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I took mom to get her 2nd covid vaccine. Dropped her off at the hospital for it (last time it took almost 2 hours). Went to the post office. Dropped in to see my friend and drop off plumbing parts for his new vanity. Decided to head back out to see if Mom was ready and she called as I was walking to the truck. We got some McDonalds food and went back to friend's house and she held the baby. A package of toys for him came in and she wanted to see which ones he liked. He liked the stick with bells on it but he kept hitting himself in the face with it. He also liked the bracelet with bells but while he was wearing it he kept punching himself in the face with his fist. He got fussy so my friend loaded up Sixteen Tons performed by Geoff Castellucci to calm the baby. They both love that one.

Hung out for a couple hours and then back home where I cooked. Brother had cooked himself a steak but couldn't finish it so he gave me half.

I think Mom has an eye doctor appointment tomorrow but I'm not sure.
Gas prices are often (but not always) a sign of how the economy is doing. With so many out of work we had very cheap gas prices. Nobody was driving anywhere. In Lancaster, the rush hour no longer existed. Now people are back on the roads using gas. So yea, the demand goes up and we pay more.
But check out a Dean Martin celebrity roast. Not exactly kind to certain people. But there was one moment that was cool. When Billy Crystal imitated Muhammad Ali, when he was done, Ali stood and hugged him, saying “you are my little brother!”
Wow. did good. Just bought a 1st edition Stephen King book published in 1987 for $15. at an on line auction. The book is out of print. This was one of the few books of his my wife did not have. This is the first hard cover of it I have ever come across.
Mom's appointment isn't until Monday. Good thing because I slept til 3:30pm. I had stayed up late watching my brother playing a game called Valheim. I might get it myself because it looks fun. I was giving him advice on how to construct things and then looked up some mods and info for issues he was having.

I cooked for mom a few times, passed a kidney stone, and then had pork chops my brother made. He marinated them in au jus miran (sp?) and they were so tender and delicious. I celebrated the passing of the kidney stone with french vanilla ice cream mixed with edible chocolate chip cookie dough and some chocolate syrup.

Heard from my friend and his plumbing is no longer clogged. He managed to push the clog so far it went into the city's sewer line. Clogged the toilets of the grocery store across the street so the owner called to have a commercial plumber remove the blockage & now everything is clear.
Kaufman was cool. It's a shame he got cancer. I saw the movie they did about him with Jim Carrey. I think it might have been lung cancer, but I'm not sure. I just know cancer sucks.

Today I made myself get up and do some cleaning. Washed dishes & cleaned litterboxes. I'd neglected one of the litterboxes too long and ended up having to scrub the hell out of it with disinfectant wipes. The box was for my brother's cat that he's supposed to clean, but he's too easily grossed out to clean litterboxes. He's always been a bit of a wuss about gross stuff. He won't touch a litterbox without gloves. I'll clean them bare-handed and wash my hands afterward.

I was prepared to make some shepherd's pie for dinner tonight (after giving mom eggs & toast for breakfast-- ok, my brother actually got the toast for her while I made the eggs) but she's feeling nauseous. I think side effects of the vaccine. She's resting right now but hopefully she'll be feeling better soon.

She called my sister and talked to her for a bit. I caught the tail end of the conversation. Apparently my brother-in-law wasn't feeling well.

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