will go into alert level 3 lockdown for seven days from 6am tomorrow morning, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern says.

The rest of the country will go into level 2 for a week from 6am tomorrow morning.

It comes after a new Covid-19 case was detected in the community this afternoon. The new case went to the GP in the afternoon yesterday for a Covid test - then went to the gym after that.
I can't stand rap! Especially mumble rap. My best friend's ex loves that garbage but hates real music. She listens to some stupid teenage girl who mostly mumbles and says a word describing female dogs all the time. One of the songs was like "white b****, horse b****, b**** b****, something b****, mumble b****"
And the chick is popular even though most of the words are unintelligible. And don't even get me started on "I missed the bus" rap.

I had Altec Lansing speakers a long time ago. Didn't know they were still in business.

Jon, you're right about things not going well. LOL. Sorry to hear about lockdown.

Thursday I took my friend to Lowes-- bought a ton of stuff (good thing for military discount-- almost canceled out the sales tax). Still came out over $600 in pex & fittings. They were almost out of the little tees we needed. Found one full pack of 5, a 5 pack that had been torn open with only 2 fittings left, and two fittings floating around in the bins. Took over 2 hours to find stuff & had to get an employee to get the pipe down off the high shelf. Some stuff was out of stock so we had to make do with other stuff.

I got somewhat thick painting coveralls with hoods for us plus a head sock for painters to wear over our faces under the hood. Should have gotten goggles too.

I crawled under first to trace back the main water supply line from the water heater. Friend couldn't find it. I crawled as far as I could-- squeezing through stuff. Had to dig at some points to get through some areas bc the ground is not even and some places it's too shallow to crawl through. I shook the pipe up and down until my friend could see it. Then I had him feed me some PEX so I could get it over to the water heater. I observed a bunch of wires not in conduit (which I know was not my father's doing-- he had gone under and put everything he could in conduit bc I got somewhat zapped as a kid when playing under the house). Turns out the AC guy ran a new wire and didn't bother to put it in conduit-- I need to call him and chew him out on that. I told my friend to watch out for exposed wires bc I could feel the juice coming off of the 220v one when I got near it.

I spent probably an hour under there and had trouble getting out- damn defunct galvanized pipe got in my way. I was swearing at it and kicking it. Friend went under after I climbed out- huffing and puffing like the big bad wolf. Got dirt in my eyes so goggles would have been nice. Friend was able to get closer to the water heater than I was. Unfortunately, he didn't see that wire in time and got zapped pretty bad. Hit his head and lost control of his bladder. He continued on and tied in a couple of the hot water lines but we lost daylight. He capped the rest and after waiting for glue to cure enough for a leak test, we turned water on. Nothing seemed to work though & we were too exhausted to figure out why at the time. We agreed to resume the next morning.

In retrospect, I remembered there were 2 separate lines going in-- 1 for hot and 1 for cold. I also remembered a box just right near the house but it had gotten filled in. Friend found it the next day. He was still too sore from getting zapped and from crawling around under there to do too much. But I realized the cistern needed to fill more. No leaks in the well shed at least. I shut off water to the cow's waterer, went inside and found tub on full blast (brother turned the handle the wrong way). Once those 2 things were off, water heater started to fill, toilet filled, sink water worked. So cold is still hooked up.

Gonna shut off AC power next time (it's the only thing on that would run 220v & be in that location).

I'm going to try to get some sleep since I'm still exhausted. More work will resume on the pipes once we have had a few days to recover.
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A Covid relief bill backed by Democrats could trigger billions of dollars in cuts to Medicare and other federal programs, like ones that support unemployed workers and student-loan borrowers, if it's ultimately passed.

The funding cuts would take effect in 2022 and last for several years.
I didn't do much today. Intended to stay home and sleep but realized I had to go to the store to get something for dinner.
Fed mom and am now trying to rest. Got a headache. I started taking some new vitamins to see if they help. Got a heating pad on my shoulder since it's giving me grief.
A Covid relief bill backed by Democrats could trigger billions of dollars in cuts to Medicare and other federal programs, like ones that support unemployed workers and student-loan borrowers, if it's ultimately passed.

The funding cuts would take effect in 2022 and last for several years.
Instead of just throwing money out they need to be selective. They're giving this out to people that have been employed too. I'm off for extending unemployment, but there's no reason to make unemployment plus these extras to equal more than a person would work when they were normally working. I think they're just buying votes for 2024.…... and 2022.
Finally got my carpet job done today.
Every bit of a job has been slow going. It doesn't help with my 5-hour days.
Because the carpet was one piece and four and a half feet wide the bedroom needed two seams with a second one being 6 inches away from the windows on the far side of the room. I borrowed a Koolglide iron to do all the seams on this job. Being on concrete this would have been very difficult with a regular seaming iron because the long seam had a bow in it. I was able to set up my stretcher to close the gap and get about 3 to 4 shots with the iron before letting the same cool and moving my stretcher to the next location. I was thrilled with the where is the seams turned out.


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That job I was talking about is about 20 miles from town. When I got done with it I kind of went sideways to another job about 12 miles away. It's a modular home and I'm going to be starting that one on Monday. The Finnish guy is there and I wanted to see how things were coming along and make sure they had the heat on. Along with small road I was driving on there was a clear cut and sun was most of the way down. Last time I was almost a road it was a forest and you couldn't see the sky.
There is one of looking root ball sticking up in the air. I saw it on the way to the job so on the way back up I stopped to take a picture. I wish that there was a blazing sunset to go along with this.


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Instead of just throwing money out they need to be selective. They're giving this out to people that have been employed too. I'm off for extending unemployment, but there's no reason to make unemployment plus these extras to equal more than a person would work when they were normally working. I think they're just buying votes for 2024.…... and 2022.

i was thinking the same thing. Then I realized that any money put into American hands will be spent. Any money that is spent means more jobs, especially for low wage earners. Besides that, some people who have jobs now, were out of work earlier and need money for back rent and other stuff.
There are several companies here that pay $12-$15 an hour that can't find employees. And yet I know several drawing unemployment because it pays more. My daughter works 62 hours a week at $12. and could make more on unemployment.
There are several companies here that pay $12-$15 an hour that can't find employees. And yet I know several drawing unemployment because it pays more. My daughter works 62 hours a week at $12. and could make more on unemployment.
Seattle enacted a $4 per hour hazard pay for grocery store workers.
https://www.seattletimes.com/seattl...for-grocery-workers-during-covid-19-pandemic/Kroger promptly decided to close two of their stores in Seattle. The people who voted in this bill don't understand economics. anyone who's visited a grocery store realizes all the extra people they had to hire just to keep carts and baskets sanitized, and there are parking spaces designated for outside grocery pickup...... Again this means more employees. I think Kroger did the right thing. Seattle is not getting any less crazy.
i was thinking the same thing. Then I realized that any money put into American hands will be spent. Any money that is spent means more jobs, especially for low wage earners. Besides that, some people who have jobs now, were out of work earlier and need money for back rent and other stuff.
I agree with you about the people who are out of work earlier and are working now. a lot of people haven't missed a day of work since his whole thing started and have not been affected at all. The media makes it seem like everything is closed and nobody's working. I'm just saying it ought to be some way to designate money to people that need it rather than give everybody another $1,400. The government cannot keep doing this forever. My thinking is that if 40 to 60% of the people haven't been dramatically affected, they're not sending those people checks would be a tremendous savings to the government.
My work has been more steady for the past year than it has in the last 15 years. Every contractor in town is busy building homes remodeling homes. One city in a county has two homes available for sale because the demand is so high. I live in a town that adjoins another town. Combined population is around 29,000. It's next to impossible to buy a home here because of such demand. It doesn't matter if you're a carpet layer, install tile, or if you're an electrician or a plumber or a framer.... Everything is weeks or months out.
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Long Beach, CA enacted a city ordinance giving an additional $4 per hour for workers at their 4 grocery stores for Covid pay. That same day, 2 or the 4 grocery stores closed up their businesses, saying it was no longer cost effective to keep the stores open. The same people who griped that the workers needed more money are now griping that they will need to drive an additional 4-5 miles to get groceries.
When you go to the grocery store everyone's wearing a mask and every check stand has a plexiglass partition. I'm not thinking that would be any more hazardous than any other job.
I just finished a 2 week job in a customer's home and wore a mask the entire time. carrying tools from the front of the house to the back of the house where I was working is about 50 steps each way. I'm sure I made at least a dozen trips back and forth and each time carrying something it became more of a pain to remove the mask and put it back on. That job just wore me out. Sitting or standing with a mask on didn't seem to bother but working with one on.... What a royal pain. seems like I felt tired all day long the whole time.
This is the first time since covid hit that been asked to wear a mask. The customers were just a man and a wife and they wore them while they were inside their own home and even when going outside to do work.
i was thinking the same thing. Then I realized that any money put into American hands will be spent. Any money that is spent means more jobs, especially for low wage earners. Besides that, some people who have jobs now, were out of work earlier and need money for back rent and other stuff.

I have always reckoned give a few dollars a day to young people as they will spend it that day on things like ice creams, not oldies who will just leave the money in the bank not helping the economy move again

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